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Posts posted by leppardf

  1. So..yeah, I bought the second set, and then a friend bought a third...now there is no stopping us! It makes it easier to be able to put together the crew of choice, rather than having to do it as a draft set up :) The game has hidden depths this way, and of course we are all (the 3 hard core players in our group) looking towards mailfaux now......anyone want to chime in with how the two games differ?

  2. "You can have an interesting board without having puppet trying to walk all over a town sized board. They're meant to be on the shelves or floorboards of Zoraida's hut"

    I hear that, but we are stretching out...almost to Malifaux...just not quite there yet...lol

    Also, I am not dropping my hard earned dollars until I see the new rules for Version 2!

    From what I see Malifaux is just a little too "involved", with too many rules and variables, but PW is ....small...lol, I guess there is no pleasing us!

    We are currently experimenting with a "capture the flag" scenario, played on a 4 tile Terraclips board, it is fun!


  3. So, we play regular 3-4 player games and like the terraclips stuff a lot.

    So far we have found the scale of the set ups we like, (lots of layers for height and interest over a 4x4 square map) make game play tedious and slowat best. What we are about to experiment with is doubling range/movement to make it easier to use larger terrain...at this point it feels like Malifaux lite..lol

    Anyone else trying this route, or have any ideas for how to rule for climbing ladders/stairs, or even got any cool layouts to share?

  4. Hey,

    New to the game and the forums, so Hi!

    Now down to business... I was at the local Game store to play my weekly "Warhammer Fantasy" game, noticed Puppet Wars on the shelf and impulse bought.

    This is an awesome game with a lot of depth ad replayability...with one problem...we are a group of 4 friends who play most games together and the game, at best, accommodates 3.

    After some extensive research it became obvious that a great way to expand the set into 4 players would be additional bosses, and sidekicks, since none of my group likes the idea of buying another set the same as the first. (plus I am the only miniature builder/painter in the group, and I am still working on my first set...lol)

    My question (yes, finally, there is a question in here somewhere :)), is has anyone tried to modify the older masters such as Marcus to work in the newer edition? Is it even possible?

    After a lot of reading and research it seems doable, I got hold of the PDF's from the older edition and it seems with a relatively small amount of tweaking it would be possible. My worry is balance, but I guess that would be trial and error. This would be a stop gap until (I hope) Wyrd released the 4 player expansion for the game.

    Any thoughts?


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