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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Graveyard spirit can pull a lot of weight as long as the opponent doesn't have anything that reduces armor. Otherwise he is a solid pairing with Izamu, Killjoy, or other nasty beater of your choice. With that said, Child seems very solid with Nico with or without poison around!
  2. Could be some really neat upgrades in the future
  3. On the "Rats takes forever"-bit. For me it took ages in the beginning, then forced myself to think ahead and always have a plan for the Rats. This upped my pace a lot, now I don't think it takes that much time. So my advice would be to challenge yourself to play faster and keep to the Plague master for a number of games in the row. With that said, it might be a bit boring for the opponent to see you (after being out activated) going: "all right, now I will do x y z, z makes this rat turn into a rat king, and that rat king will become a rat and a catcher, the rat will walk once, the rat catcher will put reactivate on the rat, the rat is in Los of Nix (who have infectious melodies), the rat will go Fast, walk three time, is sacrificed...and now you have Killjoy in your face". Also, if you like Collodi it means you have a sadistic mean streak, and you will probably love Hamelin in time. If you like shutting down the enemy, Hamelin is worth the investment.
  4. This certainly got potential! What models would you hire/summon to get the poison rolling? Rafkin seems like such a nice fit in this sort of list, but he is just so easy to kill and will have a very big target on him. Will you continue to hire him, for his potential? I really like the pairing of a Malifaux Child with Nicodem from a fluff perspective. A child that have for some reason got in contact with the necromantic arts, and from that fallen into Nicodem's lap. He has a history of taking young prospects under his wing (i.e. Kirai). Besides the very neatly painted story, did the Mal. Child bring something to the table? All and all, nice list, will follow the development closely!
  5. I would love a rematch, but I haven't played Shenlong in forever; so you will have to face someone else. I can carve out a neat scheme-pool for you, where killing isn't the only thing you need to be doing
  6. I would love to see a full-out grudge match between the two of you
  7. Hmm, but if (and I mean IF) I get away with a win against you does that count for team Ressers? Or do you mean you will just happily loose to a Resser in general?
  8. Hopefully I will play Peejay on Tuesday, Resser on Resser action, going all traitor on ya (if I come out with the W, that is).
  9. You could count the W/L too, as well as the difference. You will need to decided what should count over the other.
  10. He lost his offensive punch as well as the denial aspect of being able to paralyze three models a turn from 20"-away. On the other hand, he is a much more efficient summoner this time around. He can still heal models with the best of them, and is great at buffing his undead. Another new thing is that he can draw cards like a Resser version of Jakob Lynch. He is solid!
  11. If he wins, who will you go with? I mean, you got a lot of Guild masters already! Not to out you or anything
  12. By how much? x) If you win, what master are you going to force Dirial to play?
  13. Waiting for Brewmaster... Malifaux's own Godot.
  14. Zfiend, the Madame Sybelle of your life will soon turn up; trust me!
  15. TT-Bros, Illuminated, and Tengus; can't really go wrong with them. TT-bros can do a little bit of everything reasonably well, while their biggest strength is that they are adaptive. Only real weakness is their wp of 5. Illuminated, might be the best 7ss model in the game. Will stay around for ever and can dish out a lot of hurt. As with the TT-Bro, they are adaptive, but they are way more offensive than the Bros. Tengu. Great scheme runner. Just outstanding. They can also disrupt enemy schemes as well as keep your own troops alive a little bit longer. Dirt cheap too, in a faction where stuff tend to cost a lot. Honourable mention: Sensei Yu. For 11ss you can have the best healer in the game, who will support the crew in a number of other ways too. He is simply amazing.
  16. Be prepared for Kang. Be prepared to face some dedicated shooting from Katanaka Snipers, Fuhatsu, etc. They can get boosted stats and Focus in a verity of ways, so keeping in cover or have anti-shooting auras will help a lot. They can heal a lot (TT-Bros, Illuminated, Sensei Yu can heal 4-8 wounds), so Decaying Aura is helpful. There is a lot of interaction with Defensive Stance. So being able to attack WP is useful. Shikome, Onryo, Datsue Ba can all do this well. There will be a lot of Hard to Kill models. Datsue Ba is good at dealing with this, as well as stuff with Flurry. As others have said before, activation control can be quite easy to achieve if you run against some TT-crews. TT in general doesn't cope with Armor very well. Grave Spirit, Izamu, etc. Might be solid picks.
  17. Define "most luck competitive". "Some factions feel they have concessions to keep theme were those 2 dont". Do you mean that other factions need to stick to themed crews, which is not the case with Arc and Outcast? Every master changes how you need to approach the game, some to a larger extent than others, but I don't think that most of them resides in Arcanists and Outcasts.
  18. She is very different than the Vicks. As Kadeton said, durability being the main differentiating factor. With Survivalist, Oath Keeper, and Stalking Bisento; Misaki can be very though to take down as well as being able to bring a lot of hurt (as long as you don't run into armor... as usual )
  19. Bishop and Sinister Rep Seamus is an awesome pairing. Throw in Decaying Aura on any of the two, and the will get stuff into the ground like nothing. I have been on the receiving end of the pairing a couple of times now... Its brutal!
  20. Important to note, Enslaved Soul can bring the Seishin to Seamus at the start of his activation. So they can easily bunch together and go after stuff; "death by a thousand cuts"-style! Great with Sinister Rep! Quite cool.
  21. When a model is sacrificed, does it count as being reduced to 0 wounds or is it just taken of table regardless? Thinking of Colette's trigger Death Defying to be specific.
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