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Everything posted by GMort

  1. These are the ones probably of most interest to Malifaux players as proxies...the Engineer's Guild... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/unboxing-guild-ball-engineers-guild.html
  2. Onto the next Guild Ball team from Steamforge Games's recent Kickstarter...the Brewer's Guild... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/unboxing-guild-ball-brewers-guild.html
  3. Gradually working my way through the various Guild Ball teams...this time it's the Alchemist's turn... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/unboxing-guild-ball-alchemists-guild.html
  4. This time lets have a look at the Mason's Guild from Steamforged Games's recent Guild Ball Kickstarter... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/unboxing-guild-ball-masons-guild.html
  5. Next up in the Steamforged Games Guild Ball team 'unboxing' series is the Butcher's Guild... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/unboxing-guild-ball-butchers-guild.html
  6. The first in a series of unboxings and reviews of the various Guild Ball​ teams from Steamforged Games​ recently Kickstarted skirmish game. First off...the Fishermans Guild..... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/unboxing-guild-ball-fishermans-guild.html
  7. I won't lie...the ears were a surprise but there's slots for them so it's not as tricky as it could have been and the end result is an amazing model. Just because I point out issues doesn't mean you shouldn't get the model rather I'm trying to make it easier for every-one once they DO get the model, lol.
  8. Gremlins riding a giant rabbit? what's not to love...Here's an unboxing of Wyrd Games's 'War Wabbit'... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/unboxing-malifaux-war-wabbit.html
  9. An unboxing of the alternate pose Kaeris model for Wyrd Games Malifaux that was a bonus as part of their Easter sale... The pose made this model difficult to photograph so I'm not 100% happy with how this feature turned out. I may redo it the weekend but it's adequate for now... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/unboxing-malifaux-alternate-kaeris.html
  10. The female sprues and examples of assembled female models are both in that post as well as the males. The female models are still slightly taller than the guys I'm afraid.
  11. There are hands holding an umbrella and another set holding a chainsaw both of which give you a 'two-handed' pose that could probably be converted to be holding a two-handed sword. You could of course just model her holding a two-handed sword in one hand
  12. http://ghosttraingames.com/pre-order/
  13. I think you might still be able to get in on it if you send them a message. They mention it in the last update... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/644661994/alternative-civil-war-1861-a-blackpowder-and-spell/posts/1140192
  14. A wonderful Joker and Harley Quinn (Quinns?) themed Malifaux crew... More pictures can be found at the following link... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/joker-themed-viktorias-crew.html
  15. Been having a look at this Kickstarter with some interest...If it gets it's funding some of the models may find their way into my Malifaux proxy pile but I'm also looking at it as a game system in it's own right... Thoughts? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/644661994/alternative-civil-war-1861-a-blackpowder-and-spell
  16. It was on the Henchmen only preview section a loooong time ago but I'm not sure whether it was ever made freely available subsequently. In other words...I'd love to show you but I don't want to get into trouble in case it's still 'Henchman Only'.
  17. The preview art contained Molly, The Nanny, Necrotic Machine, three Crooligans and the Rogue Necromancy...but as the Rogue Necromancy has already been released separately I doubt very much that it'll be in the box. The rest of the models I listed are a good bet as the line up though.
  18. This one was a bit tricky to write up as certain scenes though quite dramatic and interesting while playing turn into 'we shot the bad guys and stuff' when you attempt to turn them into a narrative form...I've also now realised that I need to make more notes during game sessions... Though for what it's worth... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/through-breach-rpg-miner-problem-job.html
  19. An unboxing of the new M2E version of the Resurrectionists Crooked Men for Malifaux... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-crooked-men.html
  20. One of the brand new M2E models for the Gremlin faction of Malifaux...Merris LaCroix... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-merris-lacroix.html
  21. The comparison pictures have become quite a popular feature of the articles.
  22. The Limited Edition 'Bonus' Bayou Gremlin from Wyrd Games 'Black Friday' sale... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-bayou-gremlin.html
  23. I'm not convinced that the training of hogs involves a great deal of whispering... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-hog-whisperer.html
  24. It's not really a Gremlin crew without Pigs in there somewhere... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-piglets.html
  25. Unfortunately I was waiting for a missing part on Zoraida or this would have been up weeks ago... I find that as long as you use a decent super-glue then there's no need to pin plastic models to metal bases.
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