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Everything posted by PanzerHarris

  1. Thanks to Stephen for all your hard work - hopefully we get a game in soon. Equally, thanks to Kai and co for taking the rankings on. Really slick little site you've got already - you guys work quickly up there! Must be fear of the Queen Beyond the Wall driving you onwards...
  2. Salutations, Here we go again! In association with Warzone Workshop I'm very pleased to confirm that our next event, The Normal One, will be running on Saturday April 23rd at the Warzone Workshop store in Northampton. The Normal One will be a 3-round tournament at 50SS, hence the name! There won't be any extra soulstones or funky strategies, just straightforward 50SS crews. We can promise the usual laid-back atmosphere along with our traditionally generous prize pools. As a minimum the following will be on offer; 1st, 2nd and 3rd place gaming 1st, 2nd and 3rd place painting Best Sports Best Loser, aka the Dreaded Wooden Spoon... I have blown my SoulStones on prize packs and limited edition figures, so we will be giving away (via spot prizes and raffles) the following; - 1 large mystery box - 4 small mystery boxes - 1 limited edition alt stat card - 1 limited edition alt Performer - 1 limited edition translucent red Bete Noire - Lots of poker chips 24 tickets are on offer at £12.50 each. This doesn't include lunch but being in the middle of a busy town, there are enough options within 2 minutes' walk to satisfy any palette. It does however include all the tea and coffee you can drink, along with all the doughnuts I can cram in my car boot on the way in. Tickets are available from the following link: http://warzoneworkshop.co.uk/Events?product_id=459 The rules pack is available from here; https://www.dropbox.com/s/443p1uyx6pj0jxi/The%20Normal%20One.pdf?dl=0 Any questions, please feel free to ask! FAQs What crews can I take? On sign-up you'll be able to either use a fixed faction for the day, or select a Trinity of Masters to use for the day. Full details will be in the rules pack. What are the painting requirements? Do I need to use painted models? There are no painting requirements - models must be assembled and firmly fixed to their bases, but you don't have to have done any painting. BUT. Only players who have used mostly painted models (3 colours and based as a minimum) in 2 out of 3 games will be eligible to enter the prize raffle. There will be a spot prize each round, but if you want to take home any of the toys the odds are much better in the raffle! How will the painting competition be run? Anyone wishing to enter the painting competition can enter a crew of approximately 50SS, which they can set out for the player vote at lunchtime. I won't be counting the values of models set out but there isn't going to be room for you to dump an entire faction plus intricate display boards if that's what you're planning! Note that entrants will not be able to put their name next to their crews as the competition is anonymous, and anyone entering will be required to take part in the voting. I may have let that slide in the past but I won't this time - if you don't vote, you will be disqualified. Don't be that guy! What are your rules on proxies? My usual rules - no using a Malifaux model as another Malifaux model without doing conversion work. James Doxey's magnificent brass / large steam arachnids are a great example of what is acceptable (and an example I use with permission!), as they've been reposed and rebased. Sticking a Canine Remains on the table and saying it's a Guild Hound is not acceptable. Avatars are fully legal proxies for any Emissary, as per Wyrd. It is acceptable to use non-Wyrd miniatures as long as it's clear what they are - for example, I've been known to use a Wild West Exodus Native American model as the Outcast Big Jake. If in doubt, it's the player's responsibility to ask the TO (me) ahead of time to clear up any potential issues. Will you be publishing the schemes and strategies in advance? Yes. The scheme pools and strategies will be as follows; Guard the Stash, Standard Deployment - Convict Labour - Show of Force - Inspection - Exhaust Their Forces - Catch & Release Headhunter, Flank Deployment - Convict Labour - Hunting Party - Undercover Entourage - Show of Force - Search the Ruins Reconnoiter, Corner Deployment - Convict Labour - Exhaust Their Forces - Public Demonstration - Leave Your Mark - Detonate the Charges Entrants 1. Graeme Nicholls 2. Matt Ledgerwood 3. Craig Woods 4. Karl McConnell 5. Richard Matthews 6. Thomas Henry 7. Brian Schoner 8. Callum Edens 9. Joel Henry 10. Alessandro Zaramella 11. Graham Bursnell 12. Dan Humpage 13. Kian Humpage 14. Adam Hutchinson 15. Rich Bream 16. Craig Johnson 17. Maria Wieland 18. David Brown 19. Joe Jackson 20. Craig Colley 21. Michael Ross 22. Ross Mason 23. Marc Kempster 24. Adam Lake
  3. Pretty much what Graeme said. Birmingham International has train links to both Long Buckby for Daventry, and Rugby and Northampton as fallback places to stay and drink. I'd recommend aiming for that airport if you don't have a waiting car. Taxi from Long Buckby station to the venue will be around £14. Northampton and Rugby are major towns and they're around half an hour away. I know there'll be at least 4 cars coming from Northampton (one of them being mine) with space if people need a lift.
