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Ensis Ferrae

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Posts posted by Ensis Ferrae

  1. One question I had about aColette was, with her "cup game" ability, are you doing that each turn? because it mentions that you reveal the decoy during the closing phase of the turn... To me this would defeat the overall purpose of the decoy, unless you do this each turn with the possibility of a different "real" colette every time around.

  2. This should perhaps be two separate threads, but I'd rather not create two threads so close to each other.

    I currently only have the Colette crew. My main reason for getting the crew, was because of the Angelica model, I absolutely LOVE it! To me, Angie's sculpt is the best of the line. The only problem I'm having, is that no one seems to use her, so I am wondering, in what schemes and games would she be best in? If I use her, should I drop Cassandra, or should I take both and drop something else?

    My other question, or part 2, is how best to use Ramos. I was looking on the store site earlier, because I "cannot" play a crew if I don't like their look, and Ramos has been sort of growing on me some, so somewhere down the road, I may expand my Arcanists into a Ramos crew.

  3. I dunno if you're in the states or not, but I go to Hobby Lobby quite abit, and in their dollhouse supply section, they have a "rollup" wood floor that I have been eying for my own Star project. Perhaps you could use your popcicle sticks for a subfloor, and use another wood surface as the "real floor", and include the extension off the front of it in the flooring.

    Other than that, its looking like a very promising start, and I cant wait to see more

  4. As a business and not a charity, you should totally stand by your principles, but at the same time if you're looking to make a living at this, I think you'd be handicapping yourself not to stock those lines unless there were other business impact related reasons (and while I don't play any GWS games, I've heard horror stories from my friends about dealing with them and their often draconian policies).

    I have a couple of friends who have worked in an LGS and have said largely the same thing about dealing with GW. I haven't talked enough with some of the local shops in my area to figure out if it'd be similar with other companies.

    One idea just struck me though.. since some cities and towns can be 'saturated' with game stores who carry predominately games and the like, what if you opened a gaming store who's predominate shelf stocked item was terrain kits? Obviously to qualify as a gaming store you'd need some gaming stuff (minis, rpg books, cards etc.), table space and the things we commonly associate with an lgs. But if you diminish stock in those items (but make clear you can order if asked), and instead carried a larger selection of terrain kits, supplies for scratch building or even ready to use terrain, would the place hold up? It's a unique idea (imo) because almost everywhere i've been the main complaint among gamers is a lack of quality terrain to game on.

  5. To preface everything here: this is NOT a 'hai guyz iz starting a store, wut does i do?' Thread.

    My time in the army is nearly up, and so the wife keeps hounding me on work after i'm out, blah blah blah.

    Being a gamer, i'd thought it would be cool to run a shop (who hasnt really?). But earlier this year, my 'main' game gave me the straw that broke the camels' back as it were. I used to play 40k, but with the model price hikes and then the new rule book being 75 bucks retail we decided to walk away and play more of our alternate games.

    Ultimately, my question here is, do you think that if you created a gaming store, but didn't carry GW, could you survive? My own thought here, is that one key to a shop, is gaming space, so i wouldnt mind folks playing GW games, i just wouldnt be carrying the products.

  6. When I first started reading this thread, the only thing I could think of, was Dita Von Teese for Collette... originally i thought of christina hendricks, who you all want for Lady J, for Collette. If we moved her to Collette, then Dita would play Angelica or Cassandra, because the tv series will really be about, and take place mostly in The Star anyhow ;) the only problem with CH playing Collette, is that sne may actually be too top heavy for the part, though that really wouldnt be that big a problem.

  7. Well, ideally, I would build it in pieces, for transport and storage, however the "stage proper" would probably be one piece. Maybe the "performing area" and the arch that usually adorns the area as well to be used as a display board, should I need it for any tourneys or what have you. One idea I just had, was to build, essentially a foldable 3x3 "box" so that it can be used as basically any interior location, then the various "set pieces" could/would be added.

    I did a google image search for vaudeville stages, and the type of lights I was referring to are apparently (in that sort of theater) referred to as footlights, though, in the 1880s they were powered by various types of gasses, depending on the locale.

    Also, I would be using the rule book as the starting point, and according to it, the stage proper is Ht 2 terrain, so naturally this would be raised above the "ground" floor.. As that is about as far into detail as they go, the "scale" I was going for, would be about on par with the theater scene in Clockwork Orange.. But beyond the "orientation" of the stage to ground floor, most all of the rest of the terrain would be moveable almost by necessity.

  8. So, I have it in my head to build a display/game board that is The Star Theater... beyond the brief outline in the rule book for the interior of the hall, i have no idea what else to do....

    Here's my thoughts so far:

    The "stage" area should be at least 18 inches (to encompass at least one 6 inch backroom, per the book), i'm thinking of an arched front, though i'm not sure on that front...it would be cool to have an 1800s style "gas lamp" row along the front, with working LEDs.

    And because its a vaudeville/burlesque type theater (just judging by collette and her crew), i am thinking of using some actual felt or similar fabric (red, or maroon maybe?)

    The walls should probably be either removable, or at least fold down for gaming, so i am curious as to your ideas on 'wallpaper'

    Some other issues I am having with this atm: how and what should the organ be made out of? Should it be a pipe or churchey type/organ, or something more contemporary looking?

    What should be done for the seating area in front of the stage? Benches, seating like a vegas cabaret show (smallish, round tables for seating a number of people who only have drinks) or should it be open, with some boxes/ tables 'stacked' along the edges? Ideally this shouldn't be set in stone, just for gameplay variety's sake.

    This has been a long post, so i'll leave it here for now, and hope you guys have some good ideas out there.

  9. I find that sometimes doing the studio scheme will allow me to get a mini paintd that much quicker (like my WM mercs) because sometimes i look at a model after its been primed, and i just cannot 'see' its' colors, if that makes any sense??

    For instance, my wife's Viktorias crew has been sitting on my desk for over a month, and they only have a skin base coat...the only one with really any more is Sue, and any of their obviously metal bits. My Collette crew otoh, is largely painted and needs some final details for each to really be done.

  10. Since I currently use GW paints, here's what I do:

    start with a base coat of dark brown (gw's old Scorched Brown), then stipple on a lighter, yet fairly heavy coat of "vermin brown" (again, probably changed with their new system), and then a lighter stipple coat of their old Blazing Orange, followed by the last stipple/highlight of Chainmail.

    Overall, it looks very realistic, and from a tabletop gaming distance, looks almost like it's truly rusted.

  11. Hello all,

    The Missus and I, after some "heated" discussions, have started to play Malifaux. We're both long time gamers, and have always been looking for one which we'd both enjoy playing together. With our recent move from Germany to Tennessee/Kentucky, we lost our previous gaming groups, and all that goes with it, but hopefully we'll get something going soon.

    I just recently got the Alexandrias' Crew for her, and the Collette Crew for myself, so I know we're both in for steep learning.

    Looking forward to getting the minis in, and our first game, as well as learning all I can here.

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