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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. And hands off Levi! He must stay broken so we, Outcasts, can torment others easily If his teleport was taken away, the 10" one I think that would really do a lot to fix him. He's already got major board control with the burying. If he couldn't just jump to the Ashes I think he's have to plan a lot more about where he's going to go. This means he can't always use all his AP to just kill without planning. Also, make his hire everything upgrades more expensive. That and I think summoning in general needs to be changed so that summoned models can never earn you points. But hey, I'm a radical and challenges the norm! That's why I'm running for president as Trumps VP XD I agree with two out of three things. Getting rid of the teleport sure would fix a lot of his problems, while not being too much for him, as he still can unbury almost anywhere. Killing undead could replenish wounds, or something. Some kind of restriction to his hiring would be nice too, as of now it simply opens up too many options. Like infiltration (4) faction x (so no cross faction hiring), construct or undead. Still limited. Upped cost to 2-3. I don't agree with the summoning cuddle, since there is other masters who can do similar things and it still requires suits from Leve's part. Anyway, teleport and hiring are the main problems in my book. As we all shall remember, beta is over and players simply have to deal with him, as he is, for now. But I REALLY think Lynch got cuddled for way less than this...
  2. Can't overcome the Brewmaster argument. I am convinced. Nice work gang! Jack Daw got a "boost" too then...
  3. This we agree on. Lets look at charge. (2) Charge: Target model within LoS. Move this model up to its Cg in a straight line. This model must end the move with the target model within its engagement range or this action may not be taken. This model then takes two Range y Attack Actions against the target model. Each of these Actions must have an AP cost of 1. Charge doesn't state that two action are declare, rather they are taken (as a part of the whole declared tactical action Charge). That is, the only action being declared is the charge actions. Thus, my reasoning for Leve only being able to Channel once while declaring a charge, and models not taking damage while taking the two subsequent actions while having Firing Squad Injustice attached. If you don't declare the action you are taking then how do you take any action? There are models that have more than one possible attack action they can take after charging. When you go to take an action you have to declare which action you are taking. One takes action (a) and then action (b), in the declared action Charge.
  4. This we agree on. Lets look at charge. (2) Charge: Target model within LoS. Move this model up to its Cg in a straight line. This model must end the move with the target model within its engagement range or this action may not be taken. This model then takes two Range y Attack Actions against the target model. Each of these Actions must have an AP cost of 1. Charge doesn't state that two action are declare, rather they are taken (as a part of the whole declared tactical action Charge). That is, the only action being declared is the charge actions. Thus, my reasoning for Leve only being able to Channel once while declaring a charge, and models not taking damage while taking the two subsequent actions while having Firing Squad Injustice attached.
  5. Yes. You can channel before declaring any action. Declaring an action is part of taking the action. If you do not declare it it is unable to be taken. It's just a foregone conclusion that the attack is being declared and what model it is targeting with things like Charge because they have to be on the same target. As for your example about Firing Squad Injustice, the models will take 2 damage per attack action from the charge. I am not convinced. The declare/take distinction seems pretty intact to me still. Nevertheless, if you are correct, I am would be a very happy Jack Daw player, and less happy Leveticus player (since Channel on every taken action in a Charge seems b-s good to me). I'm curious what you mean by it was ruled that way for the sake of the game? I think he meant that it would lessen the negative effects of Dumb Luck, which would be a power boost for all models with Dumb Luck.
  6. Ok! Yeah, its a buff for sure. However, as I stated in a previous post, I think he can only do it once if he charges. Granted that it still very much a buff while shooting, and against pesky defenses like Horror Duels and Manipulative (which Leveticus in general doesn't have that of hard time getting past thanks to his high willpower).
