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Linus Mcmold

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Everything posted by Linus Mcmold

  1. Impressive dioama. Those goblins are super sneaky and the old guy looks a bit confused. Beautiful looking plant details as well
  2. It is a very sweet looking comic book. I love the minis you've chose. Photos seem a bit blurry and overexposed, but I have similar problems when taking photos of minis. Guu Chan is a very cute mini and somehow steals the show in this one, even if the mymic looks very funny. Good work!
  3. Fouling is such a dirty style of playing the game. Bloodbowl is the game which got me into Miniature Games hobby and I remember most of the players (including myself) used to play with mostly horribly painted minis, unpainted minis and sometimes with Legos and sometimes we even played it on a table cloth in a beer joint (there was a place that allowed geeks to play games in my city as long as they imbibed something). Seeing a team with such nice palette and interesting conversions brings a manly tear to my eye.
  4. My favourite detail are the pliers. Love the Ork Mafia theme. Some nice and clean painting there.
  5. Nadišao si sva očekivanja! I mean I really like the pile buildup over the initial WIP I've seen Jou've been too modes with your comments and I was expecting something more moderate. Painted dragon looks so much better than the initial mini. Beautiful OSL effect and this piece actually reminds me of this painting by Kieth Parkinson: ...but much less icy. Anyway it has that very classic Fantasy element I like. Good work sir! My favourite dwarf in this competition so far.
  6. Epic pirate hat. Also love his swagger and his not so wise look into the distance. Probably wondering where he's lost his bottle of rum.
  7. Wow! This looks very much Alice in Wonderland and carries such a big story behind it. Paintjob is very.. I have a loss for words. This diorama is mindblowing. Did you sculpt the tree? Props for making Graves into a hero. Also your skills are something to strive for. Very inspiring.
  8. It seems like he's finally lost it. He looks super sucidal in this work... Very dark piece.
  9. That is an odd way to heat yourself... This is a very lively dungeon. I'd like it if the upper part had a darker shade as the gremlins cave. Overall this is a fun piece.
  10. Linus Mcmold

    The Mimic

    At least there is a flower on the cactii, so the cuteness quota has been just about filled out for this diorama. The ram skull should be the one to wear a bow for the overcute explosion ;P On a serious note, I wish I could see the cowboys face (forgot to mention it in the previous post).
  11. Very wise looking dwarf. The paint on the background wall looks as though there is smoke coming from his torch.
  12. He looks like: "Gold... Again?! Where are all the soulstones?"
  13. Pukeworm has become a fountain of continual gold production. Fools gold indeed.
  14. All these mimics look so happy. It's officialy my favourite creature of the year. Beautiful work and nice balance between the colors overall. Diorama looks very classic Dungeons & Dragons (Dungeons et Mimics more like it). Nice treasure pile as well.
  15. Wow, really nice work with the gold. The pile looks very convincing. I also love your comment under the picture. It seems like the lady wants to take a dive into the pile...
  16. That rock has some really creepy pyrite eyes (look at the upper left corner of the picture). That's how Terrifying (undead) looks like.
  17. That golem is showing off his glitter realness. Being on fire has its perks.
  18. That's a jester that doesn't jest. His treasure is serious business. I like his hat, it doesn't make him look fat. - I've added some rhyme so this post isn't read as a haiku.
  19. That's one adorable succubi. I love it that she has a haloween mask. The red light in the street lamp gives it that extra touch of magicness. Very nice NMM on the lamp and the succubi looks impeccable. Only thing that looks a bit odd are her wings, maybe because they're in a different contrast from the rest of the mini of color and they make her look a bit too colorful. Somhow they don't look like they're a part of her. I'm a painting n00b so I might be wrong on this and my English is a bit sucky.
  20. Very nice paintjob on the outfit, especially the freehand on it and the tattoo on her face.
  21. Really nice piece and also a bit sad. Reminds me of Oregon Trail a bit for some reason...
  22. Really nice tree. Interesting method of hunting prey
  23. Linus Mcmold

    The Mimic

    Never trust stray steamtrunks Really beautiful piece. Weird thing that the orange baked earth took away my attention when first I opened this link. Some beautiful color balancing and higlights on the base. I had to enlarge the picture to fully appreciate it. I can't but find mimics cute. I love its silly tongue. It's almost like a lost puppy (who has a big appetite).
  24. Linus Mcmold


    I must agree about the top pic. Very beautiful work on both the painting and photography. She has a very smart and wicked grin. You did the mini justice.
  25. I can almost hear Benny Hills theme in the bacground. Nice paintjob on the lelu and the crater with treasure wreckage is very well done. Very concise story for this diorama.
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