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Posts posted by Carasz

  1. They are supposed to have Asian ties though, as Misaki has been able to hire them without penalty. Their ties to Vic, who's been trained in Asian weaponry and found one of the legendary swords. Basically a westerner who's trying to emulate 10T. And a mercenary generally is masterless.

    The old models were also made before 10T, so they needed a more western look to fit in with the rest of the models.

    I agree with the "not looking like a wandering criminal", but that's because they got the "wild west" part replaced by punk. So instead of a western/10T hybrid we have a punk/10T hybrid. They still look a bit criminal, just not ready for a hard life out in one of the border towns.

    Which makes me glad I've already bought the old ones.

  2. About the only thing I don't like about the Ronin is they look more 10T than Outcasts now.

    Aren't they supposed to though? They are ronin after all... (Basically wandering/masterless samurai in Japanese)

    I've always seen them as a hybrid between actual samurai ronin and western gunslingers. The old ones had katanas, but weren't very Asian otherwise. They need to stand out a bit from the rest of the outcasts, giving them a 10T look will achieve just that. The punk look has replaced some of the western quality though.

  3. The Golem looks nice. Really nice!

    But seriously, what's up with the new art work of Gremlins?!!

    I hate the fact that they have no noses and I really miss the in-bread, moonshine, redneck look. Is it just me feeling this?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but they never had noses. I still get the redneck look, although they look more prepped for battle and less "oh ****, a neverborn in my front yard. Better grab my hat and banjo and kill it".

  4. Except FFG does the EXACT same thing, only you have to attend and in some cases WIN events. In Netrunner right now, there is the alternate full art Melange Mining Corp, the full art Crypsis, the special versions of the ID cards from regionals, the acrylic credit tokens and the playmats. All of that is exclusive to events, and most of it for performing well at those events. And they are continuing it (we already know the season 2 OP kits are Kate/Scorched Earth). But NONE of those are in any gameplay way better or even different from the regular versions. You still have MMC and Crypsis in the box. You have the cardboard tokens for credits. You don't need a playmat (and if you want one there are already TONS of different ones out there). All of those are just the pimped out collectible versions.

    The Nightmare models are the same. Does it suck because sometimes the regular version is just kind of fugly (Chomp, Convict, Nurses, etc.)? Certainly. But in those cases, take heart. It looks like a lot of things are getting resculpts with the edition change (look at the new Nurse artwork in the rulebook and beta card for instance).

    Do you buy netrunner to play with or to have the cards?

    Most people buy it to play with, the different cards just add some change. It's still to play with.

    If you're a collector you wouldn't care as much about if the new cards added rules or even could be played with, you'd buy them to get the cards. Since netrunner's focus is about playing, this kind of limited editions are okay. LE enhance the game, they aren't the game itself.

    For many, malifaux isn't about playing. It's about collecting, and part of the collecting is the preparation, I.e. building and painting. For them/us it doesn't matter if you can play with it, as long as you get to build/paint. The focus here is the opposite of netrunner, yet the limited edition is the same way. LE are the hobby itself, not an enhancement.

    With netrunner, you get the most important part whether or not you get the LE, since they play the same. In malifaux you miss out on the important part, since they have different models.

    Limited editions should be about enhancing the game for those who attended the events. Not excluding those people who can't attend.

    I recognize that there are people who want to collect netrunner and that there are people who only want to play Malifaux. However, they aren't equal sized groups withing the total. A bigger part (percentage-wise) of people buying malifaux do it for the collecting part than the people buying netrunner. The people who only want to play, they have vassal and not the same need for LE.

    Games Workshop is a perfect example of this. They are honest, first and foremost they make models. Rules come second, which is why it's relatively unbalanced. They cater to collectors (and kids, because they want to collect the cool space dudes). They have a much wider range, which means their LE models aren't the same loss, since you could get almost the same model in five different ways already.

  5. I can agree with the part that minis are an essential part of this hobby. It's less of a thing when it's something like different layouts on cards, decks with different backgrounds etc. I'm a relatively new player to Malifaux, mostly because there's not a big scene around here. This way it feels like I am penalized because I didn't start Malifaux and order across the ocean during the right time. I'm mostly in this hobby because I like the creative part, building and painting. Gaming comes secondary.

    The limited models seem like they're made with gaming in mind, because they are permanent rules-wise but temporary as a model. Gaming comes first, building/painting second.

    This is a loss for a customer and is a (small) deterrent. For a company that otherwise has so many good ideas and policies, it sad to see.