  4. And we're done! Massive congratulations to Ben Halford for doing the double - not only did he pull in 33 from a possible 39 painting votes to run away with the painting trophy, he took the gaming prize with 3 wins! Extremely well deserved and very happy for him. David Brown took 2nd place in the painting with his lovely Arcanists, and Richard Miller was 3rd with his Guild. Honourable mention to Marc Kempster who tied Richard for 3rd but was unlucky to miss out on a tiebreaker. In the gaming, the reigning Master Graham Bursnell took 2nd and Aron Britchford continued his run of strong placings in local events with 3rd. Only missing out on the podium on differential was Craig Woods, despite taking a real beating round 1! Sports was taken by Mr Bursnell. This was quite the achievement - all 3 of Graham's opponents voted for him even though he came second! Mad props sir! The unfortunate Richard Matthews took the spoon, but he still played really well for a guy who was on his 2nd, 3rd and 4th full games of Malifaux ever. Hope everyone enjoyed it. The event was a dream to run and I'm really grateful to everyone for turning out. We'll be getting the next event in the diary soon!
  5. How close are we to Snezzley and Eless' skirt?
  6. OK, top post edited to include a link to the pack and the strategy / scheme details for the day. At the moment looks like we're headed for 16 or so players, and there are a lot of new players from Warzone popping their cherries. Hope you can join us!
  7. Confirmed. Team name TBC. There's unholy alliances and then there's this...
  8. Thanks David! So I don't need to declare Guild, Gremlins, Outcasts and Neverborn then. Gotcha. Do have one more though. Upgrades attached during games, like Shen Long switching styles or Ophelia attaching her upgrades. Pool or not pool?
  9. Can you confirm what we have to put in the pools and what we don't please? Do summoned models and upgrades need to go in the pools? And do you pay mercenary tax adding models to pools or only when hiring at the start of the game? Sorry David, but the last pool event messed it all around and now I can't remember what goes where...
  10. After talking to people and running polls the event will be staying at 55SS. Pack will go up tomorrow.
  11. OK, I've been asked if I'll consider running the event at 50SS and not 55SS. Doesn't bother me as my priority is to run an event people want to come to! Any opinions either way?
  12. Quick question. It says in the Facebook post for the event that models can only be summoned from the pool. Does that mean if you only have 2 Piglets in the pool you can only summon 2 Piglets, or does the fact you have a piglet in the pool mean you can summon them at will?
  13. Funny you should ask... Tickets now available from here: http://warzoneworkshop.co.uk/Events/ante-up Top post has been updated. Thanks to the awesome Mr Doxey for being the first buyer!
  14. I'll be there - Haul of Eggs 2014 was my first ever Malifaux tournament so these still feel a bit special for me for that reason. Another vote for 3 rounds here if that's still open. My already broken brain is usually mush if I have to play a 4th game in a day.
  15. Just a quick word of advice for anyone planning on coming by public transport - closest train station is Long Buckby, which is 10 minutes away. Don't aim for Northampton because that will leave you half an hour away! Taxi from Long Buckby to the venue is about £14. Battlefield Hobbies is on an out of town industrial estate so buses would be... Problematic.
  16. I'll drop you a DM in a second with contact details - I'm a Henchman who plays a lot in Northampton and one of my regular opponents is in Daventry, so we should be able to find you someone to play!
  17. Just to say a big thank you to everyone who came - we ended up with 9 paid players and me making up the numbers as a ringer. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the copious prizes were handed out to pretty much everyone who attended. Matt Ledgerwood took home the Employee of the Year trophy for scoring the most strategy points during the day. This was despite him 'doing a Conrad' and paying for his crew leader in the first round... David Loyd-Hearn 'earned' the Golden P45 for the fewest strategy points. This was the most hotly contested award of the day. Apparently being rubbish is the new doing well! Huw Jenkins won best painted for his Resurrectionists, only just edging out Claire and Matt. Claire Hearn took Most Sinister Effigy, using a well-painted Lord Vetinari miniature to gleefully fire people in the final round! That man again Matt Ledgerwood took the spot prize in round 1, the Hired Guns crew box, for winning the strategy point bingo. Graeme Nicholls got the Master of Puppets box on offer in round 2 for making the most dollies. Having made 11 during the game he was handed a box of 9 more... Richard Johnson was the first player fired during round 3 (a particularly loud sacking too!), and won Burning Revelations and mild tinnitus. His prize for getting Kaeris fired was a Kaeris box - you can't make this stuff up.