  7. It does make dumb luck not so dumb though. What do you mean by this, Zfiend?
  8. Can Leve Channel on the 2 taken actions though. He declares a charges, while declaring the charge he takes 2 damage from channel and gets the positives, then, while charging he gets to take two (NB! it is not declare). Channel only applies when you declare an action. So I am not to sure that he gets to Channel during the charge. At least I wouldn't rule it like he could. Edit. To clarify with an example. If a model got Firing Squad Injustice on it and declares a charge, it won't suffer damage while taking the two attack actions. However, if a model got Drowning Injustice on it and declares a charge, it will suffer two damage from declaring the tactical action charge, but while taking the two subsequent (attack) actions.
  9. I am sure that Ironsides can be terrifying in the right hands, but she seems to be very hard to get rolling. If I play against her with Daw I would just throw Firing Squad Injustice on her every turn. Leveticus: go after her Willpower. Pandora: go after her Willpower. Lilith: throw Vicked Vines at her and block off my models with Illusionary Forest. Hamelin: double Trapper, I Pay Better, Obey, should keep her honest enough...
  10. I liked the aesthetics and theme of Leveticus' crew. It was a toss up between him and Ramos.
  11. Don't forget that Jack can copy the Rifle too, should be pretty neat.
  12. I think he is a very good counter to anything as long as the Korps gets to stick together. Meaning that they don't always have to be within range of Schill aura, but within walking distance is preferable (save the Strongarm Suit). Otherwise they are pretty easy to pick a part one by one. Point 2. I don't think that is really the case Zfiend, if you run him with Survivalist and The Shirt Comes Off. Then he can wrestle with most opponents a fair bit, and df 6 is decent against most while wp 7 is great. Point 3. If that model isn't killed, it will be healed to close full health. Point 1. And if you are Focusing... he can slit you up for 6-8 damage. Piece that together with a minimum 2, and situationally Finish the Cur for another 2, that is 8-12 damage; ignoring Armor. He can also get to models from quite far away too.
  13. He is ok. Lacking From the Shadows is sad, but he can still shoot over the good damn board. Hamelin, Jack, and Tara (Obey, I Pay Better, actions to copy his rifle) can certainly get some extra mileage out him though. Not having to randomize is quite overlooked too!
  14. I have played a lot against Izamu vs Nicodem, and they can tear through a crew together. Giving Izamu Fast means he got 4 AP to swing, and there is plenty of tech in Ressers which can move Izamu around (Mortimer's Fresh Meat, Belles Lures and Pushes). Nico can heal Izamu with ease too. Watch out for enemy models who ignore armor though.
  15. If you take Scout the Field on Leve, you can walk an additional 4" with Ashes and Dust. Its pretty neat to have Leve shoot once with needing LoS in order to Snipe out anything with 4 wounds; like most runners have. And if the target is right, getting half wounds of an enemy master isn't that bad either.
  16. Both can take it at the same time. It is not rare #, or limited. I used to take it with Leve, and use from the aether on Alice. Now a days I usually only take from on Alice, and skipp desolate soul. Leve got plenty of other useful triggers too.
  17. Missed that too! Next time! Some great clarifications and rulings otherwise. Sure seems like it. I would rule it like that anyway.
  18. He is ok, but the faction simply got better options at his price range (that is 1 additional soulstone). His movement tricks on friendlies only works if he hurts them. He is very squishy and ht 3 on a 50"mm base, so it's hard to hide him. He wants enemies close to him, but isn't tanky enough or got any other tricks to handle punishment. In the end, he is a fluffy model that is overshadowed by Outcasts great 10ss range. If you want to play a competitive Daw, Montressor is probably not for you.
  19. That is it. Montressor constantly needs the perfect storm to work. There is still hope though, I think he can be fixed with an upgrade further down the line. Well see if that happens.
