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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Izamu with Re-Called Training is no joke! Shame I can't use that in Ressers! Making him Armour +4 is pretty horrible. Especially if you have Nico around to full heal. Just takes so much effort to take him down.
  2. Yeah, I use Nico as a support Master a lot too (although last game the summoning I got from him was nothing short of ridiculous - 3 x Shikome, 2 x Hanged, a Flesh Construct and a Student of Sinew). I'm leaning towards Nico or McMourning. Tournament is this weekend so I'll let everybody know how it goes!
  3. Izamu and a Graveyard Spirit will make you really unpopular (unless your opponent has something to ignore armour then you are boned!).
  4. OK, there is a ton of parking on the Embankment which is opposite the Millennium Stadium. It's pay and display but I think it's free overnight. It's not too far to walk to Firestorm from there if you did want to dump your car in their car park and leave it there for the weekend and walk to/from your accommodation (about 10-15 minutes depending how far down the Embankment the hostel is).
  5. I'm not sure a tournament is the best setting to learn against an opposing Master to be fair! Because of time limits and how much you have to focus on your own crew you don't get the time to think about what your opponent is doing or ask them any questions.
  6. I agree with ZFiend, this is a great way to learn. I enjoy playing games against Masters that I own and haven't got on the table yet a lot as it allows you to learn their tricks and playstyle (which is especially helpful with a Master that has such tricks). Well .... but .... ummmmm ... I hate you.
  7. As you should, Ressers are best! If you want a Master with tricks in Guild then you want Lucius/McCabe (and Hoffman too although I'd say the other two have more tricks as Hoffman is mainly limited to Constructs for his).
  8. Yeah, Seamus gets very upset is somebody manages to Obey him to use his Flintlock! But it wouldn't work in the way that Decker is suggesting which is what I think ZFiend is getting at.
  9. Looks good to be. It would of course depend on your opponent and in a tournament you would need the TO'S permission. There's some nice plastic guitars people in AWP were using for Sue conversions but I can't remember where they were getting them from sorry.
  10. Hey, are you still after the plastic Ramos as per the thread title? I will have a brand new one in a couple of days that I am looking to shift along with all the Spiders if you want them too?
  11. Hey Morgs - they are new strategies from the Gaining Grounds 2015 document which you can download from the Wyrd website.
  12. Guess that's why Levi's ability to take wounds specifies all duels during the action.
  13. Do you think that Focus can be used on Terrifying checks Myyra? Seems a bit odd you can use it on a Walk but not on something that requires a (simple) duel as others have argued (this may be a separate thread).
  14. The Terrifying check is considered part of the action so you can spend the Focus before declaring an action against a Terrifying target and use it on the Horror Duel because a Terrifying check is a simple duel (you just lose the benefits of the damage flip because it's not taking place), Although if you do that I'm guessing it's spent and you can't not use it on the Terrifying and hold it over to the Attack? So better to use it on a second attack? Hazardous terrain is flipped by the enemy so no to that if you make them walk into Hazardous.
  15. I do want to get Justice on the table again after reading this thread if that helps get it back on track! Only played her once against Dreamer and she was pretty underwhelming (but I've also yet to get Sonnia to click). I currently use Dead Justice but I also need to get her alt metal model as it's the best one ...
  16. This really isn't FAQ necessary. The reason why the Vik wouldn't heal has been explained coherently throughout. Attempting to argue that the Vik could heal is nonsense quite frankly because it's quite clear that once it Izamu reaches 0 wounds he sacrifices himself. If he reached killed before that then he would be removed from the board ompletely and so wouldn't be able to take A Warrior's Death.
  17. There is that! I'm looking forward to running him in Guild McMourning. Giving out Precise is going to make him more scary.
  18. Nice idea but when you can just put Bishop in there or the NB for the same cost I don't think it's worth it. Would be very scary mind!
  19. Yep, Sybelle immediately 'kills'. This isn't sacrificing or reducing to zero wounds. If you did this to Izamu for example and he was unable to spend the cards or SS to prevent it he would just die. He would not get to do his own sacrifice ability because he was never reduced to zero wounds.
  20. Taking him in Outcast with somebody rocking I Pay Better would work well but not sure he'd be worth 10SS considering how many good beater options Outcast already have.
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