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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Just been reminded on AWP - translucent red Bete Noir is bound to make an appearance!
  2. From what has been given away so far I think it's safe to say there will be some traditional sale items for this Black Friday sale. This will be limited to old metal stock though. The current plastic boxes will not be discounted by Wyrd during the Black Friday sale, but there may be the opportunity to get some limited edition miniatures and pre-release stock.
  3. More than I'd put on a regular Tara turning up!
  4. My bad, I think I am getting Nightmare and translucent models mixed-up. I meant a translucent box rather than a Nightmare edition.
  5. Have condition removal (Chiaki for Ressers and/or Johan who can be hired as a Merc by both Ressers and NB) so that when she is handing out Slow/Paralyzed you can just remove it which has essentially wasted some of her crews AP. Always play to the strats and schemes and try not to get too caught up in what your opponent is doing. If they give out Slow but you can still drop a scheme marker for Protect Territory/Plant Evidence etc. or you can still Curse/Distract something you are engaged with then so be it. The game is all about racking up your VPs so concentrate on the strats and schemes (obviously this may change if you're playing Story Encounters which by their nature are unbalanced). Are you using enough terrain? Malifaux is a game that should really be played with a LOT of terrain (in comparison to other games except maybe Infinity which I think uses more). There's an article on here by Ratty about it which is excellent but essentially you should be aiming to have one third to one half of a board completely covered in terrain as a general indicator of how much you should use which you then spread out across the board. You want a lot of different types of terrain too. As others have said Raspy needs LOS to her mirrors to use them and if she is getting easy LOS to them all then you're probably not using enough terrain. Related to the terrain make sure you use it to your advantage. As Lilith chuck out the 5" dense vines which you can't draw LOS through in between Raspy and her mirrors. As Ressers take Belles and Lure the mirrors out of position (as you will usually have out-activation waiting until they've been moved into position and then drawing them out is best if you can).
  6. It completely depends on strats/schemes but I rarely leave home without at least one Belle and one Nurse (my group are just realizing how horrible that unimposing Nurse can actually be). I don't tend to use CCK as I find he rarely gets any shots off (I guess late turn shots at low Df models could be worth it but I rarely get much mileage out of him.). Sybelle tends to make most of my Seamus crews too as she can hit pretty hard and if you have Sinister Reputation on him then Shriek becomes and excellent ranged attack (plus he heals whenever somebody within 6" gets hit by it as well as when they fail a Lure). My favourite recently has been taking a fear causing crew for Turf War consisting of Seamus, Sybelle, Yin and the Hanged. They are all pretty durable and forces a lot of Terrifying check whilst the Hanged means multiples for most things in combat. If you can get Gnawing Fear off from Yin (save a high card, it's worth it) then you can usually stop any big hitters risking a charge against you because they will almost certainly fail the Terrifying check. Necropunks also make most of my crews as they are my favourite Resser scheme runner (they are simply fantastic for Deliver a Message too).
  7. Guess I'll make some predictions to kill time which are: Shen Long and Jack Daw crews both available (possibly a Nightmare edition of JD) as we've seen their full crew art spoiled already. Carver as a free model when you spend over $100 (i.e. the Black Friday Miss) with possibly Johana and Miss Ery stocks being thrown in for larger orders Nightmare Whisky Golem back on sale Levi and Hoffman as pre-release Dead Justice available (as previously mentioned I've just bought one privately so it'll be sod's law!) TTB Hannah (possibly as another spend X $s incentive) As for whether any other limited edition stuff will be available (if any) I have no idea but would be nice to see Santana and Hanging Trees.
  8. The original quote was in reply to somebody just asking if it was going to be free because they felt it was plain. No mention of the metal one?! It's Monday for me now but as we're about 5 hours ahead I guess we'll be waiting a little longer to find out! It was probably all a tease and all we'll get is just one release announcement which will be all the old metal stock!
  9. Yeah, it's a pretty important definition in Malifaux. I've not got my cards to hand but why would Seb's extra 2 damage from poison not activate in this example? Are they not both at beginning of activation?
