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Everything posted by Tawg

  1. I see Nathan is also showing off his next sweet tattoo? I can only assume that's what his doodle of a flaming skull would be for Also, very yes. That sweet banner art from Origins super makes me want to get whatever the hell Grudge-girl is, and this isn't making me say no. Although her creepy boyfriend might end up going Akira on us all, the way that crazy-arm looks
  2. whoa whoa whoa, that one down close in the corner... ..that's that grudge looking chick isn't it?! I waaannnnttttttttttt to seeeee Also, I've seen the pictures from whatever convention those things were at before, and I have to say, every time I see the big mutant thing, I think of kittens, like in videos like this?
  3. Uhh, I'd wager by buying or looking at the new book before hand? At least assuming your FLGS allows flipping though the books before purchase. But if you're trying to buy them before their official release for the specials, yeah, I think it's just hoping But if you're so eager to get your hands on them when they are on special sale before release, I doubt you're terribly concerned about their rule sets... @Kadeton btw, that bet is legit on, right? I just want to make sure we're clear, because I'm totally down to buy your next crew
  4. I believe they both fulfill the basic Schemer role, though slightly differently. With Tengu, there is a good deal of mobility via Flight, however you'll want to understand the rules for how to move with flying (If you don't already) because it might catch you off guard. But besides that, they get places well and can Scheme like the best of them, plus they can Anti-Scheme with a few cards to throw away. Their Regen buff they offer is something you might use out of chance, but not really something I would bet most people focus on (Unless the model you're giving Regen +1 is suitably resilient, so you know 1 Wd will be worthwhile). TT Bros on the other hand are more like flowing-brick walls. Their Ability to pick a stance gives use to any value card, depending on the Suit you're looking for, which is really nice. The stances themselves are also very useful for getting things done, making them fairly utility. Crab lets them stand firm, Eagle can provide a bit of unexpected mobility to achieve objectives or get into range to engage opposing models, Monkey likewise provides the means to engage for annoyance and the other.. I think I've forgotten . Needless to say, while slightly less mobile than the Tengu in a straight dash, they are far more likely to stand toe-to-toe with opposing models (Especially Scheme Runners), and their damage isn't terribly poor, though it may be difficult to enable the cheating to really drive it home (Not really that great for just taking pot-shots). I've played both, though not terribly much. I don't have a local community unfortunately, so I don't get to play as much as I'd like to. I have to say though, instantly I fell in love with the TT Bros just for their ability to turn any low-card into a useful perk every turn. It really makes your hand feel like nothing is wasted
  5. You guys are acting like any of these things are new news Everyone would love for Wyrd to continue making new and stunning mini's. I'd assume it's rather much simply a matter of Wyrd having time in their production schedule, or perhaps the sales numbers for DcR?, that would be tipping their hand. It's not like Nathan doesn't like to make random minis for his own amusement (See: Tortoise and the Hare).
  6. Get trolled. At least it's what this one guy wants.
  7. If you go to community and resources, it has the module that is the only one I've ever played with or seen. I think I have heard it's a bit outdated, but it's certainly the module that everyone uses. EDIT: Yeah, I just clicked it and it's a broken link. Perhaps actually contact Wyrd, their web-admins may need to simple fix some broken website stuff?
  8. Well, I ended up with Zoraida. And if Gators are not terribly useful in multiples, then all the better that I got a single promo, than a set of three
  9. It's magic, why use something so contrived as a jet-pack? He can just have his corpse-pile self like.. crumble into the dirt and be re-animated where he wants or something, crap, I don't know. Magic man.. Magic!
  10. And so The Guild was born, of the sinew that draw our muscles and the dog piss that claim our holdings. Seriously, funniest quote of the century. Mind .
