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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Pandora can deny Stake a Claim with such ease. The core is Pandy with FGF, Box, and Fugue State together, Puke Snake and a Doppelganger. You then have three potential Nullify spells since Doppelganger can copy it from Prim Magic. They can snipe down any runner from 10". The Monotony Aura will bring a lot of headache too for the opponent. For putting out markers I run any combo of Insidious Madness, Siliurds, Waldegesits (brought up field with Hexed Among You). Often there will be 2-3 Swampfiends. Then I usually bring Juju with Eternal for keeping things honest. On top of all this, Incite always helps too!
  2. You don't have to write a report, but please! Small breakdown!
  3. Playing other stuff is great, it gives one heaps of experiences from "the other side of the board", and after a while one often gets home sick and returns to the safe part of the woods so to say I will look into the schedule, and see if I can go or not. Tournaments is always fun! Between Pandora and Lilith you can do all strats very well. Dreamer is scary good, but then you will need to paint a lot of models. Prim Magic (so good!), Teddy, and Weaver should be priories. Tots too, they are insanely solid! Doppelganger is always useful. You might want to get a Bad Juju too Neverborn are a strange bunch, but they will score VPs, deny, and outrun everyone. Hopefully you will see Stake a Claim, Pandora is (according to me) the best master in the game for it!
  4. Weasel is great with Shenlong. It gives the crew additional healing, speed, and cards. Its attacks is ok too! The Peasants are still viable though. Cheaper activations who can do different tasks, like getting Focus onto Snipers, etc. All and all, they do a very different job for Shenlong. Can't go wrong with either!
  5. Broads with a pulse is nothing for zfiend!
  6. I disagree! The way the Rats' Swarm together works would make players able to snipe of bundles of enemy Rats. Would be very interesting game indeed.
  7. This would probably be the worst...Nothing would happen at all...
  8. The original Human(???) Centipede? Haha... you are the worse!
  9. I thought this was a free-flowing conversation that occasionally touches on mature subjects... one of them being Malifaux ^^ Haha, I might revise my position and say that you are the biggest A-hole in Malifaux MD xD
  10. Bishop is the game's number one a-hole. It was a though one for Shenlong. He tried to snatch Reactivate from Tara, which he really couldn't........
  11. Depleted isn't necessary, Waldegeists will do just fine. Are you leaving Arcanists Sybarite?! Haven't thought about going, might have to look into it. Would you recommend the event?
  12. AH, of course! Didn't think of ol'Lazy! Zfiend, do you remember when I killed 5-6 Mindless Zombies with Laza? x) Fun times...
  13. I think you are wrong. Molly/Necromachine can give out Blackblood, every hench/enforcer/master can take Necrotic Preparations, Jaakuna gives a lot of AoE, Unnerving Aura fits the bill as long as Collette stays put, Rouge Necromancy can blast away, Onryo, Sybelle, Nicodem, and Crooked men too!
  14. She is good, but you can passive (AoE, blasts) damage her to a certain death. How does Ressers do in that department?
  15. Drowned is just gravy. I only have two of them, already parted with one of them; so I can't help you
  16. Paint it up together with a Drowned and have the DR drag stuff into Jaakuna's death bubble. Double the fun with +2 dmg from a Nurse provided to a second beater (Flurrying Punk Zombie maybe).
  17. I haven't played Pandora in Interference, while I have played her a lot in Recon; her "weak" strategy. As you said Pandora likes when models are bunching up, but she doesn't need them to, not at all in fact. She is fast enough to get to where she can impact the most, and will have no problems with simply killing enough models to conquer quarters. Pandora and a pair of Waldegeist should be great in this strategy, also don't overlook the cheap and resilient Depleted!
  18. James Doxey once described, jokingly, on some podcast that playing against you was to get dragged into something awful in a slightly new way each game. I now understand where he is coming from... Great stuff King.
  19. My favourites are Guard the Stash, Stake a Claim, and Head Hunter. They provide with though choices and players won't earn VPs by simply standing around in a massive part of the board. I don't like Reckoning. Peons counting and getting tabled will grant opponent VPs makes it such an boring strategy.
  20. This my experience too, that players often feels like it is not worth the effort to go after the Waifs. Maybe because they are resummonable, I don't know, but a lot of players I have faced will simply ignore them. On the kill more syndrome, I agree completely. Its something that happens at times, that one will quite easily get a murderous tunnel vision. Seamus and Lilith both have strong tech against the Waifs. Both can either get to them, or get the Waifs to themselves. Austringers should also get an honourable mention for being less than nice to the Waifs.
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