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Everything posted by HtUnliving

  1. What are you waiting for? Just take my moneys! ... Despite the rather meem-ish reaction, just loving the Emissary the more I see it.
  2. So I just got the Female and Male multikits for TTB, just because of the conversion possibilities. And I started wondering, when I found the perfect bits to make an awesome Belle, has anyone done this and with what results? And also, as they are Wyrd minis, they might even be tournament legal and/or recognisible in casual?
  3. Comping so much. As someone who runs a miniature store, I know that even though one loves his job, it's still a job and there are days where you'll want the ability to make copies of yourself just to get everything running and with the normal you getting some rest. (Still wouldn't change this job for anything ). If you don't like what they make, don't buy them. But as a longtime fan and gamer of Wyrd, these are so wyrd I just love them. The Tortoise and the Hare are awesome.
  4. Cover doesn't really help against Dita and Nino. -.- And the problem we had,that we didn't notice until the game had started,was that we have at out LGS pieces of wall that we counted as Hard Cover and Climbable as they are Ht1. Cover was ok but the real problem was that Climbable terrain hinders pushes (if we read the rules correctly)thus killing off "Show ya the Door" and Lure. Next game those'll be off the table (or less as we had like 4 of those). And yeah,Waldgeists were planned on next,or maybe Lilith (Dita might ignore cover but not Dense). And maybe give the Silurids a spin.
  5. First of all,my first post is a prime example of why you shouldn't post on forums right after a game which went bad. Joel: I use mostly Lynch but because Malifaux isn't much played in my area,I haven't played much lately. I has played him from 1,5 though wo many games and when the Strats are right,even won some. Mostly I've used him with Graves,Illuminated and Doppleganger,with Beckoners and Depleted for taste. Last game was Reconnoiter with Outflank,Assassinate,Distract and Cursed Object which I chose LITS and Distract. 2Illuminated,DG,Depleted and Beckoners,Woke up with a Hand,Wings of Darkness and something else.
  6. How do people win,or even draw against Guild? Had a match today va Perdita w Lynch. The Schemes and Strats don't matter when at the end of Turn 3 you have one Depleted on the table. (yeah,mistakes were made like killing the Marshall carrying Papa Loco,but still it felt like nothing mattered and I had two Illuminated killed in range like it,was nothing). He had the Family + a Marshall and Witchling. And another problem with Guild: instawin-Sonnia.
  7. Tested the Emissary with Lilith in a list I dubbed Minefield,with these two,Transfixing Gaze,Beckon Malifaux,Waldgeists,Weaver Widow and Cherub and Tuco. The idea was simply to tell your opponent "don't go there,or there,or anywhere". And with area denial and the right Schemes and Strats (either Reckoning or Reckon,Deliver a Message at least,maybe Protect Territory in that match) you control the board or atleast force your opponent to bleed for every inch. In that match the Emissary worked well and I have a good feeling for it. Especially when it has many good tools for many situations I think. Gonna try him with Lynch for a third beatstick/control piece.
  8. Agree with the idea to listen to the Schemes and Stones-episode. Makes figuring out Nico wo much easier. Also,the Emissary and its Shards. Blocking terrain on demand and more Corpses. Nuff said.
  9. Puppet friends! We have a problem: this thread is 9 pages and no-one has mentioned the Bunraku. Why? They are at least on paper super awesome with Collodi. Why ponder whether to take a non-Puppet PP when you can have these guys Snatch whatever melee threat is trying to get Collodi? Yeah,not so much dmg but still.
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