  20. I haven't been taking Jaakuna at all lately I feel that she has always under performed, First turn for Montressor is movement tricks For me Jaakuna is a poor man's Montressor, and that is not a bad thing! Montressor is more expensive, requires more set up to work, and is in need of Soulstones to survive. Jaakuna on the other hand simply works. Her aura is always around, even if she is paralyzed (i.e. healed by a Nurse). Her Ml stat is better than Montressor's, thus she will have an easier time keeping people around. She also got movement tricks in Lure. Their stats are quite similar, but Jaakuna got more self-sufficient defenses Incorporeal, and Manipulative. For full disclosure, Montressor have constantly under performed for me. He isn't tanky enough, and too close to that mint 10ss to compete with the Rusty Alyces, Strongarms, Taelors, and Lazarus of the world. Jaakuna simply does similar things for a cheaper price tag.
  21. I mainly use Guillotine Injustice for hand destruction. As you said, it isn't anything you want to rely on. Rather it is an outstanding annoyance, which is definitely worth spending one of Daw's AP on (albeit not worth getting him out of position for). If you have to remove a model, Daw have other tech to remove models by himself or making others do it. Nevertheless, if I only can pick two upgrades Guillotine is the first to go.
  22. Enforcers Lazarus A lumbering hulk with a grenade launcher, who can put out lots of Blast markers in melee as well as from distance. Lazarus is very resilient with a healthy amount of wounds, Armor +2, and the ability to heal himself. Daw's crew can at times be quite squishy, but Lazarus certainly makes up for that. Offensively Lazarus preferred modus operandi is to attack from range. He's got a solid damage track and can lay down plenty of area of effect damage while hitting moderate and severe. Thus, Focus is a condition Lazarus loves. The tactical action "Automatic Fire" is more or less a better "Rapid Fire", who lets you fire 3 shots at 3 targets of your choosing. One of Lazarus biggest weaknesses is speed, since he only sports a walk of 4". Jack can speed him up immensely. I like to attach Scout the Field to Lazarus to get him up even further early, and grant him the ability to ignore LoS for a single Focus shot. With all those blasts, it can be pretty mean. Between Scout, Writhing Torment, and Twist and Turn, Lazarus can move 11" without moving once with his own AP. Lazarus is also slightly terrain dependent to be effective. Since he requires LoS to shoot. Although he is ht 3" and can ignore some terrain that way, it is still a great hindrance to his onslaught. Be aware of stuff that can ignore Armor! Upgrades: Scout the Field, Oath keeper. Who to bring along: Vanessa is a strong candidate, since she can obey Lazarus around. He also likes other constructs, due to being able to copy (1) action from them with a (0). Sadly enough, Jack doesn't pack a lot of constructs. Librarian Another Freikorp staple that works very well in Jack Daw crews. Its main draw is its solid heal. It simply brings another dimension to Daw's crew. Keeping Hanged or Jaakuna alive in their native faction can sometimes be quite hard, or relying on Nurses who will paralyse them too. Librarian will just keep them rolling. In terms of supporting the crew, Librarians can also strip enemeies within 4" of all their Suits related to Sh, Ca, and Ml stats. If Daw's crew got the upgrade Creeping Terror it further enhance the aura by 1". Yet Offensively the Librarians are quite capable. They got Furious Casting, which functions just as Rapid Fire. Their attack can provide with some Blast damage, or draw cards through Surge. Defensively Librarians have enough tech to keep around for quite long. They got ok stats, Armor, and Freikorps Armor, and they can heal themselves. However, they will fall to a concentrated attack. All and all, they are just solid. They rarely do something fancy, rather they are the glue-guys for the crew. Upgrades: Oathkeeper Who to bring: Anyone really. Strongarm Suit The third unit from the Freikorps who Daw simply loves to bring along. The SaS is simply a monster. What makes it so good is its versatility that comes from its (0) action. It can either boost damage, the Sh stat, or put up a damaging shield against Ml attacks. Granted, it can only do one thing very good each turn. From a far the SaS doesn't do as much damage as in melee, but it is still a solid attack with a few good triggers. One dishes out Slow, while the other makes models killed by the attack unable to drop any markers. Up close is where the SaS can lay down plenty of hurt. With Augmented Jump, it