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Posts posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. I think one of the most interesting potential story points is what Nekima will do with this situation.  I think we really need to know if Despair is in Pandora's box or not.  An unexpected tyrant manipulating things would explain some of that.  However, the trio, despite supposing to be anti tyrant willing allied themselves with Nytemare.  I forget what their connections are with Lynch, cause Huggy is close enough to probably being in Titania's crosshairs, so Lilith would potentially be giving up 2 allies to align with Titania, as well as her control over the nephillim.  

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  2. So I just starting assembling Tara as I start my decent into madness Outcasts.  But as I'm new to Outcasts and  it occurs to me I do not have all the general upgrades for them like I was able to get for arcanists and neverborn before.  What are the must have generic upgrades for outcasts and where are they located for sale?



  3. 38 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    I'm intrigued. How does 9-10 models heavily outativate your opponent? I play guild, one of the factions with the least models on the table and I usually start with 8-10 activations. Did the wretches get auto-reactivate or something in the errata? I thought they just got a new characteristic to be hireable out of faction.

    Sounds interesting, I would love to see the ultimate counter pick when this list faces a wind gamin spawn :D


    i find 7-8 to be the average

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  4. Very glad for the clarification Aaron, this is the model I was expecting, so when i saw the "knees is pool" render after I had already ordered I was a bit disappointed.  That being said, the "knees is pool" version could be cool if we knew it was coming, and came in like transparent Red.

  5. Twas interesting to here the push towards Barbaros, I had seen a lot of people drop that concept early on, I'll need to try that out some more.  I tend to value Audience even more than her beseech though.  Always seems like I want more upgrades on her than I can manage.  Hadn't really thought about shifting FGF to Barbie though, I'll need to try that next time as well.

    A bit weird to be asking on the Neverborn forum, but your guest talked about some up and coming Tara list?  what was that all about?

  6. On one hand, I guess that means I'm not seeing the Rougarou in a couple weeks.  Extra sad as the models looked great on display at adepticon.  That being said, this does seem like it would be better overall for the LGS' and that is not a bad thing.  I do hope gencon webstore will continue to have the same pre-release offerings as the actual con has, so no one if left out of the opportunity.  I do imagine there will be some griping though, when something doesn't really come out until like 6 months past then, and thus some people are left out during that gap.  

    Actually my biggest worry is that it will be now even harder to hit something like spend $300 to get the alt model, I know a lot of people tended to pick up the pre-release models in the sales particularly to hit that number, as it is likely they have most or all of what they need that is already out.

  7. Its always hard judging value on painted models.  Looks like you have at least 6-7 crews there +extras, and a couple bonus masters.  Most  of what you have looks to be first edition metal models, everything has seen a resculpt in plastic at this point often with nicer sculpts but preferences vary.  You do have some Avatar sculpts, these were not remade in plastic, and count as a stand in for faction emissaries, sometimes these are in demand.


    Models of Note are:

    Miss Terious - woman leaning on coffin - alternate sculpt death marshal that tends to be popular

    Misaki - red/yellow woman on rock.  A lot of people like her 1e sculpt, and the plastic version of the sculpt is on the harder end to get

    Avatar Viktorias - 2 angry stabby woman on 1 50mm base

    Avatar Lady Justice - Lady with giant red/green spirits coming out of her hands

    Avatar Rasputina - Girl curled up in the ice golem

    Avatar Sonnia - Giant Fire Snake, though looks like you're missing the sonnia model that attaches to it.

    Snowstorm - big furry antlered guy in your group shot, his m2e version looks a lot different so some people prefer 1e

    Avatar Sohmer - big hatted gremlin on pig


  8. 1 hour ago, Ergonomic Cat said:

    Pandora is amazing for scoring Accusation.

    Put Incite on something after it's activated.

    Next turn, Accuse two models.  When the first tries to go, pull the incite trigger.  Paralyze the one that's still accused.  Profit.

    Alternatively, Pandora goes first, paralyzes two models and incites a third.  Accuse them both with a Gupps.  Whichever one you don't pull Accuse off, paralyze it again.

    I really liked her in Interference/Accusation/Claim Jump.  She can push around to help with interference, she can auto score accusation, and she can freeze areas of the board so your claims are safe.

    Are you running straight gupps or the spawn mother/will o wisp combo?

  9. 21 minutes ago, BFOmega said:

    Do you use Ice Dancers at all? They seem like they would fulfill the interceptor position for cheaper, and can also drop markers after attacking enemy scheme runners.

    Ice Dancers are newer so I don't have as many games with them under my belt like I do Blessed, but you are right, they are absolutely lovely models.  I also play neverborn and sillurids, so I have a special fondness for leap.  

  10. On 3/11/2017 at 3:08 PM, retnab said:

    I have tried and enjoyed the Snow Storm / Emissary combo, but it is a huge chunk of your points so I understand anyone who is a bit hesitant about it.  I'm actually not much of a fan of the Blessed, since its more restrictive in who it wants to be attacking (non-Armored, non-Construct enemies).  I've tried him in lists where I've really needed that one specific model dead above everything else, but because it has Armor +1 its min damage of 2 is not going far.  While the Emissary also has a min damage 2 attack, on the charge you can also use its min damage 4 attack and the guaranteed 2 damage (0) helps a lot as well when you don't need its 3" push.

    I use Blessed for schemes primarily, attacking secondarily.  Leap to get into position with two AP left is huge to me for that, and after scheme running she is completely competent in combat, and good at eating enemy scheme runners as well. the "Interceptor" position that people have been talking about lately.  

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