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Posts posted by AverageBoss

  1. For all we know, the Low River Monk might be the oddball in the crew. We have no idea what the other three monks, the disciple, or even the other 2 low rivers look like (meaning that one particular monk could be the odd one).


    Also as a member of the Spider clan, I can truthfully say that Togashi kicks ass (well hes kicked mine a few times anyways). So I have no problems with a model that looks somewhat like him :) .

  2. No. Tara is not OP.

    Agreed. But OP and NPE are two completely different things. In fact something could be completely UP and still a NPE.


    As I have not actually played against her, I cannot comment on whether or not she is a NPE.

  3. Coliseum of Comics in Kissimmee will be hosting a Table Top Demo day on February 15th. There will be a plethora of games to try including Malifaux. The event will last for most of the day, so come on down (or up) and try some games. Hope to see you there.


    3159 W. Vine St. (US Hwy. 192)

    Kissimmee, FL   34741


    Saturday Store Hours: 10AM-9PM

  4. I was wrong on T Archers, but Oiran have Last Blossom, of course the Performers from wave 2 will likely be a better choice. Also, ya wave 2 rules hit tomorrow, that is going to change a whole lot of things and open up far more options.


    I don't have have enough experience with her to give you good and bad match-ups sadly.

  5. I have only just started playing Outcast Misaki myself, although I do have some games under my belt with 10T Misaki. Last Blossom infiltration comes into play allowing her to take any four of Ototo, Thunder Archers, or Torokage. As Outcast, you also get cheaper access to Ronin, Convict Gunslingers, and really quite a bit of other stuff I am still learning.


    Misaki herself will almost always do well in Assassination games and is pretty good at many objective schemes due to her mobility and defense. Torokage are great objective runners, Ronin are better at killing and getting through armor. You do lose out on Misdirection going Outcasts, but can still take disguise which is nice. I am partial to the hard to kill upgrade, although it makes me want to take Shang or Malifaux Child to get use of the +healing flip. I also like the +1 wk/cg upgrade (21" of movement possible in one turn on Misaki).


    Anyways, that's they few things I have picked up.

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  6. will the Tan lo starter that is being released on the 10th going to have 2.0 cards with it?

    The Yan Lo starter has already been released, it was actually released near the end of 1st edition after the 4th book was released. It, and the other 10 Thunders boxes, were among the first plastics the Wyrd released.


    On the 10th, we will be getting the finalized version of Yan Lo 2nd edition rules, as well as the 2nd edition rules for many other models (our model selection is pretty much going to double), will be available for download in PDF form.


    None of the cards for these "second wave" models will see print for a while (at the very least until all the new artwork is finished).


    If you want Yan Lo, go ahead and get his box, it will not be changing (model wise).

    Buy yourself a resser arsenal deck (for generic upgrades and such).

    Download the wave 2 files on the 10th.

    And buy the 2nd Ten Thunder arsenal deck when it is released later this year.

  7. is that the 10th this month?

    Yep. And the rules for the models will be available for free download in some fashion (they will go into print later this year after gencon).


    As to additional models to get, Toshiro I feel is pretty good for most resser masters (and 10T masters as well). He makes all your nearby minions better, and gives you a another summoner on the table (if you buy his upgrade).


    Izamu is really good (especially for ressers), as he can take alot of punishment and dish it out in return. He also (as of the end of beta) has melee expert and a (1) heal. Meaning he can heal himself twice in one turn, and still make an attack.


    Drowned are pretty good as well.


    Jaakuna Ubume is a very solid support piece (and her and the drowned work together with each other very well).

  8. Started 40K at the advent of 3rd edition, and played up until 5th edition.


    Switched over to Fantasy (and regretted not giving it a chance sooner).


    Started Warma/Hordes about 3 years ago, but did not really care for it.


    Started playing Malifaux almost 2 years ago (and have been pushing it at my local store alot).


    Picked up Warma/Hordes again about 6 months ago (like it better with my new group, but still my least played game).


    Started playing Flames of War and X-Wing about 3 months ago.


    So yes, I do play (or have played) a bit of everything. Though Malifaux and Fantasy are the two I play far and away more than any of the others. Plus my local game store has recruited me to run the events for both games.


    That's my table top history. Now my pen and paper RPG history is a whole other monster (but an important part of my overall gaming history).

  9. I was also made a henchman near the end of January. Likewise, I do not have access to the new henchman forums.


    But I also have another problem. Yahoo has deleted several of my emails including every one that I received from and sent to Wyrd.

  10. I have a Yan Lo crew that I have been working on, but am struggling with finding replacements for two models from his crew. I am not a big fan of organs and disembowelment, and so would like alternatives for Toshiro and, our favorite Malaysian vampire, Yin.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  11. Beckoners are kind of pivotal for Jacob as they are the primary brilliance engine of the force, and you are really limiting yourself at 35 points (the norm is 50), especially with Jacob, as his crew models tend to be very high cost. I am a fan of Thunder Archers with him. They can lay down good covering fire and shoot into combats the Illuminated are involved in.

  12. I filed a request because I got a Yan Lo set in which Chiaki was missing her head, that was almost 2 weeks ago...I think, I did not get any kind of reply or confirmation, so I don't even know if I filled out the form wrong or something. Does Wyrd even respond to these requests in writing? I ask because if approved I will wait patiently, if not I will know to buy a new box. But as it stands, I don't know where I stand.

  13. While I am still in the process of painting my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th crews and filling out my Henchman application, I thought I should bring this to peoples attention.

    I live in central Florida, and the gaming scene is mostly 40K and Warma/Hordes. That being said I spent a few years reviving Fantasy in my local area, and am currently pushing Malifaux now that 2E is here.

    There is a relatively new annual tournament / event held in Orlando known as Crucible. It's first year, it was a purely independent Warmachine/hordes tournament. It was so successful that during their second year they got backing from Privateer, doubled the size of the tournament, and added 40K to the lineup. They are about to have their 3rd event in February, and have added Fantasy and Infinity on top of increasing the size of their W/H and 40K tournaments again.

    I feel this could be a big opportunity for Wyrd and Malifaux in the central Florida area. I am friends with one of the big wigs of Crucible (Tim Wright), who is a fan of Malifaux himself.

    If I can show there would be a large turnout for an event, I might be able to convince him to make room for Malifaux. Keep in mind this would not happen until 2015 at the earliest as Crucible 3 is in just 2 months and already fully planned.

    For those who want to check the website, it is here: http://crucibleorlando.com/

    Would anyone able to make it to such an event in central Florida be willing to help push for it?

  14. Okay, I was just trying to understand the reasoning behind it, and whether it was a fluff of balance decision. I believe in the beta, one of the upgrades was exclusive to Jacob, and the other to Huggy. Everyone just took both, and so they were made Limited and Jacob to force a choice. At least that's how I remember it.

    Also I thought Jacob just made things very "convenient" for Huggy. I did not think Huggy depended on him to that level. (I.E. He might be a Queen, but hes still just another piece on the board at the end of the day).

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