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Everything posted by Seazan

  1. Yeh I always thought our emissary was a bit meh, but I thought I was just missing something. The art for the hunters looks sweet so hope they release them soon..... What was that Wryd did you say Christmas surprises (I can only hope)
  2. I would not have thought of the Student. Aionus and Scion look really good and agree they make a good general core along with a hunter. On that, are people hiring hunters or summoning them?
  3. Hello all my fellow hired guns, I've got a few games of 3rd ed under my belt now (mostly playing TT) and I'm loving it. I've decided to return to my first love, Outcasts. In 2nd ed I played a lot of Viks, Schill and a bit of Parker. I'm expanding my outcast collection with Tara. She looks like a lot of fun (once you get your head around her bury mechanic). I've never played Tara so I'm after some advice. I've picket up her box set but what would you recommend I get to fill out her crew and why? I understand that a crew is very match up and scheme pool dependant, but I'm after some tips on what has worked for you in order to direct my purchasing. Thanks for any help
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