can charge even though it is engaged, also ignore terrain and other models while charging. It still requires LoS. With the (0), the SaS can get +1 damage to melee attacks, which makes its damage track completely bonkers. It also got two very good triggers. One that grants a positive while damaging, and the other ignores any reduction. The latter makes the SaS very good at handle Riders. Defensively it will stick around thanks to Armor +2, a batch of wounds, and simply being slippery enough. Even though the SaS doesn't lack speed, Daw can make it uber fast. Together with Scout the Field, Writhing Torment, and Twist and Turn the SaS can charge anything within 28" turn 1 (standard deployment). Blitzing with the Strongarm is usually worth it, since it can almost always get out of harms way the following turn. It is great to do against straight up threats to the crew. It can really set an opponent on their back foot from the get go. Upgrades: Scout the Field(!!!). Who to bring along: Someone that can make it Tormented for at least a turn (e.g. Lady Liega, or Guilty). Convict Gunslinger A mid-cost gun turret. Their main stick is Rapid Fire, and being able to shoot even more with a trigger. So with plenty of luck, you are shooting 6 times in an activation. That will rarely happen, but 4-5 isn't unheard of. They got a built in plus flip to their attack and doesn't care a lot about cover thanks to it. They haven't a lot of tools to keep themselves around for long though, besides an ok wound count, and being able to gun down what is threatening them. Daw helps them a lot by getting the Slingers in and out of position with Writhing Torment. Once they are made Tormented they make a very neat pairing with The Guilty. Tormented models doesn't flip cards for them while randomizing a target in an engagement. So as long as the Gunslinger can see an engaged The Guilty, it can fire at another model. Upgrades: if any, Oathkeeper. Who to bring along: Librarians, or Nurses to help them stay alive. Guilty to tag victims. Sue The man in black is an outstanding addition to any Jack Daw list. Sue is very versatile, packing a very impressive mix of survivability, crew support, and offence. Sue is fairly slow, making him Tormented in order to get some extra pushes will mitigate that weakness. Sue can support his fellows with an - to casting aura. Dish out Finish the Job, and destroy scrap/corpse markers on that action's trigger. He can also draw a card at the end of every activation if he take 1 damage. Fluffy enough it is called Hurt. Defensively Sue's got a few tricks to keep him around. He's got an ok amount of wounds, Hard to Kill, and the -ca aura. He also got another aura which lets enemey model who end their activation within 3" of Sue gain the Burning condition. NB. Either aura are activated through a (0) action, so you can only have one active a turn. If any Tormented model got the Creeping Terror upgrade, Sue's auras will extend even further. On offence, Sue packs a punch. While only having sh 5, Sue still got an in-built + flip and a ram. With Critical strike as a possible trigger, Sue can sport a very impressive damage track. On a tome Sue can finish totems upon hit, unless they discard 2 Soulstones; making Sue the games designated Hungering Darkness killer. In addition, Sue's range is a very impressive 12". Upgrades: Oathkeeper. Who to bring along: Sue likes to have some healing in order to use Hurt consistently. Just like the Convict Gunslingers, Sue can also benefit greatly from having Guilty around to pin point targets.
  23. What about Betrayer, anyone get any mileage out of it?
  24. Any specific trinkets-model synergies in mind? I'm really curious on what impact they will have. Regeneration and Don't mind Me seems good right of the bat, while companion and the Monkey's Paw seems more corner-case. However, I imagine that both can make a huge difference at times. After musing on it more and reading your thoughts on the emissary, it's uses are definitely more clear now. Now to find a nice proxy... Since Outcasts tend to be quite elite, getting stuff like Dont Mind Me and Regen really opens up a lot of potential. Taelor and Johan can lock up plenty of models with there 3" while being able to interact, for example.
  25. When I play Daw, I more or less always goes for the three Curses, Writhing Torment, and Twist and Turn. In some games I haven't got enough mileage out of all Curses (mostly Guillotine), but the reasoning is always in hindsight. From the get go that upgrade line-up always seem to be the best one. So, what kind of upgrade sets are people running with Daw?
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