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Everything posted by Ryin

  1. Yeah, that came to mind too. She might bring in a lot of the less played models, which excites me.
  2. I'm a little more interested to see where Phiona will be in terms of Guild heavy hitters. I don't expect her to replace Peacekeeper or anything like that, but I do hope she'll at least have a place of consideration. I'm also thinking (hoping) perhaps Nellie will get some use out of the Executioner with the forced scheme dropping.
  3. Ryin

    Zipp !! Ideas?

    I also love that even in Malifaux the ground is a +5 weapon. Everything about Zip makes me chuckle. Even more so than the faction in general.
  4. Ryin

    Zipp !! Ideas?

    It can also be very hard to get to Zipp in the first place. I personally think the gem of his card is going to be his Noxious Smoke. He's going to be such a pain in the ass to TRY and scheme condition, the opponent will have to exert too much effort to be worth it.
  5. Hannah + Librarian can be yours for the low, low cost of an upgrade! Bring her sister too, just cause you can! gluttony might also be good with all the scheme dropping potential. Put humiliation on them and they can take 2 dmg or waste an AP AND take 2 dmg. And duty free envy? Mmmmm
  6. Yeah, same. It's nice to see someone in guild who isn't totally straightforward. I'm really excited to see how she plays. I can see her being really annoying to go up against.
  7. Gracie works better for the ball, not the farm. At least, in my experience. I absolutely love Old Major. Almost everything he has is range LoS and he's great to summon piglets off of. (As awkward as that is) and Nudge Em is pretty much an amazing ability. Sow is probably your best option otherwise though.
  8. I have liked Sloth with McCabe if you want to have a slow-list. I like Envy with Lucius because of Performers/Beconers + changelings/Doppleganger. There's nothing like getting to use his attack potentially 8 times a turn, two of which could be focused (though 4 of which would be at sh 4 :/ I really like the Student of Conflict with Lady Justice and turning her into a cruise missile of death. Those games are usually very short and one side is getting tabled. I had her charging a Rasputine turn 1 before because of pushes and them putting up an ice mirror target in charge range for her first two AP. Sometimes I'll bring Taelor just for a beater if I think I might be facing a construct/undead hevay crew and she's still pretty good even if I'm not.
  9. He better not be allowed to take Stilts, that's all I'm saying! Abandon stilts.... To the heavens! unless... He uses them as feet skewers. D: He's the deadliest Gremlin!
  10. My bad, I thought it was anytime it charged. and I prefer the pig farm over the pigball for Ulix myself. A warpig and 2 piglets a turn? Yes, please.
  11. My main Ulix list does not start out with piglets on the board, so THAT'S doable, but I usually end up with 3-6 piglets on the board by the end of the match. Merris, Sammy are pretty good. Lenny is useful, but you basically have Old Major (who IS good) and like 3 piglets. Can it be done? Sure, but it's fairly inefficient. Ulix isn't going to have a whole lot to do unless you run all three wild boars. You could lead a boar and Major up to something you want to charge after a nudge em with Major, have Ulix use his bow to give the extra damage condition, shoot it in the rear and have it charge at a to Attack and a to Damage without it having even activated, but... I dunno. You're really not maximizing Ulix's Ap and when he's not summoning or poking pigs, he already struggles to find things to spend his AP on as it is.
  12. yeah, I don't usually do that. This is just me wanting to try it out and I plan on the NPC being around for while, I hope. Thanks for all the advice though! It's given me a lot to chew on.
  13. yeah, I had a flesh construct keep A&D basically useless for three turns. Couple of Depleted might not be a bad choice when facing outcasts and you suspect ractivation.
  14. Ryin


    If you've got things like Show of Force and strats that pool crews in one area, then maybe that would be a decent list. McCabe and Luna can do the scheme running by themselves, plus, warning bark is nice.
  15. Ryin


    I do feel it serves the rest of the family more than Perdita herself. Nino, or perhaps Abuela could be better served by a Diestro'd frank. While Perdita takes care of bigger threats, You could use a Frank-Abuela combo to do some clean up work or area denial. certainly would make Abuela's shotgun more potent or maybe let you get Santiago's triggers off easier. im a bit on the fence myself. I WANT it to work, but I am not sure it's worth it. what about crews that don't necessarily have Perdita leading?
  16. so you basically just do the initial tarot process to get some basic stats and then flub the rest to fit the character you're looking for? You don't worry about adding classes or anything like that? I know my group leans towards wanting to know that there are rules in place, which is my only concern but I guess in this instance it may not matter.
  17. I'm working on my second adventure for my TTB campaign. My first one went pretty well, but I had decided to build an adventure around a particular FC and as I started working on the adventure, I am really struggling with how to build a proper FC. There's really not a ton of info that I have found in the books. One of the things I love about TTB is how open ended it is but in this instance just a LITTLE more focus would be greatly helpful. Specifically, what is the best way to build an FC that is comparable to a Fated? Should I build them like I would build a Fated? What about special abilities? (defensive/offensive triggers, special abilities/attacks, etc.) Or should I just completely make everything up and keep in mind what I am looking for in the context of the adventure? I am looking for a FC that will be engaged in at least some combat and I just find myself struggling a bit in how to tackle this. I really would hate to have to have this struggle EVERY TIME I want to put together an FC. And this isn't even a MASTER This is just an Enforcer. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  18. One good thing that Pandora has going for her is that charging her usually doesn't work out so well for the person charging her and she tends to eat models like Killjoy for breakfast. She wouldn't be able to do it on turn one, but with the right crew, you could save your cards for defense and throw HER in their backfield. She can gum up the works fairly well even after she's used up her AP. You may be sacrificing a Master, but the trick with lists that are mechanical in nature is to throw them off their game plan. (Which is what they do to you) you may be able to set up your models for a better position for turn 2, etc. without necessarily having to forgo not scoring points for two turns. I've only played against ractivation once, and it was Hamelin vs. resser Tara, but I didn't feel as bad after the game as I thought I was going to. I did end up losing, but it was close and I maybe could have won if I hadn't made some other mistakes, but I didn't feel hopeless. I think there's a big psychological aspect to Malifaux that doesn't necessarily get taken into account. So many people, especially newer players, can get overwhelmed by the unknown and I'm sure there's times that even hardcore players come across things that are unexpected. I know I still do double takes when something I wasn't expecting happens and I'm like "What? That can't be right..." Not to say that the ractivation doesn't need to be scrutinized or isn't inherently facilitating NPE's, but I do think that familiarity IS an aspect to take into account when facing it or something like it.
  19. Or if she does, something that is both and "just in case" it might be cool if she didn't though and not totally unprecedented.
  20. She also doesn't have a charge, which in and of itself seems quite unusual, considering she doesn't have any sort of Ulix/Choffman style mobility restrictions/buffs. i also get the feeling that lawyers maybe fairly synergistic with her too but it's just a hunch (I did not beta)
  21. I still like to use him, but if Nellie is more interesting rules wise and still just as supporty, then I may not. Unless HER minions bring some fresh blood to HIM.
  22. Well, she's out now! initial thoughts? is she going to put the nail in Lucius' coffin? Might she bring more use to certain under used models? (Guild sergeants, etc?) not enough information to make a judgement? just want to squee?
  23. I'm pretty excited for her. The front of her card is probably the most interesting I've seen so far. It's odd to cheat someone else's flip though o.O I definitely love the sculpt though. Once again it feels very different yet very in line with the faction like they have all been so far.
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