  10. Another did not attend this year but hoping to next year and my options would be: #1 Not too bothered either way. I get gamed out so not sure I'd want more games in the evening but some sort of social effort would be good. #2 Definitely no to a Friday. I'm a lecturer which means no time off during term time so if I'm teaching I couldn't make it there for a Friday game (plus it means extra night in a hotel for some people). 7 games also seems a lot to me, I'd be prepared for fewer than that but not sure how that works with numbers etc. #3 Meh, food is food! Buffet's always invite the problem of people taking too much (or being perceived as taking too much) but does give more options. #4 Depends on how social the Saturday night gets! I think later start and later finish is probably better though some people are going to have a distance to travel. Ultimately you're not going to please everybody!
  11. Lynch - show him a hand then show him some aces and watch him cry.
  12. This is what I call winning at marriage!
  13. I bought some Night Terror proxies a few weeks ago and have been itching to give them a try in Reconnoiter which finally got flipped (well, generated!) as the strat in a game I had yesterday. I thought I'd messed up a little as I hadn't realised they couldn't take interact actions when doing my crew and I'd also taken Distract and ALITS but apart from one that died early to Huggy (fair enough, most stuff does!) they were golden for me. Being Ht1 makes them easy to sneak around places and the fact that they are only 3SS each means it really helps you in having activation control so I just held them off until the end of the turn and manage to put them into whichever corners I wanted. Ended up getting full VPs for Reconnoiter and stopping my opponent getting any. For 12SS.
  14. My money is also on Molly, 3 x Croligans, Necrotic Machine and Phillip and Nanny too. I haven't got around to reading the M2E fluff yet (so much to catch up on!) but they all seem pretty closely tied and the art we've seen of Molly has the Crooligans in the background. If anything the boxes are more fluff-sense than game-sense (i.e. Datsu-Ba not coming with Kirai)..
  15. Unfortunately I think this is one of the things most likely to be available (if you're referring to TTB Hannah) as it was only listed as limited edition and not KS exclusive during the the KS (I also want one even though I have warmed to regular Hannah now). If TTB and Dead Justice is available we can sit in the corner sobbing together!
  16. I just bought a Dead Justice set privately so knowing my luck it's almost certain to go back on sale during Black Friday!
  17. Send Wyrd a message via their contact form on here. They are very good with mispacks and I am sure they'll get you a Sybelle out in the post.
  18. Welcome to the Resser side, we have all the fun! Wild West terrain does tend to be a bit cheaper but there's lots of laser cut terrain now which is reasonable and if you've got a bit to spend then the new plasticraft stuff that's just been released is very nice and fits the Victorian theme. If you want your bases as cobblestone then resin bases are pretty cheap or you can by sheets of cobblestones that you can glue on. If you want to add Belles to your pool (which you do!) get the Seamus box set and don't get them in a box on their own.
  19. My Gencon order was $20 not £20 (so about £13-£14 postage) and I didn't get charged customs (don't use Fedex, they always charge to my knowledge). I definitely think that the Limited Editions are becoming more widely available, especially if you get them soon after they're available or you're prepared to wait. £30 for Dead Justice is damn good though (especially as I just coughed up £50 for a set!).
  20. Yeah, postage really isn't too bad. I spent about $180 at Gencon total and shipping was only about $20 of that. If you are UK based then the exchange rate against the $ at the moment makes it a pretty good deal. You don't end up saving anything but you get stuff early and get limited edition stuff for no more than it would cost here (and if you think of the limited edition stuff resale value then technically you are saving).
  21. My credit card is getting itchy! Not looking forward to having to pay it off!
  22. Some things (Friekorps Librarian for example) have the ability to remove the in-built suits which would mean that Pandy couldn't auto-trigger (I think Librarian only does it for Ca actions but there are others than can remove all though I can't think of any examples off the top of my head!). Dassenkop - an opposed duel is any duel where both players flip for their models. They don't have to both be using the same statistic so it could be a Ml duel for one person but a Df duel for the other. The breakdown by Eternal Void is great.
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