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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Graves doesn't really fit in the category "nephilim aesthetics". The twins do though. While I have the sense that the original poster referred to Young, Tots, Mature, Shaman, Nekima, those kinds of nephilim. I could be wrong, just a feeling.
  2. http://sv.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pet+name
  3. Your just a big bully, aren't you Yeah, I played two Resser games, got smashed, now I am back to Neverborn again. Can't help that I play the superior faction
  4. It was a great game, and this was a great run down.
  5. Yeah, she sure is. Definitely needs a boost. Why not just give her Stubborn on top of everything else. And make her keep all the +flips after charging.
  6. How can you say such a thing. The only errata Lilith is going to get is to have Tangle Shadows at CA 8, WP 7, and a Walk of 8".
  7. She relies heavily on soulstones for survival. Its pretty cool that she and Lilith are opposites when it comes to defensive stats.
  8. Haha... these rules queries suck.
  9. How did that Leveticus game go Crimzzen? Pretty good list the other one. Have you tried it? I am currently looking a bit closer at Nekima. For 13ss, she costs a lot, but she hits like a truck and there are some potential to the Grow shenanigans with her upgrade. Its a very fluffy tandem, her and Lilith. The real sisters of Malifaux! F-u Vickies (and Vanessa, I guess, also Hannah and Lizzy... a lot of flip offs)
  10. Some of the boards are pretty good. Floodlands, Badlands, and Trading Stop are pretty solid. I have thought about doing the same thing, its pretty fun once you get the hang of it all.
  11. He looks very dapper. Everyone should own a jaquette, it is simply one of the best looking outfits.
  12. Cool to some discussion about Pact. The upgrade is rarely rated at all. Me included, I don't like it
  13. Sorrows, they get a lot of slack these days, but I think they can work pretty well.
  14. A Blackblood Shaman casts Blackblood Pustule on a Terror Tot within 12" with 1 remaining wound. The Pustule pulse kills an enemy non-peon model. Are the Tot killed or can it Grow? Timing rule is listed below. NB. If a model is reduced to 0 wounds, it is killed and immediately taken off the table. I would say that the Tot dies before it can Grow. The argument for Grow is that the acting model (i.e. the Shaman) gets to resolve its abilities first, thus the Tot would Grow before it is killed. General Timing Most Abilities grant a passive effect, some of which have their effect when a model suffers damage or is killed. Whenever any Ability happens at the same time as any Triggers, the Triggers are resolved first. If two Abilities happen at the same time, resolve them in the following order: 1. The Acting Model resolves its Abilities. 2. The Defending Model (if there is one) resolves its Abilities. 3. Any other models controlled by the First player resolves all of their Ability effects in any order the First player chooses. 4. Any other models controlled by the Second player resolves all of their Ability effects in any order the Second player chooses.
  15. And 2 ap is usually more than enough in order for Lilith to get something into the ground...
  16. No master is the best, according to me at least. Pandora is in the top of the heap though.
  17. Maybe she is the new vessel for the Tyrant. Shenlong was weak in comparison. MD, if you think he will take McMourning; Hamelin, Nix, and Ashes and Dust is your crew
  18. Great report. Really like the format. The Lilith player played it perfectly. Even if using the Wall of Pork trigger, Ulix would be dead turn 4 at the latest. Shit board though.
  19. That is the spirit. The Austringer is more a thing for MD's wife than MD anyway.
  20. PD, I don't think anyone is surprised.
  21. Another suggestion, how about your Skype alias then? I am on Captain America's side in this super hero struggle. You have rights Zfiend!
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