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Posts posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. On 9/24/2016 at 9:40 PM, edopersichetti said:

    I'm also interested in knowing this! I have a Slow Grow league starting next week and I have to select a henchman to lead the crew at the beginning, and I'm thinking Barbaros would be a good choice, but I've never played him before so I don't know.

    I have tried it once, but didn't get a great test, I overextended Titania, and she took a Howard Langstrom to the face.  but from what little I did see, I still think it has some promise.  

  2. I finally got a game in for the event yesterday, and in a surprise twist I returned to my original Mistress and thus Rasputina met Zipp in battle over the Self-Righteous Man.  I won pretty  handily, mostly due to my opponent's unfamiliarity with Zipp, but it felt good to get 'Tina on the table again.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Breng77 said:

    The Gorar seems to suffer the same problem as many other neverborn totems.  It isn't the primordial magic.  Primordial magic is so good for just one stone cheaper that it seems like taking the Gorar is purposefully playing with a handicap.  

    I feel a lot of it comes from vulnerability too.  Primordial Magic can sit in back, gain us activation and card draw.  Gorar needs to be front and center in a scheme pool that often forces enemies to be there as well.  The Poltergeist is huge, and thus cannot hide like the magic can. etc.

    • Like 1
  4. The first week scenarios are up, if Neverborn wins, it looks like the rewards are the following:



    During the battle, a huge, walking teddy bear protects the child from the Witchling Stalkers
    chasing her. The teddy bear is destroyed in the fighting, but the child gathers up its pieces and sews them
    into a smaller bear in an attempt to help her new friend live on.


    The Witch Hunters shoot at the Nephilim that tear open the patrol wagon, wounding them
    and splattering the man with their corrosive black blood. Though he expects to be eaten, he finds the
    Nephilim to be surprisingly helpful as they bind the wounds that now seep with their black blood.


    The woman sees an opening in the chaos and makes a dash for it, only to be confronted with
    a twisted spirit with a horrifically leering face. She staggers back in surprise, only for the spirit to lunge
    forward, possessing her body in the same way a human might slip on a comfortable coat. The woman’s will
    is stronger than the spirit expected, however, and by the end of the battle, the two of them have come to an
    understanding and agreed to share her body between them.

  5. On 9/7/2016 at 5:17 PM, Vorschlag said:

    He plays differently in Guild, the poison bomb is certainly an effective strategy for Ressers but when playing guild his focus becomes more around handing out precise to heavy hitters who then tear the face anything the come across, he also has the option of turning things undead with exorcists and then melting them with his upgrades and a combination of exorcists and judges.

    Much like most cross faction masters you simply have to adjust to where the strengths in the faction but perhaps more so than other cross-faction masters you have to change the way you use the master themselves.

    On that point then, do you suggest ditching Sebastian and the Chihuahua? 


    Anyone pit our favorite Showgirl against Nellie, Titania or Zipp yet? On paper they look to be a rough match up for anyone wanting to do interact/scheme marker things. 

    You can use your performers to nuke the scheme markers

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    Rougarou + pack leader + Rogue Necro+ Marcus Ca actions seems like winner winner, chicken dinner

    I admit, i'm quite curious on this one.  One of the other threads has me intrigued by a voodoo style marcus list.  undead/swampfiend themed


    Not to hijack the ask for a proxy suggestion, but what makes a Performer a strong mercenary option for Titania?

    The fae drop scheme markers around enemies.  Performers seduce them to do bad things to enemy.

    Performers are actually pretty nasty when played against Titania

  9. 1 hour ago, Bodiless said:

    Got my first game in with Titania last night, running her crew straight out of the box plus Graves and the Effigy. Played against Reva, who was pretty much using her box set plus the Emissary, Effigy, and a Crooligan. Some thoughts follow.


    Titania: To be honest I was a little underwhelmed. There were indeed a ton of scheme markers down, but Titania herself didn't actually accomplish all that much. Admittedly there was a lot of user error involved, but after the game we were brainstorming a bit and trying to think what Titania really did that other masters couldn't do and probably do better. 12W and impossible to wound is nice, but high min damage is a real thing and she eventually got focused down. The problem with her pulse to put down markers and aura to cause damage is they are both simple duels, and your opponent has a lot of flexibility in choosing which ones they really care about. Her damage output was not very high, even with plenty of markers down. Right now my best idea to get the most use out of her is still to have her be a tank and take the upgrade that makes people attack her or discard, but also give her Aether Connection and a full cache and keep her close to something that can drop a lot of markers to heal her up (like Aeslin).

    Aeslin: I was pleasantly surprised by Aeslin. Her 6" aura of negative flips on enemy cast actions was a huge thorn in my opponent's side. I really missed having the Doppelganger in this crew, as against many opponents I would want to cheat initiative and have her activate first to get that bubble up. I also used her to carry Taproot, which I think against anyone other than Reva would have been a great defensive option. Unfortunately there were enough corpse markers down that it was hard to push somewhere that she couldn't attack. 

    Knights: They weren't terrible, but for minions that are competing in that 7ss slot with Illuminated and various enforcers I don't know that they really made their case. I certainly wouldn't take all 3 again. 

    Gorar: I did end up using its ability to summon Thorn back after Reva killed her, but the fact that the model dies and is summoned back with Slow is a huge limitation. Seems unlikely I will take it over the Primordial in the future. 

    Overall: She was fun to play and very different, but at the moment I can't see her moving into what I see as our upper echelon of Dreamer/Lilith/Collodi. 


    Did you take Forest Claims All?  Seems like it would be quite useful vs Reva and corpse marker shenanigans.

    I do agree that playing all 3 knights together seems unlikely in the long run.  I still think they will find their spot somewhere though.

    Tanky Titania is definitely what I want to explore, perhaps her, Barbaros, and 2 Sorrows to start.

  10. 1 hour ago, orkdork said:

    After another game under my belt, my competitive list is a beast. Extremely lethal to non-masters. The Wisps are a huge, huge buff.

    For the flex, I look to Mimic's Blessing, On Wings of Darkness + stones for cards, Crystal Ball, Retribution's Eye for Doppel, etc...

    I think I should add this monstrosity to PMF.

    Once I get all the components, i'm very interested to try that list of yours.  Still debating Nurse vs Lilitu though.  


    As a side note, what base size are the wisps?

  11. On 8/11/2016 at 8:13 AM, Bodiless said:

    This is a totally different box, but I think that Envy will be truly scary with Titania. Zillions of scheme markers, and she has that challenge like ability that will make it even more difficult for people to get to him. 

    I've been pondering about Envy too.  But a lot of the scheme marker drops happen while in combat.  I'd be worried about Envy shooting into that combat.

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