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Everything posted by yool1981

  1. That or this artist has a specific way when it comes to the proportions of adult human-shaped characters... This is very common for him/her to draw smaller heads and long legs, as if the character was seen by a child. Floating and/or very long capes, robes, coats... are also a thing it seems... You have very good eyes.
  2. Art and pose are uninspired and uninteresting. It is as static as a GW chaos warrior plastic sculpt from the early 90s. Where is the secrecy, mystery and menace we should feel from Lucius’ lieutenant? He must be very agile not to trip on his coat...
  3. Fortunately, Burt Jebson is available for the factions I play :D.
  4. I just started assembling some gremlins for the Zoraida swampfiend theme and I wonder how Gremilin players keep their sanity intact (or maybe they don't 😛). Assembling the gremlin-eating-gator was almost too much for me :D. Adding a second gremlin as @Omenbringersuggested seems like a practical idea.
  5. I have all the NB and all the Arcanists that went out so far. I have only had 1 or 2 discussions with the aftersales but the last one dates back from 1.5 years ago if I recall correctly. I had at least a confirmation that my request was taken into account. In one case I even discussed with the aftersales because they could not figure out which piece was missing (Insidious madnesses are not the most readable miniatures). At the end, it required 2 sendings to solve the issue but it got solved relatively quickly and with a lot of information about what was being done. I'm really happy for you. I hope your issue gets solved quickly.
  6. The art is quite nice. It reminds me of my old WHB days when halfling chefs went to war :D.
  7. Not mine either. Just as a side note, I have only good things to say about Wyrd's aftersales for Malifaux. Hopefully, they will reach the same level for TOS. Perhaps you should renew your request, it may have been lost among others.
  8. There were only 2 copies of the final beta rulesets. One was on Mason’s computer and one was on a hard drive accidentally shipped with the TOS shipment to Europe. We lost track of both. Consequently, there will be a delay in the start of the beta equivalent to the time it took Gwyneth Maddox to reach the market.
  9. I must have missed a piece of fluff. Where is the story told ?
  10. It has been a while since I read my fluff but I remember a few things. In the Book 4 vignettes, it is written that Collodi leaves Malifaux city to search for his maker if I remember correctly. If the inventor is ancient, given that most of the Fae died a long time ago, his maker would be either a powerful immortal or even a Tyrant. I wonder if they will relate this search for an inventor with the symbol that Ramos uses on his own creations and that (again if I remember correctly) comes from ancient Malifaux books. Or they could relate the maker to an old novel (M1E book so my memory may not be good) where the name Collodi is used for a somewhat different creature (still a doll maker though) that attacks a village, killing people in their sleep with his dolls to recharge soulstones. But I wonder if they have not just dropped this storyline altogether.
  11. How is that not their fault? As a professional company, you are responsible for the partners you chose and for their performances. You have to monitor and follow them and you have to solve their mistakes asap. This is basic corporate management. You can have good explanations but this is not an excuse at all.
  12. I can see the worry. Euripides is a vanilla savage frost giant. Nekima is far less interesting and more gory than Lilith. Titinia is an adult version of the faery queen and she does not have much childish or mischievous flavour associated with evil faeries. We lost Collodi. Marcus is not very neverborny. Zoraida and Lucius still do the job. I will wait until I see Pandora and her crew but there is definitely a swing in faction identity and theme. Neverborn was at the origin about the childhood terrors haunting humanity. Now they are just becoming the monster faction.
  13. The art is actually pretty good. I dislike the new Chompy very much though. All in all, I prefer the former Dreamer crew sculpts because of the childish creepiness that is now lost in M3E. It's OK, I don't care much I already have the M2E minis.
  14. Good luck with the beta! I am not certain I'll be able to play during the next few months due to personal life happening but I will read things carefully. I think that it would be beneficial if people that have been in the closed beta could give contradictory insights about things that people will complain about based on theoryfaux (we know how it usually happens :D). Playing stuff and reading stuff is very different, especially with a new corpus of rules.
  15. I am not choosing anything... The announcement for Mason’s leave was not done by Mason . Have I missed something?
  16. Sometimes there is a strong correlation (especially with something like project management), hence the worry some have about the health of the company and thus the sustainability of the game in the long run, notably since operations have not be running smoothly for the TOS KS deliveries and the book 5 releases for Malifaux. But this may be an unfortunate series of events, bad things sometimes just happen. As the saying goes: "The bums fly in squadrons". Thanks for the input, this is reassuring to know that :D.
