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Posts posted by neko

  1. 4th Turn:

    I finally lost my flip, and Boshea went to work.

    With Lady J running away, Seamus decided to hit her for all he was worth (the - to Df was hard to deal with), but only took 9 wounds off with some good flips on my part (or bad flips on his part, committee is still out on this one)

    Lady J tried to activate, and managed to Rally.

    The last Belle finally lured a Marshall, and hit him for 2 wounds.

    Santiago and my 3rd Marshall both ran.

    Molly at this point didn't do much but move. He got her in combat with a Marshall, and realized that she really doesn't have a melee attack. Bonus. I'll take them where I can get them.

    I tried to activate the Marshall stuck in with the Belle, and failed the Terror, so ran. I got stopped by the Belle. Hmm.

    Nino whiffed on his shooting.

    The Tree moved into my deployment zone. There goes Hold Out.

    Turn 5:

    I won the flip and decided to try and hit Seamus with Lady J. Didn't happen, as she failed her Terror test. Seamus charged Santiago, but only whipped 3 wounds off him. My running Marshall tried to rally, and kept booting to the table edge.

    Boshea did a neat trick with Molly and the Belle, where he lured and tried to hit Molly but failed... I couldn't grasp it.

    Nino activated and again shot the Hanged, and got another 2 wounds, leaving one.. Definitely not my MVP.

    Seamus hit a Marshall this time, and killed him. Slow to die accomplished nothing.

    Nothing else of note happened, really.

    Turn 6:

    I won again, and finally killed the Hanged with a Marshall. I had Hold Out again.

    Molly activated and used Reveal Phillip on my table edge Marshall, and he passed the test TWICE, resulting in some friendly name calling back and forth for a few minutes.

    Seamus punched a few more things, but couldn't kill anything. Luck, I suppose.

    Game ended after that.

    Post Game:

    I had Slaughter, Hold-Out and Bodyguard, while he only had Bodyguard.

    The game went well, and I learned AGAIN that Lady J can't just blindly run into combat. She's a scalpel, not a baseball bat.

    Avatar Seamus is really hard to beat, with regen and his Terror Shenanigans, but if he's forced to take a Wp duel, well...

    I finally learned what it means to play your strategy and schemes.

    Hopefully Boshea will weigh in on this.


    (Some spells and steps I listed may be wrong as to what Boshea used, as I can't quite remember what Seamus needs to manifest)

  2. Had a ripper of a battle last night with Boshea, went very well for both of us, it was really close.

    My Lady J:

    Lady Justice

    3 x Death Marshals

    Nino Ortega

    Santiago Ortega

    Guild Austringer

    His Seamus:


    -Avatar of Seamus

    Grave Spirit



    2 x Belles

    (Could be wrong about his crew, he can weigh in and correct me)

    I was playing Slaughter, opp. was playing Contain Power

    Standard Deployment (6'' deployment)

    I took Bodyguard (Lady J) and Hold-Out.

    He took Bodyguard (Seamus) and can't remember the other one.


    Boshea won deployment, and set up his crew with his Hanged and Grave Spirit on one side, Belles and Molly in the center, and Seamus hanging out in the back. I questioned this at first, but learned why after turn 2.

    I set up in a staggered line 3 inches up from table edge, with Lady J hanging back (Bodyguard and Hold Out)

    We both chose to announce our schemes. All or nothing for us this day.

    1st Turn:

    I won the flip, and Boshea chose not to re-flip. To cut it short, I moved all but one model up one inch.

    Boshea, on the other hand, attached the Spirit to the Hanged, and booted his Belles up as fast as the could (Wow Molly and Seamus give them movement boosts!).

    After he moved his Belles, I tried to Raptor Strike his forward most Belle. I was a few inches short, but now had an idea of how close he was.

    He cast Seamus's Face of Death (I think) and passed with Seamus. I questioned why and was told that he needed it twice to manifest. Interesting to know...

    Not much of note, really.

    2nd Turn:

    Once again, I won the flip, and again was told to go. I moved a Marshall up and shot his forward most Belle, and managed to put 4 wounds on it.

    He continued his movement on the Hanged and threw up Smell Fear. I knew that something was coming, so kept this in mind.

    I moved another Marshall, and killed the already wounded Belle. I knew that with Seamus close to it, I could expect company, and was correct when Seamus moved up, and summoned a Belle within combat of my as of yet unactivated Marshall. He then used Seamus' Face of Death? again, and passed.

    The Austringer tried to hurt the Hanged, but failed to do so.

    After he activated Molly (Move), I decided to walk Lady J into the new Belle. After 2 hits, I destroyed the Belle (14 wounds in 2 hits IIRC), and called it good times.

    I tried to hurt the Hanged with Santiago, and managed to rip a wound off it.

    3rd Turn:

    Luck be me, I won the flip AGAIN, and again was told to go.

    Seamus was a short walk away for Lady J, and was tied up by 2 models of mine, so decided to throw up Sword Style (Onslaught) and go to work. Lady J walked into combat with Seamus. After some good flips, I managed to get Seamus to one wound (Hard to Kill is annoying).

    Then, it happened. THE BEAST.

    Seamus manifested. And well, crap in a hat. I had 4 models in his aura, and knew that this would suck bad. Fortunately, Seamus didn't do much but punch a Marshall for 2 wounds.

    I activated said Marshall, and well, I got an awakening. Because of Seamus' abilities, and my proximity to the Hanged, I had a lot of Terror tests with a hit to my WP. Needless to say, I failed and ran.

    A Belle moved up and lured a 2nd Marshall, but I resisted (barely).

    Nino decided to shoot the Hanged, and hit my Austringer instead, killing him outright. Santiago activated next and punked the Spirit with one hit in combat. Add that to the Marshall killing a Belle, and I had a 9-stone lead on Slaughter.

    I tried to shoot Seamus with my 3rd Marshall and Managed to get a few wounds off him (and not hit my Lady J either). At this point, Boshea was really close to breaking my Hold Out, and I had to think of how to get him away.

  3. So I just got into Malifaux, and decided to come and join related chat.

    My name is Matt, and I also play Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40000, BloodBowl, Mordheim, Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic, Anima Tactics and Warmachine.

    And I hate musicals.

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