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Everything posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. That model alone makes up for a lot of the gripes I have with the buggy-eye-ness of the others
  2. After first pass of models Empire was gained and Cult has gained while gibbering stays a straight flip. A little too much body horror in Cult perhaps for me, while Empire revealed some stunnign models and interesting rules. Comments on a completely untrustworthy map: Canada is not same color as England/India, maybe its not part of the empire? South America is all one color, is it United? Germany, austria-hungary and italy seem to be combined as do spain/portugal posisble expanded ottoman empire not sure what the white chunk eating up part of russia could be glimpse we see doesn't cover australlia also interesting to note that the factions have either Earth allegaince or Malifaux allegiance. Perhaps special format to vs allegiances against eachother? perhaps sign that we will get more malifaux based factions on expansion
  3. I'm still hoping they'll revive kickstarter Hannah. They just need someone to clean out Eric's attic :-p New fate deck looks really nice though, an add on option for that would be great.
  4. As an interesting bit of trivia from book 3, it does look like if the Governor General had gone full solo tyrant, he would have assumed the name Rulership.
  5. Thanks a ton for keeping this updated. The Tyrants are probably my favorite part of the lore (which makes choosing Celt or Horde particularly hard)
  6. While this might be the first major reveal of the Cult of the Burning Man, we have seen some previous models, which at the time we only knew were for a new faction. I just wanted to gather them here as well: Between these and the Flame Hydra thing on the allegiance page, Cult is looking mighty cool. Also per Mason: " If you like "drunk and explodey" though, you'll like the Burning Man"
  7. Per https://www.wyrd-games.net/tos-gibbering-hordes we finally have an idea what Meridian has been up to.
  8. YAY! thanks for putting your great and awesome power to good use!
  9. Sorry y'all, I even jumped ship to try and help out
  10. as it is another master I've been curious about picking up. Do wish there was more talk on the poison list though, admittedly that theme interests me more than further mech rider spam.
  11. Lynch got a call to come down to one of his bars, apparently a child and her doll were being particularly disruptive. Little did he know, that a December acolyte, had also tipped off Rasputina that the child may prove useful to their cause. As the forces clashed, circling the building, a last minute push between Lust, The Hungering Darkness, and an Illuminated smuggled the Kid to their side, as Mr. Graves and Lynch himself dealt with a pesky wind gamin disrupting their back lines, to pull off a narrow victory.
  12. Early on in mark 1 there were crazy cat lady Rasputina lists. In theory they could still work now, Paralyze then Devour.
  13. Thank you very much, certainly earlier than I expected. I'm breathing a sigh of relief that none of the LE figures, while quite cool, are not a dire need for me. It got me thinking though, and while it might be greedy of me to ask, are we going to see an update to the Upcoming page soon? Newest on there is November.
  14. My first game of m2e, the Wendigo devoured Marcus
  15. I used Lilith with the neverborn all star beaters to decent effect, Only one CA for the game, and that was to Beckon Malifaux to block LoS at a key moment. Collodi could work in gunline form with trapper, envy, changelings, key actions there are either SH or untyped. Lynch I personally feel is risky, but thats because nigh anything Huggy does is suicidal. If you're good at reviving him though, it might work.
  16. Well Lilith's top nephillim are in the infirmary, but not before they and the tots successfully snuck the needed tomes to the Man under the watchful eyes of the Ortegas
  17. With all Frozen heart models, you could segue a couple different ways fairly naturally. First would be Colette, You have showgirls in the ice dancers already, and Colette plays quite well with December Acolytes and Silent Ones. Cassandra too plays quite well with Silent Ones, borrowing their CA action. Colette being a scheme marker heavy crew can cover schemes and strats that can be weak for Rasputina. Casandra can provide a tough, speedy model to a Rasputina crew, Mannequins could pair with Ice Dancers, and expanding beyond the box: Angelica can provide more movement buffs, and the new Carlos Vasquez has flame pillars that might combo well with Rasputina for area control. Second would be Marcus, mostly because you've already got a beast or two with the Frozen Heart models. Marcus crews can get more in your face beaty than Rasputina's can, and thus might field better in certain schemes and strats. Marcus doesn't mind the Acolytes either. Miranda can come party in a Rasputina crew that wants the Blessed of December for a point cheaper.
  18. Actually, thinking about it, the collodi gunline might actually work out alright, if I can get collodi in time.
  19. It is true, in so far as I know, nothing anywhere near official about new master upgrades or any version of a summoning Pandora. Though I've often speculating similar. If anything it might end up coming into play for Lucius instead of 'Dora, if we get a neverborn that has an effect on Woes, Lucius might end up able to bring it into Guild.
  20. yyyeah this is a rough one, I was leaning lilith too, I glanced at Lynch, but the problem there would be Huggy? I was debating healing or condition removal, a gun line would be nice but not quite something too doable in Neverborn, particularly with what I have x.x
  21. So I 've got a game vs Guild coming up for the man. any suggestions?
  22. I had not realized that about the Ice Pillars, so thank you all.
  23. New ancestor would be fun, but not as fun as helping miniTeddy smoosh Leveticus real good...
  24. I agree with you on 10T, and if I play that scenario I'll likely use Lynch for that. I do like Rezzer outcome though surprisingly and I'd be okay with that one too
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