  6. Not only are the new plastics of good quality, the increase from the Book 1 pewter models is huge. The quality of the old models vary greatly, some are great sculpts and some seem to be made by amateurs (I'm looking at you, rectangular fingers of Vik's avatar). Rerelease in plastic with new sculpt will even out the whole line to the standard of at least the current 10T.

    While they still can't compete with Games Workshop for pure detail quality (GW's just got the cash for the best equipment) the overall feeling of Malifaux models might just steer some customers their way. And the fact that they actually can make female sculpts that don't look like ****.

  7. Podcast? That might explain why I missed that piece of information.

    Too bad on the old fluff and good thing I recently bought all the books. I feel that's one of the problems wyrd have, their homepage is filled with background fluff but it's a bit light on the individual masters and minions. Even the books themselves are a bit light on this. I considered Malifaux for at least 6 months before I bought anything, mostly because the lack of information on the characters. I just couldn't get into any of them.

    For me, it was worth buying them even if I only have used them twice for gaming and they soon will be obsolete. Maybe it's because I come from GW's miniatures where fluff is aplenty, but I say go for it and buy them.

  8. I wonder if they're gonna reprint the old books but with the new rules, or make new books with new rules for (mostly) old models. The second options is probably better, as it will advance the storyline, add the new models and the rules. Then the old books will only be good for fluff, which in my opinion is a valid reason to keep them. Will they go the way of GW and just let the old fluff go?

    I'm hoping they will release another book with all the stories from the old books so new players can experience the full storyline. Or just add it to the malifaux homepage.

  9. I've always bought from different LGS here in Sweden, but I've always had the feeling that wyrd's own online shop is more expensive than LGS or Swedish online store. You could look around and see if there are any such online stores you could order from that has better prices and/or shipping than Wyrd directly.

    Or you could ask your LGS for when they will order wyrd products and ask them to add your order to their total. This lets your order ride in their package and therefore will lower your shipping. Most stores I know of don't add anything for such orders, but you will have to wait for their decision of when to order.

  10. You could pose the middle one with a longer sword in his right hand and a short one in his left, holding the short one in a back-handed grip. I think they used to hold them like that when using them to parry with. Or at least that's what they do in action movies.

    The right one could pose with a sword pointing forward in his right hand and nothing (open hand?) in his left, as if he is bracing to stab real hard.

    These are just ideas, not convinced they are better but it gets the inspiration flowing.

    Malifaux 28 mm all right, although some companies tend to make bigger than realistic weapons (which is called "heroic", for example Games Workshop).

    I'm excited to see the result!

  11. ...once the distribution end, they will simply stop making them and you gotta hope your store will stock whats left :(

    Hopefully, once they run out of the models they will have the new boxes to replace them. The only loss will be the old sculpts, which may or may not be a good thing.

    So if you're up for waiting, they will release all old masters but in new boxes, in plastic and with new rules, as the second edition rolls in. However, this might take a while so either

    A: get Ten Thunders faction (which already have "new" models, but will get updated with new cards)

    B: Find the current metal version in an online store of your choice

    Stock is still relying on the store, if they haven't sold out on that particular box yet. Most people end up with more than one master sooner or later (often sooner) so you could get one that's available now and play that one until you feel like moving on to the next and by then the master you were hoping for is hopefully released.

  12. I assumed you wanted to use the same model to represent both ashigaru and punk zombie. Rereading your post I'm less sure, and if you are going to get two separate sets of ashigaru then you should go all out with them. Building on Zac's advice you could also paint the armor of the punk zombies differently. Otherwise he had great tips!

    Zac: the swords are called "tanto", "wakizashi" and "katana" if I recall correctly. Although having them carry the tanto might seem unnecessary, as it's used for suicide...

  13. You will want it to be clear which ones are Punk Zombies and which ones are Ashigaru at a glance, especially for your opponents sake. So just switching the spear might be insufficient...

    The flags on their backs might just be something that's easily seen and easily removed. At least for non-competitive games you could probably get away with changing weapons and removing the flags.

    Might just be a start.

  14. I see most opinions seem to have been spoken already in this thread, so to not regurgitate too many of them I`ll just keep it short.

    One thing seems to be on many peoples minds, Lady J`s pose.

    They way I see it, she looks like she has moved from a standing (or jumped) down into a crouching pose and the momentum has carried her hair further. Both she and her hair and been moving sideways, from our left to right. It looks quite natural if you look at it this way. Not completely, but quite.

  15. It seems the website does like it when you have many tabs open on your iPad and use the quickreply button in one of the threads. Now let`s see if I can`t get my reply to the right thread.

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