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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. On 4/7/2016 at 3:15 AM, GrimmMJ said:

    Why the spiders?

    Kaeris' best schtick is throwing out lots of scheme markers. Lots of them inevitably end up in the wrong place, but near the action. Large arachnids eat them for positive flips on attack and damage flips, and they have a very good damage track. Once they've eaten a couple scheme markers, there should be plenty of scrap around for them to eat, so you aren't really handicapping your crew in terms of scheme markers.

    Large arachnids also make great use out of bleeding edge tech and powered by flame. Angelica with practiced production does a great job of negating their speed issues, and giving you better scheme marker placement (or alternatively, the Captain who is great in Kaeris crews).

    • Like 1
  2. If you have a few other swampfiends, Gupps are generalists who can scheme run like terror tots. Getting up juvenile wail though is where they shine, and they fit a swampfiend theme of making it a terrible idea to kill your stuff. 

    Spawn mother fits that theme too. Turn 1 and 2 you throw out some eggs. Does your opponent really want to kill her and give you two more schemers? Or do they kill something else near her and give her the free charge?

    Add bad juju into the mix and you have a great crew to play to a survival set of schemes.

    If you have a traditional numbers scheme, spawn mother is a great frame for murder model (the threat of it again helps play into the swampfiend theme).

    • Like 1
  3. Has anyone had any success with the emissary/flaming conflux? It seems so good, but I found it to create activation order issues in a crew already nearly crippled with activation order issues. The extra burning for minions is nice of course, but comes with a cost. 

    The only time it was really handy was for a turn 1 truth in flames from a flare, but the rail golem vent can set that up just as easily.

    The dream of course is that Kaeris jumps into a pile of enemies, flares, burns/immolates some stuff, flashes accelerant, then grabs and drops out of there (possibly running an extra square, and ideally backed up by the firestarter twirling his cans). I haven't had the opportunity to do that over several games. 

  4. It's got mediocre durability, mediocre combat stats, and is as slow as can be. For 8ss, it really needs to do more.

    The one thing it does well is have a pile of wounds, which is nice for Rasputina who can give it Armour +2. Not sure why you'd take it over a rattler though if that's the prime concern. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

    I still think someone must have overestimated how strong or easy burying was, given all the restrictions on glimpse and how expensive Karina is (in her first iteration, with the upgrade, easily the most overpriced model in the game IMHO, esp. considering how good deals totems tend to be), and to a lesser degree the NB is.

    I just think the untested beta stuff was at a softer level of balance than where public playtesting ended up. Both the Tara box and the Transmortis stuff ended up needing to be buffed, which just happens to be the only early M2E stuff that was not tested in a public beta.

    • Like 2
  6. How has nobody mentioned his old model:



    Should be easy enough to find on ebay if there's nowhere that has old stock near you.

    Alternatively, harder to find, but the Jack the Ripper evil baby orphanage miniature was an official Baby Kade proxy (and Lizzie Borden gives you an official Candy proxy):


    • Like 1
  7. I find Myranda to be a waste as a healer, and her +Df bubble is tiny, so usually I use the transformation following fast blitz upfield to get my new beast where I need it. 


    One game with Cojo, there was a dock into hazardous water terrain with turf war (frame in the scheme pool). I told my opponent that Cojo was going to throw his rail golem into the water at the start of the game, pushed Cojo forward aggressively, then threw a weakened rail golem into the hazardous terrain. Hazardous flip kills the rail golem, which was of course the frame target. My opponent had a chance to take out Cojo with Joss but didn't because he figured Cojo was a frame target, so he instead charged a hoarcat and killed it....turns out the hoarcat was my frame target. My opponent was not happy.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, katadder said:

    assuming good placement of constructs/scrap markers and enemy

    rail walk is only an 8" range and we are on about 1st turn so chances are an enemy will no be in 13" on turn 1. all for 1 attack.

