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Everything posted by Durza

  1. Also what happens if it's a draw?
  2. A Nephilim Perdita would be neat, but considering her box already has a bunch of alts I'm not holding my breath. Pre accident Ryle would be cool too, or maybe post Anna. Also the female executioner.
  3. Tests for future models? Talos showed up last year in that coloured plastic.
  4. The target has to be engaged with a friendly model to get the burning off the metal gamin, so that doesn't work sadly. The looping in Ml7 and Ca8 is always amazing though.
  5. You are correct, you have to resolve the attacks from the charge all at once, so you can use a (0) then charge, or charge then (0).
  6. There's always been the complaints, they just quite down and start back up every now and again.
  7. Including her considering her fluff in shifting loyalties.
  8. She has also been hanging around Pandora, and the box has been shown to be messing with her emotions, that can't be good for her mental health.
  9. I just assumed it meant he is actually the brains behind the entire gremlin faction, it would explain a lot.
  10. I don't think they would need to be drunk, the thought process would be something like "money for bringing in gremlins? I'm a gremlin!" *enters guild building* "where's my money?" This is assuming that they have figured out scrip = booze, because I doubt they have any other use for it.
  11. Any gremlins ever try turning themselves in for the bounty?
  12. Pretty sure if the Grave Spirit was on Earth everything would be dead.
  13. The models Molly summons take damage equal to their wounds, But prevent 1 damage for each enemy nearby, so unless it was summoned within 3" of 7 enemies at once the punk zombie should have taken damage.
  14. Arcane Effigy seems to be missing a bio.
  15. The suits are future proofing, there could be upgrades in the future that add triggers to those actions.
  16. Just a note, the only time within means completely within is deployment.
  17. Soulstones aren't a close enough analogue to whale oil for you?
  18. I think Dufresne is in the Defense of Innocence penny dreadful.
  19. I had a game where i flipped the red joker and my opponent flipped the black for initiative 3 turns in a row.
  20. I had success with him with pre errata Colette and armour of December, a prompt is 2 3" pushes and armour +1 but you can only do that once per turn now. Although with Angelica pushing him as well you can still get quite a bit of range on him.
  21. That crew your opponent is taking is very squishy, hit it hard and hit it fast, even Mcmourning crumbles to a dedicated assault.
  22. So i can stop mashing f5 for a while?
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