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Everything posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. Intriguing, I wonder what it will take to get these. I'm rather interested in Genbu
  2. Hmm, so far i'm not seeing these fit into Malifaux aesthetically, I'm going to put my guess on whatever board game Wyrd is concocting as a follow up to Darkness Comes Ratling
  3. I've definitely considered something like this on paper, particularly with a Fears Given Form Juju. Any further advice?
  4. Thanks Aaron, I would love to get the erratad cards, lest i forget about the changes. Any word of Crossroads 7? Those don't appear to be up either, though Have been out for awhile.
  5. I guess my confusion stems from solo Pandora versus bubble, the success I started seeing with Pandora in my game started when I got her bubble going, and she seems to want to build more around a bubble of WP duels, but advice here seems to be telling me mostly to ignore that, which is throwing me off. IN part because you can't really group around a Fears Given Form model without the risk of hurting your own models. From memory, the list I ran was Pandora - Box - Cry for Me Primordial Magic Candy - her personal upgrade Kade Teddy 2x Sorrows Insidious Maddness
  6. I haven't seen much talk specifically about the Maiden of Neverborn lately. I had my first game with her the other week, and well it went okay all things considered (8-10 loss to Kirai) I could tell I wasn't using her to her full potential, and unfortunately there is not a convenient Schemes and Stones podcast to catch me up on her like there was for Lilith. Therefore I'm reaching out, can you all teach me the tips and tricks of Pandora?
  7. ... Is that pig wearing at least one shoe? why gremlins, why?!?
  8. Well I sent mine in last night, curious to see what pops up in DriveThruRPG now
  9. I think Lilith can do more than fine against Resser summoners and Gremlins. Against the former you will need to go into attack mode early and either kill or toss the Rooted condition onto enemies in order to hamper the hoard. Tangle Shadows is a real threat for Kirai too. She can only throw damage onto friendly spirits, not other effects. The Kirai player will need to be block off LoS to Lilith with models all the time for her to be safe. Throwing Bad Juju into the midst is usually a pretty good way of going about things since he can both hit like a truck and do some splash damage. Gremlins is a different game. Stay hidden, use Vicked Wines a lot (great against all (1) ap charges rampage, etc), and set up for a unfair fight. Unless you are playing against Somer or Ulix: after killing a model or two by turn one-two usually evens the scale for out-activation. Lilith, McTavish, and Waldeists can provide with additional cover, which is often useful. Once again, Tangle Shadows can screw with them a lot since most of their masters have WP 6 or lower (unless you run into Zoraida that is). I've run into the issue lately of all the Kirai players stacking Anna Lovelace into the bunch too =/. Any suggestions then?
  10. I'm curious, who/what would you play instead versus the scenarios you were anti-Lilith for?
  11. If we have the same breakdown as last year, 2 @ $150 and 2 @ $300, I'm really hoping we get to choose which 2, given the varied demand for these. I think different ones excite different people, but I doubt I'm the only one who likely could not drop a full 300. I like all of them, and would certainly like to own all of them. But if I have to pick favorites it would go Barabaros > Lady Doc > Francisco > Firestarter
  12. Gah so much want! PLease give us a breakdown of price points, I've got to budget for this x.x I'm now too afraid to buy minis now incase I need them to reach price points for these sweet alts.
  13. NEVERBORN! WOOHOO! THANK YOU! (That was all written with the shift button to be actually yelling, not just forgetting capsloc is on)
  14. Does anything native to Neverborn have a (1) Charge?
  15. I really wish the changeling model looked more like the plant creatures being spit out in the Emissary art. Can anyone think of possible proxies that match that?
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