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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. The metal one was quite impressive, but neigh unusable (that tiny hoof carried a lot of weight). They new one looks so silly though...
  2. The destroyer of happiness and sound play, as well as the herald of trousers.
  3. MD, do you like the new Nekima sculpt? CJ, he definitely got that. Why should he, I do, don't you?
  4. Indeed, but as soon as he realise she's got a pulse he will be so disappointed. Not his game you know.
  5. I am a bigger basketball nerd than I am a Malifaux nerd... True story (cool story...). That is a dangerous route I am not certain you want to walk...
  6. One of the mayor arguments against taking Voices to me. Pandy can still put the hurt out by just being around places (with FGF and Box that is). Even when you run into something as nasty as Raspy, Pandora can still do a lot with that upgrade set up, while Voices is nearly unusable.
  7. I am fine! Today is The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, or Ascension Day (an older name for the day in Swedish is more or less translated as Christ-Flight). In Swedish folk lore this is apparently a very good day to fish, and its the traditional day of letting cows out in the open after being locked up for eight months... With so much going on, its a public holiday in Sweden...
  8. Indeed. If you run into Sonnia with Francisco, a bunch of stalkers (all radiating that filthy, filthy, disrupt magic), then you are going to have problems. Most of the times, that will not happen and your opponent will only have a couple of things that is good against what Pandora can do.
  9. Good start! I am a bit disappointed with the title, I would have gone for: "A Dirty Old Man Talks About A Dirty Old (Resser) Man" "Cheers for heading, it was a long read but I hope it helped a bit with your struggle!". I guess you meant reading. Your passion for the resurrectionist are really coming across, and I really enjoyed that. Throughout the text there are alludes to more or less the whole faction in the sense of: "This thing is great, and you are going to want to play with that thing too, very soon, so why don't you just buy that, that, and that too while you are at it. Come on its Ressers, get in the boat!"
  10. Sure, Mech is in a league of its own. The Pale Rider can be very good with McCabe, and together with the Plant Evidence upgrade it can do some serious end game scheme running. Dead seems to have a lot of potential. Its brings even more offensive movement for Ressers. I like the friendly placement after the push, but it seems a bit "meh" in comparison to the others tricks. Also, its a melee beat stick that cannot get into the thick of it for real until turn 3 maybe. Sure can disrupt flanks in the meanwhile, but such a big model won't be easy to hide from shooting or charges.
  11. Some slight threadomancy here. Anyone got something more to say about Hoodie? On paper he looks quite solid, especially his damage potential. The marker interactions is nice too, something Neverborn doesn't have heaps of at least. The push thing is nice, can be used as a delivery system for Silurids if Deliver the Message is in the pool. I am thinking whether to get Hoodie or a Strongarm Suit. At the moment, I am leaning towards the latter, but if some can convince me about the Rider I am all ears
  12. Like a Malifaux Michael Jordan. Don't think there is a lot of people here that will get that reference...
  13. Flatter, I like that. Peejay, last scheme was Bodyguard (and LitS of course). "I saved me a point with a summoned Rotten bell Luring Lillith back out from my deployment zone". --Great move. Poor Lilith.
  14. 'Raida slapped some sense into Lucius after he played with the wrong team.
  15. B2B, model dies, marker gets dropped. So, nope!
  16. She works very well with Swampfiends!
  17. In your original post you wrote: "At -this- point, I am not so much looking at schemes and strats as I feel that the only kinds of ones I would be inclined to bring her along with would be the various "take and hold" kinds of missions, at least initially till I get a feel for her style." My "beatstick-list" suggestion contains as much (if not more) "denial" as your original list, and its got a good balance between attacking defense as well as will power. The latter is something nearly every poster in this thread have also said is something that is very important for Pandora. Back to the denial thing, a "denial-Pandora" is in general Pandora with Voices and or (any other combination) with Fugue State. While what you sought in your original post was, as you can see in the quote above, "take and hold missions". This is, in general, something different to "denial", since it is referring to staying power and hitting power. It was in this light I made my original list. So yes, I am quite surprised that you are disagreeing with me. Worth to note, personally I do not consider my list as a beat stick list. Also this, "I am not "dissing" your idea's, but I am trying to look at them within the confines of a WP based denial strategy, and the illuminated just don't fill that role, they do a different role." They can do that, I promise, even without Beckoners. So I guess it all boils down to this, when you say that you want a control-list is that the same thing as "take and hold missions"-list? All and all, it seems that has been plenty of misunderstandings of what kind of advice you want.
  18. I don't really get your argument here. As for the original list, I have already made some suggestions to it. My other post were an attempt to flesh out some of the aspects of why Illuminated are great with Pandora even if you don't want to go brilliance heavy.
  19. Sounds like a plan, you don't want to get bored with the grand show before opening night either.
  20. Old Major is a dapper looking swine! Really like your Sow. Its just a pig big. Its kind of menacing and imposing. While it doesn't look as insane as the Wyrd's own do.
  21. No morning before coffee! I am going to meet with my thesis supervisor in a couple of hours. Study. Then play some FAUX! How about you Dirial, aerial training before MD's wedding?
  22. You don't need to go with a brilliance themed crew with Pandora. The Illuminated works very well as a pair. If you can squeeze in a Beckoner, that is great, but not mandatory. Beckoners are great with Pandora for two reasons: lure, and their shooting attack. The latter becomes very strong with Misery around to buff it. The fact that they buff Illuminated is just gravy. I often used them with Box+Fears Pandora (my take on "hit-woman Pandora"), and they work great. They hunt in pairs and do their own thing. They don't have any particular synergies with the rest of the crew. Granted, they benefit from Weavers markers, etc.
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