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Everything posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. I normally run a beckoner, 2x illuminated package with Panda, I'm planning on replacing that with 2x knights and some wiggle room
  2. Hm, I've been playing Neverborn too long, never considered the Emissary as a straight up replacement for the Ice Golem. Sad he doesn't fir the theme well though. Makes me really wish I picked up an avatar Rasputina back in the day. Now I'm curious, what does an "average" Raputina crew look like these days?
  3. I'm definitely interested in playing around with the ocmbinations of Titania and Pandora's crews. Sorrows with Panda, the Autumn knights and Rougarou with Pandora
  4. Thanks for the weekend update! Looks like Guild versus Arcanists is going to turn into the battle of clipboards and notepads after this book releases
  5. Well, at least we are one day closer to Neverborn pictures
  6. Looks like I'm stuck waiting a long time for Neverborn Art
  7. So that puts her on par with the rest of Wyrd?
  8. You just needed extra slave labor for the Con season, didn't you? Curious though, when you say 3d glory did John do the digital sculpts, or just the box mock up and design?
  9. Hmm, seems fair. You should forward a draft onto me then, so I can finish it for you.
  10. But now the newsletter is delayed, because @Aaron needs to plan a funeral for @Mason
  11. Oh I fully plan on starting a mad rush, probably immediately after crossing my fingers while chanting "I will not run" with the gencon president out in the hallway.
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