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Linus Mcmold

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Everything posted by Linus Mcmold

  1. That ominous green looks disturbing... Nice comic book like paint-job. I'm not sure I understand the theme...
  2. Beautiful paintjob and freehand. Love how it looks simple. Also a great mini choice!
  3. Great conversion on the Witchlin' and the dogs look great as wasteland mutants One of my favorite best post-apocalypse representations in this round.
  4. Great conversion on the Witchlin' and the dogs look great as wasteland mutants One of my favorite best post-apocalypse representations in this round.
  5. The site keeps deleting my comments for some reason or it's a problem with the connection. Really peaceful looking apocalypse. Love it! The aesthetic reminds me of Peter Pan with Alice in Wonderland. Those cats are fabulous!
  6. SAd to hear your entry got lost in the mail since I like all the stuff I've seen so far. I hope you manage to pull through to the next round with an amazing paintjob. Anyway, this is my favourite GHoff avatar I've seen so far. What's the energy/stone like thingy near the tip of his right wing? I can't make it out.
  7. I agree with Victoria, the Egyptians look like they're dancing...
  8. I've watched the movie just recently. Interesting interpretation of the theme. The guy isn't using a proper weapon against them though... poor guy.
  9. I can just say AWESOME! I haven't played Fallout yet, but I'll get to it sometime in the future (unless the apocalypse hits first). The guy reminds me of Freddy from the Iron Maiden...
  10. You pulled it off awesomely! Fancy furniture building skills. I should call you to help me with my apartment Love the slippers and the working light looks awesome (even more so IRL).
  11. Looks like the lizard people were behind the apocalypse. Interesting take on the theme.
  12. Heh, Dr. Stranglove ending. I wondered if anyone would try this theme. Great idea and stellar exectuion. The shot from above shows a great composition and effect of falling.
  13. Great looking paintjob and model composition on a classic Zombie Apocalypse theme. My favourite zombies so far.
  14. Really nice effects on the enviroment. This reminds me of a painting I've seen on the internet where some kids are fighting off kid zombies in the playground...
  15. Beautiful interpretation of the theme. This reminds me of the ending of the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy", when the Bushman character rids himself of the Coca Cola bottle. Also in the fluff of Malifaux it's never explained what is there after the Badlands, if anything exist beyond its borders. Nice painting, models, diorama and all the other praise. Overall it's very dreamy and I love it!
  16. I remember that on the bottom of her box after all the evils have gotten out Hope was left as the last evil in the box. People of the old Greece thought that Hope was the harshest of evils... Beautiful paintjob and a good looking diorama overall.
  17. Whoa. He has both of his hands, so I guess it's the tv series version of Rick and not the comic book one.
  18. Some nice details on your diorama. I love the color choices and that it looks like some sort of a twilight...
  19. Hehe. I like the little deamon guys. Nice little diorama. I like how you did the cobblestones.
  20. Another fluff piece well executed. I love that people reference Malifaux fluff in some of dioramas. Beautiful looking OSL.
  21. Interesting chtonic monster. I'm not sure I understand the theme though... Has it woken up and it's bent on destroying everything from underneath?
  22. This shot looks very dramatic, I can almost hear the music in the bacground. The mini choice is very Mad Max like.
  23. Linus Mcmold


    This picture was posted before but it dissapeared somehow. It seems it's in a better quality now and you can see how the paintjob is clean in this one. Very imaginative piece.
  24. After inspecting closeups of the all entries in the competition I must say that this is my favourite one. I'm not a competent painter and I'm still learining, but I waste a lot of time appreciating minis on the internet...
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