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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Forcing discards and the possibility to give out Slow are both mint for Jack Daw. It enhances the penalties of Penance, i.e. the Curses. And Slow+a Curse, is a meaner Paralyze, most of the times. The real problem with Pride for me is keeping him alive. Nurse or Librarian might be good companions for him.
  2. Leveticus summoning needs some planning. I find that the best way of doing it is while finishing off low wound runners. Then, I mainly summon through Alyce with her (0). Its reliable and doesn't hinder any other neat triggers, as I find it often does for Leveticus. For me, Leve is my main beater, softener, or finisher, which he will need other trigger to do that job well. Then there is scrap yard Leve... Don't do that...
  3. Even though he is a good option, I wouldn't rate Lazarus as the best construct for Leveticus. First of all, different situations have different "best" models. Then, if I only got to pick one construct for Leveticus, that would probably be Ashes and Dust, followed by Mech Rider and Ryle. Teddy is a darn fine choice too, as well as Howard Langston. On the lighter side, I love me some Necropunks for Leveticus.
  4. As they would happen simultaneously, you could make the target suffer the Shafted damage and then take the damage from the other ability. Its potentially 9 damage, but most of the time it will be 3-5.
  5. Annars får du bli en henchman och skaffa dig några Ice_Cat, välkommen! Lycka till med "henchmannandet"! Finns en grupp på FB tror jag för svenska henchmens om du vill ha tips. Om du är i Uppsala/Stockholm någon gång finns det gott om möjligheter för spel!
  6. Donkeyman ftw. Its so silly. I love the rules for Hodgepodge Emissary, and I absolutely love the model too!
  7. I were thinking about dropping Recalled Training for Cutpurse instead. Keeping Misdirection and Stalking Bisento. I feel that Misaki depends quite a bit on Misdirection to stay alive.
  8. http://www.westwindproductions.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=204_224&products_id=1764
  9. You can take Fuhatsu, Pathfinder, two Snipers as a very solid core 30ss core for a lot of crews.
  10. Archers are a good pick with McCabe for their charge. He can also give them reactivate and nimble, which is a ton of fun.
  11. You should listen to Malifaux Most Wanted too. I think it might be up your alley. They can be a bit all over the place, but its a funny show.
  12. In general I prefer the Snipers. They are pretty good in melee as well as their shooting goodness. With that said though, the Archers can be more effective on terrain heavy boards. Archers will need a baby sitter who also carries the upgrade, i.e., more set up than the Snipers. On the other hand, with Blot the Sky and that Shenlong can give them Fast (Yu can further push them around in order to not waste any AP on pedestrian things like walking). Meaning that they can Focus shoot twice, or shoot Hail twice with Focus. Pretty ridiculous. Another thing that is worth to remember is Yu's aura, which brings Snipers to Sh 6 and Archers to Sh 7 while Focusing.
  13. I think this will suit your podcast preference. Its very concise and sticks to the point, with clear segments.
  14. Can't let those yanks have a fresh scouting report on you Looking forward to hear about it.
  15. Just gave it a listen. Great stuff! On a larger note, the format of the show is outstanding. It creates a really good pace and flow for the show.
  16. When I construct crews for Daw, there is rarely any Soulstones left for totems. Jack's crews tend to be fairly elitey, and it usually comes down to either take the Hodgepodge or a totem, where the former usually gets picked. Simply because it fills the need of significant, strategy scoring, models. It also brings such things as anti shooting, resillience, and some Soulstone regeneration, which are both mint for Daw. I have heard a lot of good things about Liega, but she is expensive and will not provide with any direct scoring. In addition to that she is very weak against shooting. Maybe she is worth it in some strategies, if you carve out a specific role for her. Malifaux Child is a great filler model at 2ss, even though I don't think there is a outstanding amount of synergy between it and Daw. What I am alluding to is that the only spell that is worthile to copy is Feel Their Torment, and you will need a whooping 11+ to cast it. It might be a good way to get a third friendly model Tormented on turn 1, but other than that its use seems limited.
  17. Datsu-Ba can summon Gaki and Onryo after killing enemies, so she is keeping to theme! She is another reason why you should take the Bone upgrade, the other being Belles of course. For 8ss, she brings a lot.
  18. She can play a lot differently in Outcasts, that is for sure. Scout the Field, Survivalist (that Hard to Kill is amazing on her), and Oathkeeper for an extra turn of omph are all really good upgrades for her. Scramble isn't that bad of a choice either. There is a thread about Outcast Misaki that you should definitely give a look!
  19. Haha, very true! Got carried away there...
  20. Beast, Pig, Swampfiend!
  21. The War Pig was a real threat. Luckily I had the tech to deal with it in a very economical manner. I wonder if Marcus, Sow, two Merc Pig Hearders (can't remember what they are called, lol), some Wild Boars, and McTavish would work. Plenty of synergy at least, no idea if it would be any good.
  22. And the Joel Henry Invitational has begun! Better get that sleep in on the trip over there, Joel.
  23. There is a great article about different ways of introducing the game in Chronicles 13.
  24. She needs LoS, but there is a Outcast upgrade which lets her ignore LoS for an action.
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