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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. How could you let Pandora die to that Xavier knock off?
  2. Ok! So how would you rule it then Asrian? That it is possible to cast Pustule on targets with the Blackblood condition, but the Blackblood condition is resolved as a condition in other cases (i.e. before abilities).
  3. Some people like him with Pandora for Challenge, and the fact that he is quite sturdy. I don't like him. If he could take his (2) action while charging he would have been more interesting. He just brings a little to little to the table, for his cost, for my taste.
  4. I kind of hope that the Illuminated cannot be targeted by Pustule if that is the case. Here is a rundown of the scenarios. 1. Blackblood is a condition that grants the "ability" Blackblood. 1a. The blackblood condition is in the strict sense a condition, thus it is impossible to cast Pustule. 1b. Blackblood is a condition that grants the ability blackblood, thus it is possible to cast Pustule. However, since the source is a condition, no crew will count the kill. The main purpose for it to be a condition is that it can be added or removed. And that Blackblood condition is resolved as a condition rather than an ability. 2. Blackblood is a condition that grants the ability Blackblood, thus Pustule counts for kills for encounter purposes since it is an ability. The main purpose for it to be a condition is that it can be added or removed.
  5. This needs to be in the FAQ. Asrian, did he write a reasoning here on the boards?
  6. If there are other Brilliance models around they can get out of melee with a push and get rid of the condition. So it isn't that bad, but I see where you are coming from. Bit if an eye opener to me. I don't think I have used that synergy, but I have had used against me a couple of times! Asrian, you dirty cheating *************! ^^ Illuminated, not awesome enough?!? Depleted Blackblood piñata is nasty. The last pulse of 2+1 damage isn't nice at all.
  7. Can't reach that level until about three hours ^^
  8. Is this the answer to why Zfiend lives at the gym?
  9. I guess it is a case of when you look into the abyss the abyss also looks into you. A bit too harsh maybe, I am sorry. Hey, PD (and everyone else)! I am fine. Procrastinating as never before. How do yallz?
  10. I am agnostic in the matter, until the FAQ addresses it. (As of now) If I were a TO, I would rule it that the new target isn't a valid legal target. Otherwise it seems to imply that, for example, a Blackblood Shaman could use Blackblood Pustule on a non-blackblood model and still be able to get the triggers off, or let Marcus target a non-beast model with Darzee's Chaunt to make it fail a Willpower duel which will trigger Smell Fear. It just doesn't seem to follow. If I was a player in a tournament, I would ask and go with that. In a friendly game, depends on how my opponent would want to rule. If she or he wanted to a non-brillance new target to be legal, I would say ok, fine. EDIT. Sorry! I was still in the Burt-discussion! I am with Dirial, no damage!
  11. Some loopholes here. First, Pandora can simply not kill the Gupp, even cast Incite on it and be out of there. Second, lets say you kill the Gupp after Pandora have activated (then the Pandora player messed up a bit, especially if a bunch of Sorrows are supposed to be around her, but well let that go for now), and let Juju out. Juju can then swing at Pandy, but if she's got a higher card she is out of Juju ml range and can retaliate the next turn with ease. Third, you said a few turns of (0) and Fears, I don't think Pandora will be around for so long, and there is little Juju can do for keeping her there. The only way that is possible is if Juju simply hits Pandora every swing, and I doubt that is the case. Fourth, defensive stance on Juju is quite a waste card. First because his defense suck and he will get hit anyway. Second, because Pandora hits WP, which Defensive Stance won't help you with.
  12. Interesting concept, but I say no. I think the game is far to balanced for bans (there are counters for everything), and in friendly games you can just agree with your opponent to not play x, y, and z (if they are ok with that).
  13. If we play it. I will try and pin down Pandora with Vicked Wines while Lilith is safe somewhere behind terrain, and do my best to stay out of Pandora's way. I would still take Fears Given Form on Lilith, just in case things get a bit hairy ^^
  14. I was going to rant. Now I am going to do something constructive instead. Moderators, please lock this (very irritating) thread.
  15. That is absolutely right. Pandora must be nearly as careful as Lilith. On a matching hand, Lilith as an attacker will win an still get a plus flip to the damage flip if she didn't charge (if she did she can sport a solid min 4). And Fears Given Form lets Pandora taste some of her own medicine. Frankly, maybe I overstated the level of care one need to have as a Lilith player against Pandora in my previous post. With that said though, arguments can be made for why either should win and I think it will come down to who can get 2-3 blows in first. Neither will want to go into a situation like that without a very good chance of coming out alive.
  16. On the Illuminated, I see them used with nearly every Neverborn and Ten Thunder master. They are as good as it gets for 7 soulstones. On the Depleted, they are amazing tarpits. Very good with the Blackblood Shaman, whom can give them Blackblood.
  17. Ironsides have a better WP than Lilith and her damage track on her (1) ap action isn't that high (at least in comparison to Lilith's), while she have a lot of attacks and spells that can get to 7 or even higher. That spell trouble for Pandora. Pandora can still Paralyze Ironsides if she goes for the Voices upgrade, but overall she isn't the worst match up for Toni.
  18. Lilith is quite a bad match-up against Pandora. Her sword hits hard throughout and Pandora will beat Lilith's WP nearly every time. Make your crew go after Pandora, and let Lilith go after the opposing crew. She can stay hidden and attack from range with Tangle Shadows and Wicked Mistress. Don't forget to pin down Pandora with vicked wines, if Pandora wants to push it will cost her wounds, which will really hamper her. All and all, stay out of the fight with Pandora with Lilith.
  19. I pondered a little bit more about our game. First some praise. Even if it didn't work out in the end, the hidden Breakthrough was gold. Taking two hidden schemes with Frame for Murder around really hampered Lilith's onslaught. My mindset was that I could live with you getting 2 points for it, but not three. Maybe you should have made a run for it with both Crooligans, then Kade would have to deal with one, while I would have to choice between weakening my position at one of the markers or go for the other. Granted, then you would had to move you PZ a bit closer to the marker to you right and deal less damage to both Killjoy and the Doppelganger. I learned that neither Lilith nor Killjoy will survive in the midst of things for that long. They want to have the fight at their premisses, not anyone else. Another thing, don't take assassinate against Nicodem... While you can hurt him pretty badly, killing him is just taxing. There a easier VPs to earn than that.
  20. I really like Fuhatsu with Lynch. They make a solid tandem, protect each other very well, and they form a frightening fire base. Huggy can then run with a couple of Illuminated, or a Beckoner and Illuminated. Rest of the crew can be flavoured for schemes and strategies. For me that is usually a couple of TT-Bros (one can go for Chiaki if I want some condition removal) or a couple of Rail Workers, as well as another beater like the Lone Swordsman, Kang, or Yin.
  21. Hmm, I tried Killjoy with Lilith yesterday and it work ok. I knew from the get go that he was overextended and was going to die fairly quick. Throwing him out with Juju could be fun though. Even if you start with a lot of points under ground.
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