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Everything posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. I finally got a game in for the event yesterday, and in a surprise twist I returned to my original Mistress and thus Rasputina met Zipp in battle over the Self-Righteous Man. I won pretty handily, mostly due to my opponent's unfamiliarity with Zipp, but it felt good to get 'Tina on the table again.
  2. I feel a lot of it comes from vulnerability too. Primordial Magic can sit in back, gain us activation and card draw. Gorar needs to be front and center in a scheme pool that often forces enemies to be there as well. The Poltergeist is huge, and thus cannot hide like the magic can. etc.
  3. #45, does the model that is perfectly ontop the marker have LoS to it (30MM), or no?
  4. I would like to see: The Man I want Arcanist or 10T to win Neverborn, rezzers, or maybe 10T for the woman gremlins or neverborn to win little kid
  5. The first week scenarios are up, if Neverborn wins, it looks like the rewards are the following: Kid: During the battle, a huge, walking teddy bear protects the child from the Witchling Stalkers chasing her. The teddy bear is destroyed in the fighting, but the child gathers up its pieces and sews them into a smaller bear in an attempt to help her new friend live on. Man: The Witch Hunters shoot at the Nephilim that tear open the patrol wagon, wounding them and splattering the man with their corrosive black blood. Though he expects to be eaten, he finds the Nephilim to be surprisingly helpful as they bind the wounds that now seep with their black blood. Woman: The woman sees an opening in the chaos and makes a dash for it, only to be confronted with a twisted spirit with a horrifically leering face. She staggers back in surprise, only for the spirit to lunge forward, possessing her body in the same way a human might slip on a comfortable coat. The woman’s will is stronger than the spirit expected, however, and by the end of the battle, the two of them have come to an understanding and agreed to share her body between them.
  6. On that point then, do you suggest ditching Sebastian and the Chihuahua?
  7. Hmmm none of these guys look particularly nephillim-y ... yet
  8. I think I may have mentioned the Rooster Riders as Baba Yaga's Hut before. However, it also occurred to me that doing Zoraida up as Baba Yaga could be a good chance to pay homage to the old wyrd cauldron witch model.
  9. Old Metal Blessed of December would probably work quite well
  10. You can use your performers to nuke the scheme markers
  11. I admit, i'm quite curious on this one. One of the other threads has me intrigued by a voodoo style marcus list. undead/swampfiend themed
  12. Vague and Ominous. I would expect nothing less from you, Aaron.
  13. What blocking thing does Kudra have?
  14. I've actually pondered if he could find a place with a more control oriented Rasputina crew, adding another blocking pillar to her repertoire
  15. I'm annoyed with you. I like themed lists, and this idea is intriguing. And now I have to add Marcus to my list of possible future masters.
  16. The fae drop scheme markers around enemies. Performers seduce them to do bad things to enemy. Performers are actually pretty nasty when played against Titania
  17. I need a Dislike button. I need Multiple Dislike Buttons.
  18. Most importantly, do we get our faction colored names back?
  19. I will say, Watch out for performers x.x
  20. Did you take Forest Claims All? Seems like it would be quite useful vs Reva and corpse marker shenanigans. I do agree that playing all 3 knights together seems unlikely in the long run. I still think they will find their spot somewhere though. Tanky Titania is definitely what I want to explore, perhaps her, Barbaros, and 2 Sorrows to start.
  21. Once I get all the components, i'm very interested to try that list of yours. Still debating Nurse vs Lilitu though. As a side note, what base size are the wisps?
  22. I've been pondering about Envy too. But a lot of the scheme marker drops happen while in combat. I'd be worried about Envy shooting into that combat.
  23. After these threads, the debate i'm having is Nurse vs Lilitu
  24. I dug out my arcanist cards and started to look through them again. I admit the melee expert and min 3 damage do make the ice golem appealing (I often paired with a metal Gamin) I don't tend to take 2 expensive models though, so I also wonder Arcane Emissary vs Snow Storm.
  25. I'm actually pondering that the 0 actions of the knights might be enough of a lure in a lot of cases.
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