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Brass Monkey

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Posts posted by Brass Monkey

  1. Hi folks,

    Some of you will know that about two years ago I created PDFs of the Puppet Wars stat cards for the old metal puppets that weren't in the unstitched box. This started as a personal project, though I've let it be known on this forum that they exist and have shared with anybody that has asked for a copy (roughly one person every 4-6 weeks, though I think the link has been shared via BoardGameGeek too). I asked Wyrd for permission to share more widely and they said they'd have to think about it. Well, two years later, especially given LuckyReplica's effort to rejuvenate interest in this game, I think it's about time I just posted the link here:


    These are based on the online crew creator that Wyrd used to have up on the Puppet Wars site (but which they've since taken down). They are only for the extra puppets not included in the unstitched box - i.e. the puppets that were in the first version of the game but which were never officially released in the unstitched version.

    I hope these contribute to revitalisation efforts. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

    Brass Monkey

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  2. Abuela's hat. The three little skulls are on a single  piece that ought to fit in a corresponding slot in the hat brim. Had to gouge huge hole in brim to get it to fit then copious miliput needed to fill gaps afterwards

     On this occasion, three separate skulls would have been much easier to attach to the hat.

    Also, brass arachnid was tricky to position as intended.

  3. 8 hours ago, Loftybloke said:

    I always open your blog before unboxing my stuff to see what I need to be aware of :) Thanks for all the content mate. You should get a Patreon pledge in my opinion, as your guides have saved me a couple of times!

    Gmort deserves a bloody knighthood!

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  4. The game is viable now as a stand-alone game. It's a little neglected perhaps, and is begging for an expansion box or two. I don't think a third edition is needed.

    We know that Wyrd have put some thought into expansions already, as the art and (playtest) cards for additional models were available for a while via the online crewbuilder (the broken link to which still exists under 'resources'). Sadly these have now been taken down, though as some of you know I have made a PDF of the unreleased playtest cards which I'm happy to share if you PM me.

    I really recommend reading the article in Issue 5 of the Wyrd Chronicles (click here) for some background on why Wyrd made the changes they did to Puppet Wars Unstitched. One interesting bit is the fact that the original version of the game was thought to be competing (but not well) against Malifaux itself too much. There are obviously plenty of Malifaux players with a soft spot for this game, but are there enough to make it financially viable? The cross-over ideas sound cool, but maybe it needs to be marketed better at non-Malifaux players too. I know I'm much more likely to get a game of this with my family, for example, than I would with a full-on wargame such as Malifaux.

    Fingers crossed for the future!




    • Like 1
  5. Hi folks.

    Payday today (at last!)  and I'm planning next month's purchases.

    There's no February promotion on the main Wyrd website (https://www.wyrd-games.net/where-to-buy) - is there likely to be one? We haven't had a "Spend $60 at your FLGS" promotion since October and I'm about to put an order in with my local store. If such a promotion was coming up in next couple of months then I will plan my spending accordingly.

    Any advice would be gratefully received.

    Thank you.

    B. Monkey

  6. Both games have their rules available for free on Wyrd's website (see the 'Resources' page), so you can compare them yourself. Much of the flavour of Malifaux seeps into PWU but the latter is simpler. You still flip cards to resolve actions, have a hand of cards with which to augment flips, each character has their own set of actions and abilities, etc.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Dassenkop said:

    Alternatively you can put Defensive stance +1 or +2 on the friendly model before you make the attack on it.


    How would this work? Putting Defensive on the friendly target will make cheating harder, not easier, won't it? I would have thought you'd have wanted focus+2  on the attacking model which (outside of special abilities) would require 2 AP before you even start the attack action.

    I hope my understanding is wrong, however! It would really make it easier to get blasts off with Sonnia.


  8. I've had a look and played around with the set-up and controls, but never used it for an actual game. The module gives you a fate deck for each player but not the stat cards for the puppets or their upgrades. The only way to get these, as far as I'm aware, is from the physical box. Of course, you could always split the physical contents of the box between you.

    I hadn't realised that the vassal module was built for the original (rather than unstitched) version of the game but agree that it looks like it could be made to work.

    If there was sufficient interest to set up a Puppet Wars Unstitched League or similar then I would definitely be interested in taking part.

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