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Posts posted by quietlimit

  1. I regularly play and win with 10T Mei Feng with zero or one Metal Gamin.  I feel like the above is a pretty strong overreaction.  Rail Workers are still fantastic for the cost, and you really don't need more than three or so constructs on the table with Mei to make her work.  Metal Gamin were (and still are) nice, but consider other options that will accentuate her abilities that aren't necessarily constructs.   Take the opportunity to try out lists that aren't so construct heavy.  For example, putting in a shooting base with Mei is a great combo that causes your opponents to come to you a bit and then get jumped on.


    Edit:  Also, everything RarerMonsters said, especially "I think you're expecting too much out of Railwalk. That is an option to improve Mei's abilties but it's not the be all end all of using her well. Playing with her I rarely chain railwalks more than one or two turns, most times once you're in the thick of things you're better off charging and you generally only need railwalk to escape bad situations or get to a scheme marker. At that point, having dropped an upfield scrap is enough."

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  2. I've recently gotten back into Malifaux, and have decided to paint my way across the new plastic models, and maybe get a few games in as well.


    I started with the Hired Sword box set, and expanded into some mercenary friends to start off.  


    Viktoria of Ashes (note: a primer accident destroyed some of the facial detail on this one, which was rough, but I did my best to repaint the face).  




    Viktoria of Blood










    Student of Conflict




    Some Ronin








    Freikorps Librarian








    More to Come!



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