  17. Nope we just don’t see the same point that’s all. People come and go that’s business for sure. It is unusual to see some people working in SME leaving before the completion of their project but it happens nevertheless. However, for any SME, so many key people leaving within such a short period time is often not a sign of good health and/or management.
  18. The departures of Justin, Aaron and Mason who all contributed heavily to the game design and lore construction do not date back from 14 years ago if my memory is correct. Justin left just after book 4, Aaron did one book and left when M3E was announced and before TOS was on the shelves, while Mason is leaving 4 months after Aaron before the M3E is even finished. It does not look like business as usual at all. Anyway I am glad there was a 2 year overlap with Kyle and I wish he will continue his work for Wyrd at least until M3E is released :D. Except for the imho unimpressive artwork and the big kick in my Neverborn nuts, I like what I have seen of M3E so far.
  19. Really sad to see Mason leave ! I also share the same concern as some here. So many people leaving during such a brief period of time, disastrous Kickstarter management for TOS, catastrophic release schedules / supply chain management for Malifaux... This is not a very reassuring environment.
  20. This is an unfair statement. If you chose your masters 5 years ago thinking about edition changes, you really like planning ahead :D. Speaking of McCabe a limited and expensive nightmare edition went out 3 years ago featuring mounted guards so McCabe would not have been my first change expectation. In the same spirit, when I look at the latest alternative Tannen and Graves I do not expect them to change faction... Nobody can really be expected to anticipate faction changes imho.
  21. The Infamous keyword is not very coherent indeed at first glance... Perhaps there will be a fluff explanation and I m curious to know what the models of this theme have in common.
  22. Ruleswise he seems original enough and does not seem to overlap with Raspy. This was not easy I guess and required a lot of creativity. Fluffwise, I am eager to read what his place is in our faction. In terms of pure artwork quality, I like it more than the usual M3E artworks, although the size of the head is still very small for such a massive body (which is less disturbing for him as he is, after all a monster). I like the colouring also and I think that the saturated purple of the card and the fluorescent green of the preview background do not do it justice at all In terms of art originality though, this does not strike me as very original at all and reminds me a lot of what PP did a few years ago...
  23. If I paint a mini with more than the 3 basic colours required for the tournament playability, I play with it :p. Otherwise I consider I lost my time unproductively (and being a father of 2, my time is very dear to me). So my solution to play everything I paint is to have a variety of masters to avoid boredom and play with less optimized stuff if I face a less experienced player. When I played WMH I had one colour theme for Trollbloods & one for Circle. When I played WH Battle I had one colour theme for Chaos Warriors, one for the Empire and one for Wood Elves. If I had to mix Wood Elves with Empire it would look odd as the colouring themes were different. It's just the same philosophy here. I play NB & Arcanist so I don"t have cross faction colouring issues in M2E. I have 2 arcane effigies though, one for Arcanists and one for Neverborn Collodi. The cross-faction themes actually make life a bit more complicated but for future purchases, it can be anticipated and accounted for.
  24. We agree on that. Other possibilities are: You reinforce themes and make them self-sustainable and balanced in a majority of strategies/scheme configurations so that there is an appeal even for older players to dabble into themes previously not owned. I think/hope this is part of the current Wyrd strategy and one I wholeheartedly agree with (and will support by buying a few new themes out of my traditional factions :D). You make new models and new minis. You risk a bloating effect though if it is not handled properly. You make new minis for old models. You generate fewer sales than other strategies, especially if your previous minis were good enough. You can "force" the purchase by selling sets/bundles/crew boxes including new models along with resculpts of old ones as Wyrd has done for M1E -> M2E but this is also a very distasteful sales practice imho... I am glad we agree
  25. Is that so uncommon for players to have painting themes and/or bases specific to a given faction? Around here it is quite common... When you look at the galleries on this forum it seems to be frequent also. This would be funny if it was not so condescending... You really think that the changes of faction are motivated by game mechanics and fluff only? You think that there is absolutely no strategy to push you towards purchasing things to make your existing stuff valid again. Is this critical to the game state to make Lynch or Tara change faction? I don't think so, especially since you are changing the game rules anyway. How do you get value from older players that typical have 1-2 factions and don't overextend to others (many of the players I know are in this case, except for the hardcore ones that own everything)? You mess with their collection and fragment it so that they feel compelled to buy more stuff. Is this proper that the last book of M2E vastly increased some of the hiring pools of some masters before seeing them shrink in the next book? I cannot believe that M3E was not being created when Broken Promises went out. These are just very distasteful sales practices.
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