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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. 26 minutes ago, Skyfire said:

    For some reasons, Wyrd seems to like the Dark Carnival so much to the point that they corroborate with PlastCraft to make a terrain set with this theme: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/114153-plastcraft-terrain-circus/

    So it's quite possible that they will have a DC version for Angelica (as a hunchback perhaps?)


    I'm going to go out on a limb and claim that Wyrd has no plans for a Dark Carnival Angelica at the moment. ;)

  2. I'm a big fan of Spawn Mother (which brings Gupps into the discussion) and the Necromancy. I run a pair of necros from time to time if the strats and schemes warrant it (combines nicely with hoarcats in burning a lot of cards for your opponent to target).

    I'd use the sow if I had a model for it. I have a pair of boars in my 'to use' pile, but it would really depend on whether I could make good use of from the shadows. 

  3. Yup - those are fish boobs.

    I don't have much to say about these - Gupps are plain and boring and Momma is pretty detailed looking but I don't really like the look and pose of it - looks awkward. Pretty easy to pass these up plus they aren't very good models for gameplay either, iirc.

    Fish boobs are cool, though. 

    I'd argue the opposites. The Gupps are amazing and perfect. The Spawn mother is a bit dull and generic looking. 


    I'm hoping that the box comes with at least 3 bases of gupps, and that more gupps are available separately (don't hold much hope for the latter though).

  4. I think Bete is the model the most hampered by the attacks on buried models - low wounds on top of the highest cost burying mechanic for survival is brutal.


    But I still like that the mechanic is available to limit some of the quasi-unkillable burying models.

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  5. Well, I think the promos would have to change, but there are ways to support the big "Wyrd purchase events" that GenCon and Black Friday currently are without cutting out local gaming stores. Those events are the two times when Wyrd regularly does something that's inconsistent with their "support your LGS" mantra. 

  6. I really think it should be allowed to order through my local store and get the limiteds as well. 

    I usually do not order directly, Wyrd gets their pay anyway and I want to support the place where I get to play, that guys need to feed their families too...

    The thing is, the vast majority of game stores do not deal directly with companies. They instead deal with distributors that stock those companies items, and then deliver them to stores upon request. It just is not feasible for stores to go through this process and get all the benefits from temporary releases like this.

    Wyrd could just use the exact same receipt requirements they already do for LGS promotions. Spend $150 MSRP at your LGS over the specified dates and get some promo figures. It's a bit tougher for the nightmare editions, but doable - maybe make it available to the distributors, but limit them to the size of the order?

    I would much prefer this approach. I imagine it would create some short-term stock issues at some LGS, but if you give them notice, they can order in extra stuff ahead of time, etc..

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    as for those saying they are of great use in TT with mei feng etc I am sure a TT Brother would be a better option and seem to be even harder to actually take down.

    Apples and oranges, my friend.  Not exactly fair to compare a 4 ss model to a 5 ss model.

    TT Brothers are actually 6ss models. They just happen not to cost that much.

  8. Amusingly with the Perdita vs Mei complaints, Mei crews are still some of the most resilient to Perdita because vent steam puts her in a bad place. 

    Regarding rail workers with Mei, a single one is amazing, a second one and the discarding is pretty expensive, and a third one means you're wasting resources. 

    As of wave 3 though, Mei has plenty of other worthwhile constructs and scrap sources in 10T. 

    But metal gamin are still worthwhile. A different ending for protection, or a larger aura would have been much better (even just 4"), but it can still be situationally worthwhile. Magnetism is still a situational, but potent ability. They've ceased to be a perfect generalist, but unless you're playing gremlins, you generally can't get that out of a 4ss model. 

    I do like that this change makes steam arachnids a relevant hiring choice again. 

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  9. If we have the same breakdown as last year, 2 @ $150 and 2 @ $300, I'm really hoping we get to choose which 2, given the varied demand for these.  I think different ones excite different people, but I doubt I'm the only one who likely could not drop a full 300.

    I like all of them, and would certainly like to own all of them.  But if I have to pick favorites it would go Barabaros > Lady Doc > Francisco > Firestarter

    Remember that there's dark coryphee too. I could see these at $25 a pop, and dark coryphee and something else as the pledge level gifts. 

  10. She's very survivable with her (0) action. She's  really fast (can be across the board turn 1 basically).She has some awesome scheme tricks. She's quite dangerous too. Understudy is nice, but I rarely get the opportunity to use it. You should almost always give her smoke and mirrors, which helps with resilience and scheming.

  11. If you are playing by the rules of the tournament then if the opponent has a black joker in their hand, then this combo lets them shuffle out any cards they don't want in their deck and put them in their discard, then shuffle their deck. That's how it ends up working. If the tournament organizer or Wyrd wants to errata it then they can, but if they don't that's how the rules read.

    It's like in Magic if you have an infinite damage combo, it's foolish to argue that it doesn't work because the player would never tap cards or use abilities in that order, without opponent input, that many times to win a game. It's a game with rules, sorry if those rules seem strong or broken.

    It's also a rule in every tournament that what the tournament organizer says is binding, so what everyone else has said is true. 

  12. I can see legitimate reasons to do it, and legitimate ways to do it without being overly slow. 

    So long as the black joker is accounted for (hand, or already flipped), if some key cards have already come out, you could use it to force a reshuffle - no need to go through the deck 1 by 1 (it's like one of those "roll the dice, pick up all the dice and roll them again" situations in Warhammer). If you do it for much more than that, I'd consider it poor play.

    Neat trick, and almost guaranteed to be gone come next FAQ.

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