    if that were the case then with levi I would just charge mei instead and go for the 8 severe he has to dish out.

    dont get me wrong, shes good and probably my favourite arcanist master at the moment, however if someone wants to get around vent steam they can, especially if its a master. also you then have to deal with alot of levis crew as well as levi (which in my case is when running him is 4 henchmen/enforcers)

    A single rail walk to a 30mm model or scrap counter lets Mei hit something, and move, up to 13" away (counting base lengths, and the auto triggered jackhammer kick). It's a pretty flexible tool to give her mobility and get up steam. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Mrbedlam said:

    Very much what is stated above. I played against Perdita in a tournament saturday where the board had mostly cover, very little blocking and got wiped. Had any of that cover been blocking, would have been a very different game.

    You should have gone with the dreaded Mei Feng plus Hoarcats combo....

    • Like 1
  10. An interesting effect of her counterspell is that it allows you to have three counterspell henchmen (one changed to master for ironsides, or bonus counterspell available for Raspy/Ramos, Marcus can have dawn serpent as a fourth counterspell model). If you suspect/fear a lure spam list, Hannah lets you shut it right down. 

  11. Oiran are underrated generalists, whereas performers are great at midfield interacts and luring. Hidden agenda is great if you already have a ranged model with a free slot, and want some good generalist models. Don't think of Oiran as lure focused models - look at how much more they have on their cards, then look at how much they gain from hidden agenda. 

    • Like 1
  12. There's still a bunch of book 2 models to be released. Very few book 3 models have been released. Book 4 is still waiting to come out. There's lots to release for malifaux before a new edition and there's more models to release each year (so far).


    With new translations coming out of the M2E core rules, I assume Wyrd is pretty happy to sit on the rules for a while longer. The only core rule I've heard that Justin wasn't really happy with was the effect of tall buildings/vantage points on the game. So even if Wyrd wanted to fix things, it's pretty easy to errata that section rather than release new rules. 


    The system is also set up for easy patches to shake up the game - new upgrades to change a master's playstyle or boost an underpowered model. Lots of life left in the system.


    As to avatars - they're a minimal part of the campaign system (in the limited circumstance of campaign play, they can only be used in limited circumstances). There's no chance wyrd was going to make a large model for each one. 

  13. 4 hours ago, jonahmaul said:

    Personally I think Neutralize the Leader is terrible as it punishes people for playing the way Masters like Levi and Dreamer are designed to work.  Going to cause hell in single Master tournaments.

    edit - shipping to the UK comes up as just over $3 which is pretty reasonable though it says 3-7 weeks!

    Gaining grounds is designed to be a tournament rule set using the full set of malifaux rules (which includes masters chosen after the schemes are revealed). If you're a tournament organizer running a single master tournament (GG is a tournament ruleset), then they should probably compensate by choosing schemes that don't include Neutralize (or at least letting players know if it will be in play ahead of time).


    Similarly, with new players, GG isn't really something that should be used while learning.

    • Like 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, Lizzy Lovecraft said:

    So, the new print on demand cards from Wargammer's Vault are a really great idea.  I understood the reason Wyrd decided to stop making them; if you haven't replaced all your 1 & 1.5 stat cards by now, you really don't play enough to matter.  But my LGS only stocks the metal blister packs (leftovers.  I'm gonna change that, but they only have so much space), and I feared not having access to all things Wyrd.  Simply to have access to all things Wyrd!  So this print on demand is Great!

    Now, I just jumped over to Outcasts from Rezers.  Have the Levi box and the Vickies box, and want to, want to, want to put a Scramble on Tay-Tay (Taelor), but don't have the card.  Wargammer Vault doesn't seem to have any upgrades for print, tho.  Am I looking in the wrong place?  Is there any news if they will be available soon?

    Or, I'll simply give Wyrd my money, please and thank you, but I can't seem to locate the Outcast crew that the X3 Scrambles come in.  Again, am I just missing it, which crew brings them?



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