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Everything posted by noob

  1. noob

    Trent Fool's Gold

    Very smooth yellow on bete
  2. I'm really liking that pot
  3. noob

    G.O.L.D Dungeon Trap

    The rocks look great! Scratch built?
  4. Haha the arrows are a Nice touch
  5. Models look good but i don't really see the theme without reading the caption..
  6. Good collage but the angles could help
  7. She has some serious abs
  8. I like the scratch built platform
  9. ReMinds me of pans labyrinth
  10. I like the scale of this diorama
  11. The armor looks good buy can't see the theme.. Unless you are saying cygnarians are fools
  12. Great idea! The desire for more never stops!!!
  13. noob

    goldrider copy

    Motorbike overhang haha very nice
  14. noob

    Dragon's Gold

    The green on the rocks is a lovely balance to the dragon's red!
  15. The earth tones on the base make the figure really pop. Nicely done.
  16. The free hand on her clothes on such a small model. Very very nicely executed!
  17. LE Performer. Love the model and you chose a good color scheme to go with it.
  18. Parin is gunning for you! PUSH THE CART FASTER!
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