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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. My reasoning too. Asrian claims he has heard otherwise from "upstairs" (although we shouldn't read in too much to that, but it throws a last wedge for the hopeful). As of now, I would rule it as it is a condition, thus it doesn't work. I just want to throw it out there that it isn't a clear cut (yet, but it sure will be).
  2. That is currently up for debate. Definitely needs a FAQ. Some discussion about the matter here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/106629-how-to-use-lilith/page-6
  3. If you have Outcast models who are Mercenaries, you can use them with Lilith too. I would vote for Lilith. Experience and familiarity with a crew are often your best companion in a tournament. Lilith is also a very versatile master, who can do a little bit of everything, which is always useful. What other models do you have?
  4. Sonnia is really good. Have her teamed up with a Malifaux Child and most things will have a hard time getting to her. Plenty of board control, summons, and damage potential. She is plain nasty! I can certainly understand why some don't like her. She does a couple of things very well, but speed isn't one of them. On the McMourning vs Lady J thing. The former is way more versatile, and if you like to have that in your repertoire he is a very nice choice. On the other hand, Lady J brings a very specialized master with a mean swing. A tag team with her and Fran (and) or Sidir is brutal. Myyrä made some very good points which I agree with regarding her abilities. Their similarity is that they both are choppy-choppy masters, but they do it very differently. I think it is a play style thing more than anything. I would go with McMourning, but that is just me.
  5. Hah, I have to remember that scenario. If I got a crap hand, it might be better to resist with defense and just hope for the best prevention. Might be better than another attack.
  6. Strongarm Suit! For Lucius, Dashel, Pathfinder & Trapps.
  7. Leveticus with some beaters, Ophelia, Lynch got good spike damage, Viktorias are a pretty safe bet too, Colette with Howard, Nicodem/McMourning/Molly with a bunch of pushes and lures who drags you into something unpleasant.
  8. Who do you play in Ressers? And what kind of Pandora do your opponent usually take; box or voices, Fear Given Form, Aether Conection, Fugue State?
  9. Void Wretches, Hodepodge Effigy, Ashes and Dust ^^ Desperate Merc is a good throw in model.
  10. Good stuff. Another Undead henchman that I have thought about bringing with Leveticus is Datsue Ba. She is well costed and can summon pretty well while deleting models, i.e. keeping to theme.
  11. Antagonist, adversary, enemy, foe, opposer, opponent, oppugnant (personal favourite)?
  12. If one side have played more games, how will you even that out?
  13. Moxypoo hit the nail on its head, think about what you need before simply opting for the Mechs and Ryles of the world. I think most Leveticus players prefer Iron, which most players should know by now, so taking Bone might throw a curve ball at your opponent. "What! You didn't take the Mech Rider?!". The third route, to take neither, is pretty viable too.
  14. They certainly fit the Viks' theme, that is for sure
  15. As a viable model, I am pretty down on the Gunslingers (way too squishy for me), but when they shine they do it very bright. I have used them a couple of times with Hamelin and they have shot things to pieces some games, while simply dying and felt like a complete waste of ss in others. I would say that they require a gamblers heart to field.
  16. Gunslingers are one of those models that either gets killed, or can gun down any enemy model within an activation. They are pretty good with Hamelin since he can Obey them to fire even more. I have faced Vanessa plenty of times, although lacking in defences, she can pack a punch. Sure she is ml 5, but she can hit for 4/6/8. Her CA is outstanding. Her (0) brings some versatility for crew composition. And her healing really benefits the Viks. For 8ss she is pretty darn solid.
  17. Tally Sheet can help with the cards (on Hannah or VS). Card drawing tricks and card efficiency (reference the field guide) are very important for the 'Korps. So getting those extra cards in can be very helpful. I don't mind having VS in melee. In comparison to another high stat, run and gun, outcast master, Misaki, he can do ok in melee especially against the games most common defense: armor. Maybe I just have been lucky, but I have done ok with Schill as a brawler. For me, his biggest downside is his 1" range. Overall I think VS is in a good place. The Freikorps aren't a fancy bunch, but the are very versatile and can tailor their attack to handle any opponent. Those Freikorps armor, high stats, ridiculous amount of healing, plenty of debuffs and friendly buffs will win you games.
  18. Its not surprising you think VS is shit if you don't use all of his abilities, Zfiend.
  19. Hah, forgot about insignificant!
  20. I agree Zfiend. Vassal maps can be really hard to read at times. It so much easier when you everything in front of you on a real board. Most players forget about stuff at times. In games (against me) where you have played masters you are familiar with, you have rarely missed a beat.
  21. In Guard the Stash, Hannah could have been really helpful.
  22. You have quite the tendency to lock crews in on Vassal. First game, no foul! Ryle and Joss is pretty much on par for me. Depending on if you want melee or shooting. Ryle is a bit quicker than Joss, and his push can really be helpful at times. Well that is simply the case, but you will get a pass
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