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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. We should wait until the final version to discuss the Scion. It just makes it confusing for people a few months from now reading through the thread. It could end up looking fairly different to how it did.


    Re: Killjoy - Definitely potent, but I'm not sure how much he's a model that's going to 'cost you friends'. I also don't think he's an always take model. What he does add is the ability of Tara crews to flourish in kill type strats and schemes. Short of Killyjoy, what could you take that has even an outside shot at assassinate? (Karina's rock doesn't count)

  2. I must've missed their Starters being released! Because if that wasn't your point, then why not list Daw, Ironsides, Kaeris, Brewmaster, Mah, Ulix, Hamelin, Collodi, and Molly? This isn't about the fact that Wyrd hasn't released all there is to release, it's about releasing a Starter in an essentially unplayable state and then not supporting it for a year or so.


    I used the examples that were discussed in multiple posts earlier in the thread.


    And to be honest, considering the availability of metals (in spite of Wyrd inexplicably canning them ahead of their replacements being available), Shenlong, Ironsides, Brewmster, Mah, Tara and Ulix should be priorities over support for Kirai, regardless of how she struggles looking only at plastics.


    I'll take that action. When should we play?


    Are you allowed to double or triple up on the box set to get bonus Onryo and Seishin?

  3. Decker: I imagine it could work. Such lists really aren't my playstyle though. I've very little experience with static firebases.


    Not really my style either, but I could see it being useful, depending on terrain, for something like turf war where you want to hold a central location, or even straddling two 'home' zones  near the 6" barrier in reconnoitre. It still leaves 29ss plus the master that aren't 'locked down' like the silent one base. They add a lot of healing and long range firepower to arcanists, and I don't think either of those are particularly common in the faction (barring Raspy crews), so it may work as a meta-choice. 

  4. I'd consider it if I had a master that didn't really need their totem, and I was planning on taking some silent ones (which are great regardless for support shooting and healing). Boosting freeze to Ca7 is incredibly nasty, and healing on a 7 is far more reliable than healing on an 8. If it makes sense to clump up 3 silent ones, then the essence gives you a potent bunch of silent ones.


    Nice discussion there. I think a lot of the thinking in it focuses on "where would you most conveniently get a congregation of wizards", and ignores the fact that there are likely weak spots where the breach could be created. I say likely, because when the first breach was torn open, secondary breaches far away opened as well. We only know about the three kingdoms one, which was a closed country to most of the 1787 citizens. So they gather where they sense the barrier to the magic being weak, and where they can actually gather. Gathering in Europe in some ancient university would be convenient, but maybe it was just plain impossible for the wizards at that point.

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  6. All pigs are X is a general statement applying to all pigs. This pig is Y is a specific statement. They directly contradict (primal continuously gives beast while pig sling continuously removes it). Specific trumps general so primal wins.


    Same with the conditions from raptors and canine remains.

  7. Only reason to bring much last blossom is if you want to abuse smoke and shadows (in which case a few Oiran are great), but the trick is so much more potent in 10T where there's the Oiran upgrade. However, it is a nice trick that she pulls over from the 10T, and is one of the unique things she adds to outcasts. 


    She's on my "to try" list as an Outcast though. Disguised Misaki and a couple of ronin will give any crew which goes light on shooting fits. 

  8. Not sure dgraz, but my instinct is that it isn't considered printed.


    I forgot about the mobile tool kit. But I'm not sure I could give up the mechanical attendant and his dampening field (is that the right name?) well... the skill that negates blasts, pulses, and auras within 3 inches. Also, I can see times when his condi removal will be nice to have around.


    Mobile toolkit isn't a totem this edition, so it's just a 3ss construct you can keep around.

  9. Marcus v Marcus is probably one of the worst. Both crews would consistently be at negative flips, alpha would work on everything etc.


    The player who doesn't play pure Marcus would be at the advantage in that game, since those models wouldn't be at a  :-fate .


    Also, seize the day would be game winning if one player took it. 

  10. Taelor is tough to get good value out of as a summoning counter, since she's not that tough and has to expose herself to get good value. I think as a model for Tara to throw into the fray, she'd be awesome though (her hammer counters a lot of tough things and can cause a pile of damage, and after she's gone, she stuffs up summoning a bit).

  11. I'm going to go against the grain (which is agreeing with the last few posts). 


    Mei Feng is a lot of fun and loves Ramos' models....but the only model Ramos will take from Mei's box is the occasional rail worker (and it would be rare to take 2 in a Ramos crew IMO).


    Meanwhile, if you can get a hold of it, the Colette box set is a great compliment to Ramos. Colette loves Howard and Joss, and spiders are good choices with (0) interacts on the menu. But Ramos, even though he tends to like constructs, appreciates good models as much as anyone. And Cassandra and Performers are just that - great models to throw into any crew. 

  12. If you're playing a Mei crew against Pandora, vent steam is your friend. Most of the threat from Pandora comes from Ca actions (including those lures), so that should be your priority - keep up the steam while focusing on scoring as much as possible. There'll be times where it's worth it to double tap vent steam and only move up 5".

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