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Posts posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. 1 hour ago, orkdork said:


    As far as Nurse vs. Iggy, both are great. Obviously, Iggy puts more kill-pressure on the enemy team, while a nurse has a ton more team utility. My above list is intended to be a ranged kill-pressure team, thus Iggy is the clear choice. I'm working on a less combat-oriented Zoraida crew which may prefer a nurse. Not sure yet.

    After these threads, the debate i'm having is Nurse vs Lilitu

  2. I dug out my arcanist cards and started to look through them again.  I admit the melee expert and min 3 damage do make the ice golem appealing (I often paired with a metal Gamin)

    I don't tend to take 2 expensive models though, so I also wonder Arcane Emissary vs Snow Storm.

  3. On 8/10/2016 at 7:41 PM, Jordon said:

    Personally, I feel like the emissary has made the ice golem almost completely irrelevant. It almost hits as hard, is more survivable, waaaay faster and is the best ice mirror Raspy has access too. It also comes with a real nifty ability to pull other frozen heart models from engagement so they can be used as mirrors (or to get Raspy herself out of an engagement). 

    Df2 is just abysmal and the +2 armour doesn't properly compensate for this drawback. Just compare it to Izamu who I think is a comparable model in terms of abilities and role. I feel like the golem should be sporting something in the neighbourhood of 12-13 Wds in order for it to compensate for that Df2. Even lowly 4ss models are often hitting it frequently enough make them a serious threat in number. I feel like he needs some help

    Now that being said, I think the new construct/beast upgrade available can help out with the golems speed if being run in a list with the blessed. I've yet to test it out to see if it's more work than it's worth, or if it's simply better to run the emissary, but it's worth testing.

    Hm, I've been playing Neverborn too long, never considered the Emissary as a straight up replacement for the Ice Golem. Sad he doesn't fir the theme well though.  Makes me really wish I picked up an avatar Rasputina back in the day.

    Now I'm curious, what does an "average" Raputina crew look like these days?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Aaron said:

    Hey everyone,

    I'm really excited to announce that this month we added two new team members to the Wyrd family! We are happy to have them on board, and if you want to take a moment to welcome them, all the better.

    First, we have @John.Cason, a graphic designer. John came over to us just about a month ago now, and has dived right in! The new Master boxes in all their 3D glory were done by him, and you'll see even more of his work at GenCon.

    Second, we have @Lindsey, our newest game developer. She's been volunteering and playtesting for a variety of other games, and she's bringing her passion and experience onto our team. She's starting today, and she's ready to be launched into GenCon in a trial by fire!

    Say hello, and if you're at GenCon, you can introduce yourselves there, too!

    You just needed extra slave labor for the Con season, didn't you?


    Curious though, when you say 3d glory did John do the digital sculpts, or just the box mock up and design?

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Nathan Caroland said:

    If it's at the Wyrd booth at Gencon, it'll be on the webstore as well.

    We should have plenty on hand so that there isn't a need for a mad rush (not that we don't appreciate those), but I have been wrong before. Mostly things start to run out a couple days into the process, not the first few hours. We've gotten a bit better about number guessing. :)


    Oh I fully plan on starting a mad rush, probably immediately after crossing my fingers while chanting "I will not run" with the gencon president out in the hallway.

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, HegemonyKrcket said:

    So... I played an aggressive and competitive Tournament with this list and it just didn't last.  After some pressing it crumbled pretty quickly.

    Since Zoraida is very dependent on her crew, but she can also multiply their effectiveness, I'm trying to figure out a crew combination that is both really good and can only be ran with her (due to Swampfiends or Enthrall).  In the meantime I'm trying out a Swampfiend list that looks effective in most Strat/Schemes.

    Zoraida (Neverborn)
    -Hex Bag
    -On Wings of Darkness
    -Tarot Reading

    Bad Juju
    -Eternal Fiend
    -Fears Given Form





    My basic plan is to start with Juju buried and the Wildboars up field (due to From the Shadows) and then charge them into the opponent and cause as much havoc as possible.  That forces the opponent to either let the boars run wild or kill one and unbury Juju near them.  Meanwhile, Gupps and Doppelganger are running schemes while Zoraida and McTavish support whoever they need to however they can.

    Always wanted to try that set up with juju and boars, just never had the chance to invest in it yet.  I would love to see some battle reports.

  7. On 6/20/2016 at 11:48 PM, Vorschlag said:

    got it.

    the horror.jpg

    Isn't McMourning basically already this?


    Also I really like the earlier idea of Seiryu, Byakko, and Suzaku as alternate ancestor models to join Genbu.  Though shadow emissary may already qualify for Seiryu.

  8. Hmm this is tough to suggest things for because Wyrd comes up with stuff completely out of left field.

    I would like to see soem Lucious related guild stuff as doppelgangers in mid-transformation, riflemen, austrigners and the like.

    oh and rooster riders done up as Baba Yaga's hut for use with Big Z.

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