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Gremlin guy

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Posts posted by Gremlin guy

  1. Thank you both for the compliments. I'll be adding a Leveticus box set soon. I'm having that one painted and based by someone else, simply because I don't have enought time. I also picked up a large bayou base for the bad juju, so I'll have to paint it and rebase. (any tricks to taking a model off it's old base? I'm just going to pull and hope it doesn't break.)

    I should also be getting a Molly and Lucius box set in the next week or so.

    After that I just need to build up more interest where I live so I can get more games in!

    Note: all spelling errors are attributed to the iPad.

  2. This was the second crew I painted. After all the gremlins and little dolls, the bad juju was great to paint and felt almost like abstract art. I looked at his from the Earth Talent and thought sweet I'll just splash some green, brow, and maybe a little orange all over!


    You may notice the Silurrids are different colors. Based on the poses, this is supposed to represent diferent stages of alertness. The purple is relaxed, the orange is wary, and the red is full attack!

  3. I really should do more with the bases, but I am lucky if I can get 6hours a week to paint. I did manage to paint a cobblestone effect on the DG and Dora. The DG isn't totally completed, but I may leave her that way since no DG ever has their final look.


  4. Thank you for the compliment! I still have tons of models to paint, my slop haulers are only primer green, I can find the box for my unassembled Burt, then there's Wong, Gracie, and I need to find some hog whisperers. I'll probably redo the bases one I paint the rest, but some might just get some quick mud paint too.

  5. I use the stones to ensure he hits. That way I can cheat a mid/low card (i forget the suit) and stone up if I want the slow trigger, and do that on up to 2models. His severe damage, at 5, isn't bad either if you want to use the stone to ensure a standard or better flip on damage so you can cheat up if needed. In addition you can use the marionettes to reposition him and then obey for another attack with the slow trigger. put a wicked in b2b and add the poison 1.

    If the opponent has 1or fewer cards, you can use the ss to increase your chances of dismantle.

    I guess wreak havoc was a little strong, but with the positioning capabilities of his dolls, for me he gets far more use out of the ss than Z does.

  6. I'll second the addition of Collodi and the stitched. Z doesn't really need the ss and Collodi can wreak havoc with them. As for the juju, if used him twice, once he did nothing and once he won the game for me. The i2i is a pita, but there are other models you can obey.

    the doppelgänger is also situational. She will or won't work well depending on how you want to use her and what other models you and your opponent bring. I like one in a 35 or more ss game, but not for the lower ss games. If you do use her, figure out what you wat her to do, and bring models with abilities that support that.

  7. I had a friend take these pics and email them to me. I'm working from an IPad from Sttarbucks, so I'm not sure if this link will work.

    gropen://0/Malifaux/Malifaux minis/Picture 9.jpg?cc=1

    gropen://0/Malifaux/Malifaux minis/Picture 8.jpg?cc=1

    gropen://0/Malifaux/Malifaux minis/Picture 7.jpg?cc=1

    gropen://0/Malifaux/Malifaux minis/Picture 6.jpg?cc=1

    gropen://0/Malifaux/Malifaux minis/Picture 5.jpg?cc=1

    gropen://0/Malifaux/Malifaux minis/Picture 4.jpg?cc=1

    gropen://0/Malifaux/Malifaux minis/Picture 3.jpg?cc=1

    If they don't work, I'll try to get them in later today.

    Edit: didn't work. Anyone have experience uploading images from an iPad?

  8. Thanks for the reply. The match probably would have been better if I hadn't included bête noir, but I just finished painting her and wanted a field test.

    In addition to the list above, I have rafkin, some malifaux raptors (unpainted), teddy, Nekima, and some terror tots.

    If I were to get another box set or two, which ones would go well with the ones I have for demos?

  9. Looking at the way additional models are bought with scrip, I would start with all the low cost ones you will want by the end of the campaign, and buy the higher cost models with scrip. The warping would cost you 9 scrip while 4 bayou gremlins would total out at 12 scrip. You may also want to start with 2 Mosquitos just in case one is killed permanently.

    If it was my list I would trade the WP for some piglets and a skeeter, then buy a high cost model next, but if this is your final list and you just want to add abilities, I can't find fault with it.

