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Posts posted by Barbagianni

  1. It's very killy, especially if you have luck/can cheat with the decapitation, but I managed to bring him down with a couple of ronins with relative ease (actually, he killed the gunslinger and a ronin, so I guess it was a tie). And I'm not sure, but wp based duels might be trouble for him.

  2. Well, one thing doesn't prevent the other. The student could just be a regular orphan, but how long till the bloodthirst of the masamune (and maybe her wish to grow up like her 'sisters') turns the kid into something else? I guess the more straightly 'esoterical' totems (shang, wendigo, lost love, hungering hippo) are reserved for the masters that know something more of Fate and how it works in Malifaux, while the more 'mundane' ones are for people who don't quite understand...yet.

  3. I've read Tara. Twice. Then shuffled around the outcasts. Twice. I still don't know who can go with her aside her box.

    I can't seem to see hidden sinergies aside bury bishop-->fast bishop-->deliver bishop (change the name with the beatstick/objective grabber of your choice).

    I guess I'l have to try something, but I'm not sure I really want to.

  4. I usually fight it with the viks too and I must say that fighting it is the wrong way. There are 2 ways to deal with that thing: highly defensive models that can block it 2 or 3 activations or shooting it from afar (maybe with hans that can discard upgrades).

    But it's strange blood vik couldn't bring it down...did she have the mark of sheezul? (ignore armor, hard to wound, kill etc)

  5. As she, as an outast, has access to 3 of them: shang, student of conflict, child. The question is, are they worth it?

    Shang is good: rush of magic and heals (even if 4 times at best).

    Child: heals anybody any number of times, but misaki has no spells worth casting

    Student: fast, but sister in spirit becomes useless.

    All in all, shang looks the best, but I'm going to try at least the student. I've seen how mobile misaki can be, and 2 charges in a round (with targets properly (0)stalked).

    Any thoughts?

  6. I know a lot of people are excited about M2E, but I'm not. Perhaps I want to be the first to say, "I told you all so", but I play this game as well so if I'm right we all lose. I liked 1.5 and the sweeping changes in 2.0 I fell are extreme and unnecessary. I guess well see soon enough.


    Something tells me you're going to say that anyway *wink*

  7. So we have all read the changes coming up and so meny people are overly happy jumping up and down clapping wildly, and I'm trying to figure out if anyones seeing this the way I am.

    Justice is my master and has a defence 5

    the average attack is 5+C.B. or higher. If I cant S.S. to get higher almost every attack at me hits. Prevent flips kinda help, but get real...everyones like who cares im still hitting and more likely doing some damage. Spend a S.S. for a +def flip is kinda who cares if the attackers a 5+C.B. they play a hand card you cant beat...I mean your lower or tied for def. A -flip for damage is who cares because the attackers was like whatevers I had a -flip anyway now I get 2 weaks over 1 whatevers.

    So where are my other Justices, and 5 or lower defence masters at, that kinda need to be up there to play. Do we need to switch masters in 2.0?


    I see your point here, but it's:

    a-open beta. If we can prove def 5 melee masters are sub-par, there's still time to change them.

    b-maybe the stats have already been changed to reflect that.

    c-maybe there's some other way to get protection and/or healing.

    Edit: pre-measuring scares me too, but maybe you can pre-measure only from the model you have activated.

  8. Out of interest, what does the word "mercenary" mean to you beyond "very well paid pawn"? That sounds like a perfect description of a mercenary to me. :P

    Because with the 10T you start as an 'employee'...end end up as selling your soul. Well, maybe that's just lynch but...I don't trust them too much. *wink*

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