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11th Thunder

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Everything posted by 11th Thunder

  1. Mason. I am terribly sorry to bother you with more questions about the beta, but I have one last one. I have been in between houses and thus unable to print the NDA. I can rectify that this weekend, but am concerned it might be a bit late. Am I correct in my assessment that I am too late? If I am too late, is another wave of invites planned for a future date?
  2. An interesting thing to consider, is that there is more than just Masters we are losing. I imagine that the Nephalim will be Nekima's keyword, but what will become of Barabos. Will he be in the dead man's hand, or perhaps jump ship to the outcast faction. One henchman we know is not coming back is The Judge. Will The Jury take his place at Lady J's side, or will we see her with a new right hand? Nicodem's crew become generic zombies easily, but at the end of Nemesis, a new direction was hinted for Mortimer. Will we see him as a versitile Resser? As Ramos fades away, Joss and Howard both need new jobs. They seem like they would best fit with Ironsides, but lorewise, would they stand beside the woman responsible for Ramos' imprisonment? Who gets puppets as a thing? Lots of stuff to consider with the lore moving forward.
  3. Hi there. I recently moved from Europe, and am wondering if there is a scene near me!
  4. Got the book, have mixed feelings about some of the stories and the updates to the masters, but I trust Wyrd t steer us through mostly.
  5. urgh! My book is so far away! Anyone want to throw me some Viks Spoilers? EDIT: Woo 100th post!
  6. I wish to challenge the patriarchy with every single thing in the world
  7. On phone so I am not quoting and dividing up. I use the headcanon I guess only because I cannot personally effect the actual canon. It only lets me challenge the patriarchal assumption that swm is normal when it is brought up I guess, but is all I am able to do with the models at hand I guess. I suppose it comes from being into fan fiction in the first place. I certainly think that gaming in general (not just wyrd, but here we are) needs more representation of marginalised groups. It is hard to challenge the patriachy if it seems like everything is catered to them.
  8. I am sorry I offended you. Perhaps I should more have explained that I have these headcanons because it enables me to interact with the characters who are 'like me' as it were. I didn't share how I feel about those characters to say 'Wyrd is doing enough in representation' I shared to say 'Media assumes the default is straight white male and we need to challenge that' The fact that you have assumed that I am a straight white male with no understanding of what it means to be a minority though rather illustrates my point that society assumes that is the default and that is something we as a community need to address. I use the 'headcanon' because there needs to be more minority representation, not because there is enough EDIT: All the relationships so far in canon are straight, which is fairly terrible, and to be honest most of the references seem pretty out of place to me.
  9. Jacob Lynch is gay. He uses his reputation as a ladies man to his advantage in business, but isn't attracted to the women he hires. Mei Feng is asexual. She has never really considered it, but asexual is the word that fits from modern lexicon. The intricate workings of machines and the glowing flames of the fire are more interesting to her than the paltry excitement that flesh can offer. Ironsides is pansexual. She is attracted to bodies, but more so to people. Gender doesn't really come into it for her. She is well read and well educated, and knows that such a label need not follow her all her life if something fits better. My point, in that little bit of headcannon/fanfiction, is that people tend to assign a character with no stated sexuality as straight as that is 'normal'. There could be loads of LGBTQA models in Malifaux, because frankly, we just don't know. Malifaux is strong in its representation of women, in that there is a mostly even split of male and female models. If their sexuality was important, I would think that Wyrd would be one of the companies where we would see an even split there as well. Now, how that would be reflected in the COMMUNITY (the amount of people I have had to stare down when they 'joked' that all women in Malifaux land were lesbians because lure worked on them)? The problem with people is that they are slow to change, and when confronted with a need to change they revert to the hive mind. It is easier to be part of the problem than it is to admit you are part of it. Most people, I think, are good people. They are all for seeing more positive representation of women but society has a way of telling them they are wrong. Did you know for example, when presented with a fifty fifty split of men and women, most people tend to think there are more women than men. It is our responsibility as a community to speak up in favour of the changes we want to see, and to support those developers that move in those positive directions. This might be a little rambly, sorry. Hopefully there are some good points in there that people can work with though.
  10. Ah - I am glad I did not noob it up and miss a whole wave! Thanks for the info, looking forward to a new book!
  11. Was this one a closed Beta. The first I heard of the book was today
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