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Everything posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. Always wanted to try that set up with juju and boars, just never had the chance to invest in it yet. I would love to see some battle reports.
  2. Hmm, now i'm curious. Are there any details anywhere of what happened to Lucius during the event? about what his manifestation was like?
  3. Looks like SuperGuild, DeepOnes, and Flamerezzers
  4. Isn't McMourning basically already this? Also I really like the earlier idea of Seiryu, Byakko, and Suzaku as alternate ancestor models to join Genbu. Though shadow emissary may already qualify for Seiryu.
  5. Instead of Lilitu + Nekima i've been using a module of Beckoner + 2x Illuminated I've also been using the Emissary with her
  6. Hmm this is tough to suggest things for because Wyrd comes up with stuff completely out of left field. I would like to see soem Lucious related guild stuff as doppelgangers in mid-transformation, riflemen, austrigners and the like. oh and rooster riders done up as Baba Yaga's hut for use with Big Z.
  7. I'm going with a Mister version of the mech rider as my guess. also for other's ease: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny-farthing
  8. If there is a Autumn Knight, does that also mean there is a Winter Soldier?
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