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Posts posted by Barnaberible

  1. Surely when you pay for an upgrade it becomes one of that models abilities, actions etc despite the fact that it came from an upgrade. The upgrade states 'von schill GAINS the following tactical action' so I would say yes she can copy it.

    The upgrade says 'this model blah blah then discard this upgrade' it dosent specify who has used it Just to discard it, so I would say discard it

    Re copying the ability and not discarding it, Hannah's actions does not say copy an action, it says select an action.

  2. Ok, so I thought I would post up the pics of my Wretches and Nothing beast, not to show off my painting skill (which is pretty poor!) but more to give some more examples of different colours used on the models as I found it pretty tricky to decide how to paint them.

    I started off with the red Wretch, and while I quite like it it didnt look much like it came out of a void! (looks more like something a fire gamin would take for a walk) I put this down to the gloss varnish I used on the highlights as much as anything.

    Next up was the blue Wretch, which probably came out the best of the 3, I was going for the effect of something that is moving through the light spectrum.

    Now it was a choice of stripping the first or painting the 3rd a different colout again, so I went for a similar effect with the 3rd but using green and not blue (dosent work as well)

    For the nothing beast I was going for an effect of having the blue merge into the red, pretty difficult model to paint as there is alot of flat areas.

    sorry about the quality of the photos but hopefully they might give some ideas







  3. Anyway, based on the fact that flipping ad-infinitum is just stupid is the consensus that the re-flip is only made if Tara actually made then flip?

    And in order for Tara to make the flip she needs to win initiative turn five (I believe rules state that the first player makes the flip, although I dont hve my book on me)

  4. It will take damage when falling because the rules say if you fall X height you take X damage, and it doesn't have a rule that prevents it. Flying models do have a rule that prevents falling dmg.

    Yup, I agree they take damage when they fall, but it dosent seem to make sense that they can get to the top of a building unimpeded (I don't personally think they should be able to) but then can't get down again!

    And full damage at that! Maybe ghosties are scared of heights in Malifaux

  5. I can't find anything specific in the rules, only the cards seem to have the details on

    Flight - this model is immune to falling damage and may ignore any terrain or models when moving

    Incorporeal - this model ignores, and is ignored by, other models and terrain during any movement or push. Reduce all damage this model suffers from sh and ml attack actions by half

    So they both ignore terrain so surely if flight can get you to the top of a building so can incorporeal (although that dosent make sense logically) and if an incorporeal model can therefore get to the top of a building, why would it take damage when going down?

    Maybe I missed something?

  6. Yes I completely agree with that, for me it's just a question of wether the intention was to have the ability the same as colettes from 1.5 (although described in significantly less words) or only Tara can make the re-flip, which makes controlling activations on the last turn more important.

    Not really an issue either way as long as its agreed with your opponent I suppose

  7. Well that's what I believe the RAI is, so if we are then going purely on RAW are we are saying that she can keep flipping her own flips basically ending the encounter when she wants (presuming she made the flip) and also can't target buried models making obliteration symbiote useless?

  8. Stutter Time: This model may choose to

    reflip the results of flips made to end the


    It dosent state who makes the flip, so I guess the ability can re-flip from the opponents deck (if you are being pedantic you could insist on leaning over and flipping the card for him / her.

    surely only one re-flip as the ability states it can re-flip the flip made to end the encounter, not re-flip the re-flip of the result to end the encounter, although yes it could be worded better.

  9. Trouble is the glimpse the void trigger on accacks and pull of the void only allows you to bury if there is nothing else burried, meaning Bette can become a bit of a pain at times.

    Deffo think that pine box is the way to go, also belles and necropunks are good for objective.

    It seems that as an outcast she has better access to hitters suck as Taelor or Bishop (although both are Mercs) but for me Ressers have better objective grabber / manipulators with the Belles, dogs and necropunks.

    As Malicite says it will be interesting to see what wave 2 brings for the Ressers.

    ---------- Post added at 06:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 AM ----------

    Anyone tried taking the grave spirit in place of Karina? armour on the nothing beast sounds fun.

  10. Looks a Solid list.

    I would like to try Bishop in a list, drop him in and give him fast, maybe in place of Hans and one of the scrambles.

    and I like Obliteration Symbiote, so this would have to take the place of the other scramble as I think Knowledge of Eternity is essential

  11. I agree with Nathan & Pete, the best games were the ones where you worked for achievement

    One of my personal love / hate moments was spending 3 full turns setting up for the purifying flame to kill aSeamus, only to black joker the flip

    Well that and blowing grandma Ortega off the top if a building

  12. I am just looking at my painting queue and am presuming the following for crew construction....

    Dual faction masters can be used in the non 10t faction if the opponent is not using the same master (10t gets first choice)

    Dual faction unique 10t minions can only be used in 10t? (if there even are any)

    Sidir is a unique guild model but can be hired by McCabe in a 10t crew, how would this work?

    Presume unique outcast mercenaries (eg Johan) are outcast only?

  13. Just on the off-chance, will anyone be driving down on the Friday past Derby that would exchange a lift for explosive dinosaur juice money? Would rather give it to a fellow hobbyist than to a train company...

    Fortunately I'm a lot closer than derby but if you need a lift from the train station on Friday then let me know as I will be taking terrain over of Friday afternoon

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