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Posts posted by jonahmaul

  1. I am not a fan of him.  He's decent at what he does, but like you said he's super card intensive.  Shooting off an upgrade from long range is nice and all, but he practically requires I Pay Better to be able to do it to someone hiding in cover since he doesn't have a built-in :+fate like the Trapper.  For 2ss less the Trapper is more killy, and the best condition to apply to an opponent most of the time is Killed.  :D

    I Pay Better is a pretty solid upgrade to be fair.  But as you say the Trapper just seems like a much better option.

  2. I haven't yet. He seems like a nay due to how awesome trappers are and he really suffers a lot from wk3 and no from the shadows. But I will see about that once Nythera ends and my guild duty is fulfilled. Then it's Outcasts. ;) 

    He's a merc so can be a friend to Guild too!  His low Wk sucks but he's got a huge range so shouldn't need to go anywhere generally!  There's some good movement tricks in Guild to get him going mind.

  3. I've only used Hans once and he got one-shotted by Nino on the first turn (and it scored my opponent 3VPs for Vendetta just to rub it in!) but from his card he looks very solid.  He goes down easily so you need to keep him back and in cover if possible but he has the answer for most things.  You're not going to stop Misaki being able to take attacks though.  They're going to dump the cards or burn their highest card to stop the attack (she does have a high def after all).  However, he is great at picking off Henchmen/Enforcers (some of which carry very valuable upgrades).  You don't always need to burn the card to Reference the Field Guide either as long as you have the high card of the correct suit (which obviously can't always be guaranteed).  Scout the Field is a strong upgrade for him too allowing him to have a shot at something completely out of LoS.

  4. We don't do price discounts, just special things on sale.

    I bet Black Friday gets some people pumped. I'd hazard a guess that it's even more exciting than last Black Friday.

    You are a tease!

    I think that the Coryphee will be a freebie for spending X amount rather than available to purchase.  Makes the most business sense as then you're encouraging people to spend 'X' amount.  Though I would agree that Dark Carnival will be available again.

    Emissaries would be awesome.  Also hoping we see TTB Hannah!

  5. Yeah, Levi like Bete Noir, Bad Juju etc. specifically states he is not killed or sacrificed so no Finished Off flip.  I'm not sure if there would be at the end of the game as if you're Buried at the end of the game don't you just count as dead for VP purposes (not got rulebooks to hand so not sure if SL has anything specific to say about it?).

  6. Note that models which are immune to Paralyse do still have to take Horror checks.  This is because there are models that interact with failed Wp duels (for example Pandora/Sorrows and their Misery ability or Teddy who gets a free Ml attack against an enemy that failed a Wp duel).  However they will then not gain Paralysed because of their immunity.  There are some models that have immunity to the duel itself though (for example models with Ruthless).

  7. I've only played one game and Jakuuna was very effective for me though she died quite easily to Black Blood Postules!  But she makes your opponent so wary of going near her portion of the board I was able to hold the farthest two Squat markers easily and drop a load of markers for ALiTS quite easily (one by killing off my own Cooked Man and getting two scheme markers from him which was lovely!).  Montressor on card just looks too easy to take down for his points.  When his main tricks involve pulling people into range to attack him too this is a big concern.  I could see how he could be super effective with the right set up but it seems like a lot of work that won't always work.

    • Like 1
  8. +1 to the Seamus box set.  It's rarely (if ever) worth buying minion boxes when those minions are available in a box set.  Getting Seamus will give you another Master to play when you want to diversify and will also give you Sybelle who is a pretty solid Henchwoman for any crew (though she doesn't have any particular synergy with McMourning).

    As for immediate extras you want at least one more, and maybe two more, Flesh Constructs so you have them available for summoning.  I would also advise getting hold of something you can use as Guild Autopsies (they're currently out of stock in metal so you will need to convert some unless you can find the metals at a reasonable price which is probably unlikely so converting some Guild Guard or using TTB kits is your best bet) as they provide good ranged poison and also synergy well with McMourning because of their ability to heal from Poison and they also have Ceaseless Advance like the Flesh Constructs.

