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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. I am glad you found a way to express your joy.
  2. Nah, as soon as I read about the sore throat I knew that winter was coming. Zfiend, absolutely! I don't want to play with you, all I want is to be a big tease for you! Maybe I am the Sybelle of your life.
  3. Morning, Dirial, all! Its good by the droves! Getting a game in to day, so I am hyped. Some hot Resser on Resser action I presume. Just need to do some uni stuff first. How do you?
  4. I just find it funny depicting things "dying in droves". Those Rail Workers fall over like cattle when Pandora is in town, by the droves!
  5. Yes, all she needs is a moderate for a Rail Worker to melt! On the whole "is she OP in general opinion?", no I don't think so. My understanding is that people find her potent and very annoying, while not being the most capable in strategies that you need to spread out. The latter is hogwash; Pandora is one of the best at Squatter's Rights, and she can lead the charge of a crew that is more than capable of handling any summoning engine in Recon, etc. Jonahmaul, what masters do you play then?
  6. The fluffy explanation for their Hard to Wound...
  7. Slice and Dice from the Punk Zombies is a really good suggestion! Nico with Love thy Master should really scare Pandora too. She would need a 10 to pass each Slice and Dice.
  8. Flatter, I like that! When you (think you will) face Pandora (and Neverborn in general to be honest) you can never go wrong with Ruthless, WP buffs/debuffs/, Stubborn, and stuff like that. Against a Voices Pandora, Chiaki or Johan seems to be a nice addition (since Neverborn have heaps of conditions they aren't wasted hires anyway). A very potent strategy against Pandora is to attack her with 7 stats, and cheat high from the get go. Its better to go all in with one big Focus hit, rather than trying to chip damage her. Blasts, and simple duels that targets DF are two other very good ways of attacking her. Since her crew likes to bunch up, blasts and AoE are usually fairly easy to hit her with. Pandora's biggest weakness is her low amount of wounds, and that the only potent way for her to keep her wound count in check is ss prevention. If you can strike at her a couple of times, she will have to run away and hide. If your opponent goes with the tanky Pandora, go at her with a model at the time. Otherwise she can tie up a chunk of you crew while never really getting hit, and they will take damage from FGF most likely. If you feed Pandora models, she might not be able to do more important things than killing your ranks. Summoners can do this with ease. Crew wise, Bishop is a priority target, as well as the Widow Weaver. The latter can really wreck you crew if you aren't careful. If you play Ressers, you are well suited to deal with Pandy. Seamus with Sinister Rep, Red Chapel Killer, and Decaying Aura will utterly scare Pandora to death. Belles Ca 8 can easily lure Pandora to places she doesn't want to be, and if Seamus gets within 4" (which he is fast enough to do) of her with that set-up Pandy can say her farewells. Hanged's Whisper From Beyond can also wreck Pandora's day.
  9. Just touching the 6" is enough. There aren't many cases of completely within in, if any.
  10. Before I answer at length, does your local player run Box, Voices (paralyse one, I think), or Both?
  11. My reading of the chain of event is: 1) Player A's model kills Izamu (Player A controls the acting model); 2) Izamu gets a free swing, and sacrifices himself (player B is the acting player); Player A's model may continue with its activation if it can do so (Player A controls the acting model). I might be wrong though! In Headhunter the case is much clearer, Izamu sacrifices himself after being reduced to (0) wounds. So the acting model will not get any credit for the kill (unless Izamu is sacrificed, killed, or otherwise killed but not reduced to 0 wounds).
  12. The Family trait got a lot better after Wave 2. Granny Ortega can toss the characteristic out, and the Latigos really help enhance the family abilities at a low cost. That is why I think the family stuff is very good crew support. In most cases Perdita is just as good at dealing damage as Leveticus, she is even better at spike damage, and she is better than him in melee. On the crew selection, sure that is one of Leve's strong suits. However, he is still limited in his crew hiring due to the need for hiring a lot of 6+ss models. Guild got a lot of very solid options just in faction.
  13. That I don't agree on. Aggressive placement of a Waif is generally a dead waif. His real blitz tool is the (0), at least that is how I play him. On Dita, I think she is way more versatile than Leve. She is a speedy, heaps of crew-support, and is a tricky shooter; that is better in ml.
  14. I did write he. MD, Icemyn's rundown from the past Gencon is another good one.
  15. That day you will be banned for life from these forums... Its just a case of more than you can swallow (that what he said).
  16. Zfiend, how much time do you spend searching for new memes?
  17. So the bottom line is that Yan Lo needs to much effort to work well for your liking? While other "generalist" master either have an easier way of adapting, or have abilities that simply work. And generalist masters cannot tailor a crew specialized for one games' strat, scheme, and opposing faction? I don't think that is true. Some masters are specialists, but not in the sense that they are specialized for a specific strategy and scheme pool. Rather they are specialized for a certain job, which is adaptable to number of set-ups.
  18. Leve will do just fine with Outcasts. While I really like the Iron upgrade too. There is a tone written about him here on the forums. I would especially recommend you to check out an Arcanist anti-Leve thread that were active not that long ago.
  19. On the flip side, Leve's best movement trick cost him a lot of survivability while Perdita only need to throw a card. I think they are equally strong to be honest.
  20. Once again I will play the Yan's advocate. The Chi condition can quite easily make Yan de facto df/wp 8, impossible to wound, and/or incorporeal. Terracotta Curse can in the right situation paralyse a whole opposing crew, or at least severely hamper them. It can make Yan a very good supporter and resser of the ancestors too!
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