  10. While not a henchman (I don't have a camera to take pictures of my models), I've gotten to the point where I would like to hold some unofficial demos at my LGS. There are very few Malifaux players, but a lot of wamahorde and 40k players.

    yesterreday I wanted to show off malifaux to a long time 40k players and showed him the crews I had. I felt Ophelia would be the most straight forward as basically a straight ranged attack type, since he had the basics of war gaming down, and he liked the models. Of the other crews I could take (Nico, pandora, zoraida, Collodi, Som'er, and Marcus) I thought pandora would be horrible broken, Zoraida would too easily be able to abuse obey, and I don't know Marcus that well, so I chose Nicodem.

    it turns out this was a horrible pairing,t 30ss since gremlins die a lot and leave lots of corpse counters for Nico to abuse, and the other player just got frustrated. (he also had terrible luck with the cards).

    When we called the game after 3 turns, I explained that although many of his low cost models where dead or dying, he was still doing fairly well, since his models were blocking the route to my objectives, and my models were very slow (I wasn't going to summon necropunks). He, however, was on his way to achieving bodyguard, and may be able to make claim jump since the MZ's I was summoning were insignificant, and not part of my crew.

    Based on the leaders I have, what do you think would be good pairings for a demo, and at what ss limit?

    pandora box

    zoraida box

    collodi box

    Som'er box

    Nico boxMarcus box

    2 blisters of mz

    2 blisters of piglets

    2 blisters of stuffed pigs



    burt (somewhere)

    1 blister of necropunks and belles

    grave spirit

    the undead goat tiger snake thing

    flesh construct

    bete noir


    Canine remains

    gremlin taxidermist


    av zoraida and Som'er

    vodoo doll

    Stitched togethers

    and some others(I'll try to get a full list by tomorrow

  11. Your last point, to me, further strengthens the argument that a failure does not always equal a miss. While not specifically written out, the harmless ability seems to imply that you simply wouldn't shoot at a model, not that it's so cute and cuddly it throws your aim off. If you didn't shoot, you can neither hit nor miss.

    Again, looking at the comat sequence the measure distance comes in step 1. Harmless comes before distance. If you fail at these, you can not proceed to step 2.

    Step 2 is when you generate the strike duel. By my logic (which, admittedly, may be off) if you can't begin to generate the strike duel, you can not attempt the strike and can neither hit, nor miss, but simply fail to fire the weapon.

    While not wanting to drag this out, as a new player, it's rules like this (which rely on non-game terms) that frustrate me the most.

  12. Hey folks,

    I'm a Resser player who is interested in branching out with a fun crew from another faction. What could be more fun then Gremlins?

    Nothing is more fun than Gremlins, unless of course you count Gremlins with pigs and a pigapult!

    If you buy the Ophelia's and som'er box, you'll be off to a great start. Ophelia was my first crew and helped me to understand the gremlin gun line without getting too frustrated by whoops. Whith the Som'er box, you can add the bayou gremlins to your Ophelia crew for an easy start.

    You probably don't need the war pigs. Their big, and good for blocking Los, but for me, gremlins is more about out activating the other crew with tons of low cost models.

  13. To play Devil's advocate, and to get a better understanding of the rules in general, why wouldn't the ranged strike follow the same ruling as general actions you can not do, covered in the FAQ?

    Q. What happens when a model attempts something that it couldn't do, like cast a Spell to create an additional Rare model when my Crew's maximum number of that model are in play, or casts a borrowed Spell that requires a Weapon/Ability my model doesn't have?

    A. You cannot attempt the Action. If the Action would not work, reset back to before the Action began. If an event would require the model to enter play (such as a Pine Boxed third Viktoria coming into play when a Death Marshal is removed from play) the model does not enter play.

    It seems that in this case, the model is attempting something it can't do, e.g attack something out of its range. If you reset to before the action began, then you wouldn't have fired, and could not miss.


    It's hard to delete and retype on the iPad, but after re-reading your response to me, I decided to review the strike resolution sequence.

    Range is determined in step 1. If the target is in range (as well as Los, etc..) you proceed to step 2. If not, you don't.

    Step 2e is where you determine success. In the first bullet, ..."it wins the duel and Hits the defender.(success)

    Second bullet, "Otherwise, the defender wins the duel and is not hit by the attack. (failure)

    The holds are my own, but this just reinforces my believe that declaring a strike against an opponent out of range is a failure, but not a miss. While the word miss isn't specifically used, miss is the opposit of hit in this scenario and I believe this is when the miss would occur.

    I apologize for the long post.

  14. Since their is nothing that defines a miss, I would view this more along the lines of casting. When checking to see if you can cast, be it range, los, or the TN to cast, this is all determined before the defender needs to flip. If the conditions are not met, the spell is not cast and it is neither, what I would consider, a miss or a hit. Just a failure. To miss, I would think the shot needs to go off.

    Of course, I don't have the rule book in front of me, I'm still learning everything, and I may be biased to gremlins, but those are just my thoughts.

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