  9. I love Taelor anyway but ran Jackdaw for the first time and she was the only non-Tormented model I brought to the party (who quickly became Tormented on the first turn!).  I stacked two Cursed Upgrades on Lilith (the attack and tactical action ones) then Taelor burned Oathkeeper so she could walk and charge and I had to high cards and Lilith only had 8 wounds so burned a SS for no damage prevention on the first attack for min damage 4 and by that point my opponent had no SS left so I hit her again for another 4 damage to kill her on turn two.  It was a thing of beauty!

    • Like 1
  10. I think there are probably enough faction specific conditions to make it messy though.  I got given the condition by a Black Blood Shaman where you take damage at the end of the turn in a game yesterday for example and I'm sure there's more.  The way Wyrd have opted to rule on it makes it much cleaner and simpler without having to add exceptions.  And adds another layer of tactics as I've already stated.  Thematically it certain doesn't make sense as what else is it dealing damage other than the big ass stick in their hands!

    • Like 1
  11. Now Eclipse. After that explanation I can fully respect that and won't try to counter what you say about Fuhatsu. I don't hold him in high regard, but if that is exactly what you wish to do, play seemingly subpar models I respect that opinion and would like to hear more from your experiences with said models. By the way have you played Lucius? 

    I'm gonna say yes ...

     It's the same reason I keep trying with Yan Lo, as I did with Lucius before - because it's challenging.

    • Like 1
  12. If you have flight/incorporeal then you ignore it when first enter is but if your movement ends within it then you count as entering it.  Same with Leap, you ignore it moving over it but if your leap ends within it then you've entered it.  I know Malifaux has some odd timing issues but I really think this one is being over thought!

  13. I have a question about the new forum. Was the dislike button seriously necessary? Since I don't feel it really adds anything. Quite the contrary. You are free to disagree and not like everything but is it necessary to show it to everyone? As I feel this button will be grossly misused. 

    1. SGE posted a thread about combinations etc people felt weren't cut to work out as they are. His first post got disliked. For what? People didn't feel there was such a thing in the game? People felt it wasn't worth posting? You can ignore the topic and let it go without going ahead and disliking something just because you feel you have nothing else to say. 

    2.The Monday previews. It was asked that people post their opinions about them and people not coming to the threads and being defensive. Well now they have the dislike button. So when people go in there and post their opinions of the new releases they are putting themselves into a position that while not being allowed to be called basement dwellers those name callers will run in and dislike the living shit out of their posts. 

    3. I feel that the like button was enough. People like your postings they can show it. People don't? Ignore them. But now you can just go ahead and dislike stuff and show people they aren't welcome. 

    So.. Is it really necessary? 

    They listened to you!  But now apparently all we can do is declare our undying love for you which is a bit disconcerting!

    • Like 2
  14. Mortimer with Corpse Bloat should reliably get you two corpse counters a turn.  With stuff dying as well I've never had a shortage of corpse markers.  Bar a few exceptions anything you summon is going to become a fresh corpse counter for you to summon off again after it dies.  He definitely is card dependent but not necessarily more so than any other Master, he just wants to use his cards on different things.  You should also not be lured into the trap of thinking that Nico is just a summoner because he can do so much more.  He hands out Fast like candy (needing only a 4 to do so) and can heal his own models very easily (including blasting heals from his attack) so if you don't get high cards to summon then you can still support your crew and maximise their effectiveness (and in fact knowing when to summon and when to lend support to your models that are already on the table is another thing to learn about Nico).  Definitely agree regarding the SS cache though.  I rarely run him with less than a full SS cache of 7 and never with less than 6.  You will get at least one or two high cards in your hand more often than not but chances of them being the correct suit are much less certain so you will almost certainly use them for adding suits to your casts.  I don't think I've ever used a SS to reduce damage to Nico though.  He has Impossible to Wound which is a fantastic ability and a very high wound stack plus the ability to hand off attacks to friendly Undead (hello Mindless Zombies!) so can take a lot of punishment.

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