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Posts posted by Red_Starrise

  1. To be fair, Spaniards are Europeans (ie pale as ####).


    Yeah, use the CMoN tute, skip a few steps if you're doing batch painting instead of display minis.  I've used it for redheads, and it tends to be on the money.


    Borzag (personally I just look in the mirror...)

    Indeed. I just wanted to explain why I said Mexican vs Hispanic. I didn't want to get flamed for being racist when I was attempting to be specific.

  2. Ok I'm looking for a recipe for Mexican Flesh tone to use for my Ortegas. I say Mexican because I've known a few Spaniards & many Mexicans & their skintones differ. I'm looking for the darker tone that comes from the combined native/Spanish heritage.

  3. Ok, I loved the look of McCabe so I picked up his set, I also have 3 riflemen, a guardsman, a pathfinder, plus a warden & austringer. I'm looking at getting a box of 10T archers & maybe converting one to be a Katanaka sniper. Is there anything I'm "missing" that I really "need"? I understand McCabe is kinda a niche master so I'm asking for help putting together a versatile starting line-up for him.

  4. Much like McCabe on foot, he has a gun, but he has no gun on his card, all he can do is throw dynamite.


    Did I miss something? If not, then I'm going to lop off that hand & swap it out with Perdita's empty hand so she has two guns rather than one drawn & one holstered.

  5. The new Santiago is as big as the Strongarm suit. I was shocked that he's on a 30mm base tbh. I've actually competed covering the female desperate merc into a pistolero. I replaced her sword hand with one from a plastic death marshal who became an Exorcist since I'm not real fond of the metal one. I sculpted a hat & now she's awaiting paint.

  6. Tuco that's him! I just thought that Santiago would be more likely to fit the role than the diminutive Niño. His rifle COULD be converted to a multi chambered sniper rifle by putting a piece of tubing on the end to extend it about another 1/2" or so. Give him some goggles & you're good to go. He could be used as a young guild rifleman.

    As to making samael a trapper/pathfinder I'm not real worried about maintaining the same aesthetic as the traps on his belt & worn haggard appearance will work just fine as a guild hunter who has spent plenty of time outside the protective walls of the city amongst the twisted animals & neverborn. I just need to convert a rifle for him.

  7. Replace her sword with a pistol. Sculpt a cowboy hat on her & you're good to go. I'm thinking the same thing because I have her & she used to work for Von Schill who no longer has a place for her in his unit with the Strongarm & Lazarus plus Hannah.

    As for Nino what about putting a scope on his rifle & then using him as the merc sniper Hans?

    Santiago... hmmm what about sculpting a hat & replacing a pracebringer with a clawed hand & running him as what's his name... the corrupted Ortega? I'm turning samael into a guild trapper.

  8. He is very definitely a 30mm. You can double check on the FAQ and errata files, available here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/21-malifaux-2e-faq-errata/


    I'll shunt this into miniature matters for you too.

    Ok thanks. I don't see anything about his base size in the faq. He just seems like he should be 40mm because he's massive just like Sidir & Strongarm. It's gonna take some work to get him to really fit into the proper base.

  9. Is the Santiago in the new plastic set meant to go on a 30 or 40mm base? He's easily as a big as the strong arm suit& Sidir & majorly overlaps the 30s that came in the box.

    Wrong form. I know. This is what happens when you use a cell phone.

    Mods please move

  10. very nice conversion- suprised at how little modifications you made to match him to the FK look.


    Thanks. Since Barker is strapped in to begin with & isn't seemingly wearing a shirt, & has no hair it's pretty minimal amount of work, namely the heagear & the shoulder pads, plus the O2 cylinder on his chest which I have all of my Freikorps wearing masks with hoses that connect to these for the more WWI/VSF look.

  11. As I didn't back the Kickstarter so for me this figure may never exist. However, I do love the Freikorps so I decided for completeness sake to build a proxy of Hannah. I used Barker Zosa in the Aphid Frame, got him for dirt cheap on bartertown. A big of GS work & some parts swaps/additions later, behold Hans is born:




    I'm just in need of a steamtrunk proxy & we're good to go with a complete Freikorps.

  12. Wyrd;

    I just wanted to voice my disappointment at how you're handling the cards for M2E. The fact that I bought your expensive miniatures to begin with and then you made them obsolete, ruleswise, with the new edition is ok, that happens. However, the fact that you now charge me for the cards for them which you gave the updated versions of for free last time really irks me.

    I mean, you might as well have just done codex army books like GW rather than the card method. I'd be willing to buy a new rulebook just fine, but one of the biggest reasons I no longer play warhammer 40k is that I have to keep buying new codices. I realize the cards aren't that expensive, but you have to realize that if I have to buy say... 3 boxes of new stat cards per faction I play in order to bring my minis up to date OR buy the updated versions of those minis is probably putting me out of this game.

  13. Unfortunately I don't have access to any kind of decent spray paint other than the Citadel Black and White, so I'm not really sure if I can get any grey. :(

    Do you have a Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer or Home Depot nearby? If so just go pick up a matte grey indoor/outdoor spray paint of the cheaper brands, runs about $1 at wal-mart in the Color Place brand (blue can w/ 5 colored circles on the front) & they sell flat grey primer. It's just fine for using to prime minis, terrain, vehicles etc, plastic or metal.

  14. If anyone had advice for what type of terrain features are most usefull...im all ears.

    Water features, trees, small vs. large pieces, multiple levels?

    Generic features are always great in that they can be re-arranged to fit different locales in the rulebook. Trees are good, as are swamp/pond pieces, hedges, walls, fences. I've found that, at least in the local games, multi-level terrain doesn't get much use out of it's second/third levels as the rules for moving between are not so fluid like in WH40K where a soldier can basically shimmy up a building as easily as moving forward. This does make me a sad panda because there's so much possibility for terrain features that won't get their full potential used.

  15. Frankly, I quite enjoy good faith proxies sometimes, especially if, like me, you enjoy converting & custom building figures. Me personally, there are some models I just don't overly care for, either I feel that the official model will look out of place in the crew I intend to primarily run it with, I feel it doesn't represent the personality well it's supposed to represent or I just simply don't care for the model itself.

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