  18. Aloha, In association with Warzone Workshop I'm very pleased to confirm that our next event, Ante Up, will be running on Saturday February 13th at the Warzone Workshop store in Northampton. The event was originally scheduled to run on the 20th but we've brought it forward a week to avoid clashing with other events. Ante Up will be a 3-round tournament but, to add a little extra spice, the rounds will be at 55SS rather than the traditional 50. In my two years on the scene I've not seen an event at 55SS and it should prove an interesting experiment if nothing else! We can promise the usual laid-back atmosphere along with our traditionally generous prize pools. As a minimum the following will be on offer; 1st, 2nd and 3rd place gaming 1st, 2nd and 3rd place painting Best Sports Best Loser, aka the Dreaded Wooden Spoon... The rules pack can be downloaded from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5f80d5pxm2ydzt0/Ante%20Up.pdf?dl=0 24 tickets are on offer at £12.50 each. This doesn't include lunch but being in the middle of a busy town, there are enough options within 2 minutes' walk to satisfy any palette. It does however include all the tea and coffee you can drink (and this time we've already started stockpiling the cups...), along with all the doughnuts I can cram in my car boot on the way in. Tickets are available from this link: http://warzoneworkshop.co.uk/Events/ante-up Any questions, please feel free to ask! FAQs What crews can I take? On sign-up you'll be able to either use a fixed faction for the day, or select a Trinity of Masters to use for the day. Full details will be in the rules pack. Note that there is a minimum painting standard - all models must be assembled and undercoated. How will the painting competition be run? Anyone wishing to enter the painting competition can enter a crew of approximately 55SS, which they can set out for the player vote at lunchtime. I won't be counting the values of models set out but there isn't going to be room for you to dump an entire faction plus intricate display boards if that's what you're planning! Note that entrants will not be able to put their name next to their crews as the competition is anonymous, and anyone entering will be required to take part in the voting. I may have let that slide in the past but I won't this time - if you don't vote, you will be disqualified. Don't be that guy! What are your rules on proxies? My usual rules - no using a Malifaux model as another Malifaux model without doing conversion work. James Doxey's magnificent brass / large steam arachnids are a great example of what is acceptable (and an example I use with permission!), as they've been reposed and rebased. Sticking a Canine Remains on the table and saying it's a Guild Hound is not acceptable. Avatars are fully legal proxies for any Emissary, as per Wyrd. It is acceptable to use non-Wyrd miniatures as long as it's clear what they are - for example, I've been known to use a Wild West Exodus Native American model as the Outcast Big Jake. If in doubt, it's the player's responsibility to ask the TO (me) ahead of time to clear up any potential issues. Will you be publishing the schemes and strategies in advance? Yes. Following the publication of Gaining Grounds 2016, we will be playing; Turf War, Standard Deployment - Convict Labour - Exhaust Their Forces - Hunting Party - Undercover Entourage - Neutralise the Leader Interference, Flank Deployment - Convict Labour - Show of Force - Leave Your Mark - Mark for Death - Occupy Their Turf Collect the Bounty 2016, Close Deployment - Convict Labour - Exhaust Their Forces - Leave Your Mark - Undercover Entourage - Search the Ruins Entrants 1. James Doxey 2. Ben Halford 3. Karl McConnell 4. Craig Woods 5. Dan Humpage 6. Graeme Nicholls 7. Callum Edens 8. Adam Hutchinson 9. Brooks Martin 10. Richard Miller Payday Pledges Matt Ledgerwood Graham Bursnell
  19. I'll be bringing everyone's favourite Glowy fireworks merchant, Wong.
  20. Just bought 3 tickets for myself, Craig Woods and Karl McConnell.
  21. The list of entrants has now been updated. If everyone who wants to come pays up and rocks up, we have 11 players and I get to play making it 12! IT's gonna be awesome, and still plenty of time for more to join in the fun! Prizes are slightly different because this is a story encounter. The person who does best on the objectives will win Employee of the Year, the person who does worst will get the Golden P45, there's a prize for best Sinister Effigy, and Best Painted Crew. Additionally there will be a crew box up for grabs each round.
  22. Don't worry, if you've paid a delivery charge we'll give you the money back on the day.
  23. Will we be getting to see the strategies before confirming Master?
  24. Thanks everyone for all the messages. All that's left is the Colette crew box - everything else has been sold. If anyone can pay this evening, I'll do Smoke and Mirrors for £22.50 posted to the UK, or £25 rest of the world.
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