  11. I guess we... both get our own?
  12. Listen, just so we understand, the only people who are coming out on top of anything in this game, are the ones working for the Oyabun But that's interesting you think so, I feel like there are a number of cheerful villains, maybe I'm wrong. I guess it depends on how far you want to search into the "standard physical allegories of pop culture", perhaps. I mean if you look at the villains in the X-Men movie where they're all teens (What was that, First Class?), the ones opposite of them aren't cold-cruel evil-doers. Some of them are rather friendly sorts who simply pick a different mentality. And in Anime, I feel there is plenty of cheerful sorts.. who would gladly dispatch anyone who happened to be an issue for them. Although that's bordering on insanity evil // cheerful, perhaps a bit like people may describe the Joker at times? For that matter, Harley Quin is a fairly affable villain, in almost all the cases of her, or Deadpool, who can hardly be called an anti-hero, let alone hero. And there is the greatest villain of our time, who is always playing the role of polite witty playboy super-billionaire, Ironman god I hate Ironman. The point of the story is, what were we talking about? I'm sure this new Guild chick isn't some heinous villain. But I guess we'll find out when any stories about her drop (There probably already are some, god knows Wyrd and their crazy hint-dropping). So uhh, we're taking bets on this, right? Oh, perfect, the bet can be for 1-crew box of hers, once she's released if she isn't a disparaging villain, I win, if she is a misanthrope of the highest degree, you can have her
  13. This guy That's funny, because I was at Origins, and I totally didn't catch that art at all I totally saw the one with the new Arcanist dude on it, I think it probably had the Arcane Emissary behind him, but yeah, anything Guild totally flew over my head. But I saw the banner for The Other Side, because the grudge-looking-girl is too cool, and I super wish they'd just tell us more about it Also, @Fetid Strumpet, way a bit earlier in this thread, about the whole "You can't stat it or it'll lose it's mystique", I think there is a funny take on this issue from the C'Mon people with their game Wrath of Kings. They have a mystical character that is basically a god in their game, and, since they did the game as a Kickstarter, it was one of the bonus things, a model of the king. But the funny part is, they gave him rules // stats to go with the game, except it's the same as making a Malifaux character with 15s in every stat and a new Ability called "No really, Impossible to Wound: You just can't. It's that simple.". So they don't haaaveeee to make him "on par" with masters to be represented in game. But somethings like that would be just as bad, because it's comparatively saying "He's a literal god compared to these mere mortals", so I agree with you about the mystique being lost to in game translation. Despite any sort of narrative stories that may exist with him toe-to-toe with any other masters or sort of force that could be "fielded" in a game of Malifaux. Because really, the rules are great (Thank you @Justin) for balance, but narratively, I would expect deviation between even given minions, or a master from day to day (Maybe they had a really bad day, or were on a series of crippling bouts that made them unable to combat someone they normally would defeat handily). But ya know, that's the power of narrative and doing what is needed for the story, not just playing out things by numbers, which are just as made up anyways.
  14. Yeah, but you also can't trust the art, because the renders and stuff get flipped all the time, I feel like. Or at least the art is sometimes mirrored of the actual model, or something like that.
  15. Why does she have to be evil? Maybe she truly believes in the cause, or perhaps even, doesn't understand it to the full extent because she's been sucked into a world where she is constantly seeing what she wants to, and none of it is the "cold hard truth". I mean, I doubt Molly was a ridiculously evil little girl before her incident, or Kirai a blood-thirsty spirit of vengeance. So why not expect that characters start doe-eyed and blind, even while they're suppose to be the ones reporting the "truth"
  16. Where does she keep... her ink well? She's clearly using a quill to take notes The only thing that could make this sweeter, is if the card cheated in on the opponent's flip, went into their deck. So you can slowly ditch low cards and make their deck worse Although that is clearly not possible because of you know.. logic. But it would be hilarious if it worked like that.
  17. He's right. And it's not just because I play 10T
  18. Actually, thinking about it, the Island of Dr. Moreau would be a funny twist on Marcus. Could be Alt models of various named characters, turned into the beast that Marcus normally takes. That'd be pretty elaborate though, and most likely not a joke people would really get, but it could be some cool models if you're into that sort of thing. I wonder if Wyrd would ever consider doing fan-fare "skins" models for some of the models. I know the Nightmare and Miss models are totally a thing, but I'm sure people would go bananas for alternates of their favorites, like generic Halloween costume party or such. But I guess in digital games, Skins can only come after getting the original, and here, they would instead represent a competing "purchase" slot for the buyer, if they wanted the alt and didn't care about getting the crew box at all, so I dunno how that works for physical models like that. But it'd be freakin' cool Rumpelstiltskin would probably be a suitably "dark" tale for Malifaux to twist plus he has a sweet name. Or a few characters from Wonderland (Of the Alice's famed travels). Cheshire Cat chief among them. Although it would be funny to see "living cards" of the suits in malifaux, that work for a twisted queen and court, so that would be a cool little mini-adventure in it's own. Imagine having to fight and encounter box of those card-guards, with a small crew starting in the center, and the Queen's force just trying to "cut off your head" I think that'd make for a fun malifaux game, if the models were suitably do-able.
  19. I'm glad people came in to call Yan Lo good. I was shocked people think so poorly of him. That guy is bananas, and he's probably doing it at the ripe old age of 2000 or something ridiculous. Misaki is the Master I've played the most though, so just by experience and familiarity she is my go-to. I've played Lynch once, and he did fairly well, although I over extended Huggy, and didn't quite understand the Rising Sun (It has to be an opposing model with Brilliance to 'res Huggy, my bad), but I learned a bit, and I know people love him. I've been on the receiving end of McCabe (Guild side) enough to have seen he is quite nasty. His bonuses he tosses to random models, reactivating minions, and the real shocker was when he took 3 Activations to assassinate my Master, that was something I never put 2+2 together about. Shenlong and Brewmaster are probably the two I'd like most to get into playing. Brewmaster seems cool, but I feel like in a more casual setting, you'd want to make sure the person you're playing him against isn't too easily frustrated or angered, because he seems like.. that's something he might do to people. Shenlong is just a power-house, but like Rathnard said, lots of swirling parts to keep track of, so a bit of an interesting choice. It's funny too, because I'd love to see him with his Thunder-punch that transfers his burning condition for profit, but I feel like that's one of the things he does that is super under-played (See: Not as competitive).
  20. Johan is condition removal, in an AoE for (0), which means now Hannah is too. With Librarian, she gains a heal as well, because she can copy any of a Friekorps actions, not just (0). Plus Hannah is kind of annoying in her own right, if she gets close enough to certain opponents, she can ruin their built in suits if they rely on them (Especially for double-suited triggers). I'm not sure which one is the Min 2, slow and melee only (Is Johan's damage min 2, really? I don't have my book right here), but I suspect that would be the logic behind the choice. It's kind of trying to build a more versatile crew to handle what comes at it, in respect to removing the conditions opponents try to throw at you. Never played with Hannah, mind, so I'm not fanatically devoted to the idea, but I see the concept.
  21. A lot of the game stores I go to, when they ring up, even if it's a paper receipt I get, they will sometimes simply say like "Games $$$". So their register system just rings things in, and has them assigned a category they fit in the stock, I guess. I've always just taken a picture of the items themselves (Which I just purchased) and the receipt, and I've never had any issues.
  22. The threat title has little to do with my question, besides the notion of my decent into madness, if I ever delve into Gremlins. But alas, here I am, asking you crazy Gremlins for advice. The Promo this month is a Alternative Bayou Gator for shopping FLGS, so normally I try to hitch into a faction that would care about the promo model. So my question is two fold, because I'm curious what the Gator does for crews (Or who's crew likes to have them), and thus which crew box is probably the best choice. I actually have Brewmaster already, because.. 10T. And I may have picked up the Ophelia crew once upon a time, but I have nothing else Bayou related. My FLGS I go to currently has Sommer (sp?) and Zoriada boxes, but I'm really not sure. I know Zoriada is a popular choice, and likewise Sommer. Zoriada has some links to "swamp creatures" or whatever, but I don't know if that plays up much for her, between the two I honestly wouldn't mind picking up Zoriada. Sommer on the other hand is probably the best pick to show off Gremlins being Gremlins (Effectively), but he's a bit less interesting to me. I could ask them to order me other boxes, but Malifaux is unfortunately not terribly popular, so for the time being I'd probably rather pick up stuff they already have in stock. So is that something that can work? Oh, I just realized I have Gracie too.
  23. I've been voting Gremlin (Despite a lack of interest in the faction, personally) since the 10T won, true to, at least, my word. I just don't think they have it in them to win anything that requires bureaucracy or togetherness.
  24. There's probably some fluff in a Chronicles somewhere too, I hear Wyrd likes to do that sort of thing Although unfortunately I'm not the person to ask, since I don't follow the Chronicles all that well. But I do hear they put story stuff in there, and I know they like to "preview" things in reference, many times without ever mentioning they are previewing things. I guess you could just call that drawing from their own lore they've been building as well But like, the old-guy on the clock for instance? He was the BJ in the starter-box-set's two deck of cards. At the time it was just an art that wasn't the normal BJ, but after he was released I realized he was something I had seen before. Except this would be with words, and stories.. that I haven't bothered to read. Or maybe Parker is relatively new, and then, good on him, for being so inspirational that the guys over there wanted to make some crazy bandit dude
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