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Posts posted by Boshea

  1. Currently, Willpower is the only targeted stat that has a Talent which blocks any attempt to attack it. Many crews target Willpower heavily. Do you feel that Immune to Influence has become too common, and is it too powerful? If so, what would you suggest in its place?

    Powerful can be debated, but its far from common. Generally ItI is a construct ability, and more specifically a Guild Construct ability. Personally I don't feel that its too powerful since the only crew in the game that almost exclusively has to target willpower also has the talent that takes away ItI.

  2. I've yet to use half a bottle of that before the nozzle is blocked beyond fixing, which is annoying as it's fantastic glue.

    Strange since I've had bottles sit on my desk for weeks of disuse with no problems.

    As for my recommendations. Gorilla Super Glue for general use, Loctite Gel when I need more control, and Testors cement for plastics.

  3. Fair enough, took him off the additionals for now. As for Night Terrors, while I'm a fan it comes down the question of would 2 Night Terrors be better than owning 4 dogs. For the purpose of getting the faction rolling I feel 4 dogs is better since with that number they can work as objective grabbers. 2 blisters of Night Terrors should definitely be one of your first future purchases though.

  4. So decided to rework this concept and move it away from gearing it towards new players, as well as enforcing the three blister limit and going more for $150 cap. For Ressers I feel I got it right the second time going with the McMourning, Seamus, and Molly Boxes. Really the only update is adding a fourth blister, which I'm thinking should either be Rafkin, Bete noir, Necrotic Machine, or a second pack of dogs. Each choice has its advantages, I'm thinking would really depend on player tastes. If you want significant dogs, get a second blister. If you feel like you'll run Molly a lot grab the machine. If you feel McMourning will be your main grab Rafkin. If you can't decide Bete Noir.

    Also less strict on having to use starter boxes, but I feel these three all hold up.

  5. So made some changes to gremlin roster as per advice from the gremlin players. Dropped 2 of the Mosquitos to add in a Hog Whisperer and Piglet blister with only a minor change in cost.

    Also after reading through advice in every thread except Guild, I'm thinking its probably best to stop designing this for new players, since morella's budget crews does a better job of introducing a player to the game. So with that in mind there is at least one other master in Outcasts I can design under $150, which is Hamelin. Pullmyfinger's starting purchases for hamelin of 3xRat blisters, Stolen blister, Rat Catchers, and Wretch totals out to roughly $120 which leaves $30 to play with. The thematic choice would probably be to just grab his avatar and call it a day, but he does have a few choices outside of Outcasts that may work.

    If somebody can figure out how to build a functional levi roster under $150, I'll be impressed.

  6. Well started my dive into Guild today grabbing everything in Nix's recommended 6 except the Ortega box (had to put that off for a little). Itching to start playing Criid, and will be able to run better demos with Lady J versus Seamus instead of Schill versus Seamus. At the very least it means I have masters other than the Viktorias or Seamus to play against a friend who is starting with Kirai. With the Viks its a blood bath, and with Seamus its a slow painful game for both sides.

  7. Kind of weird rating Outcast minions due to their mercenary nature and every outcast master working so differently. Convict Gunslinger has to be #1 though since almost every master can take him, he's a solid ranged model, and at 5/6 stones he's a bargain.

  8. [*]Avatar Ramos - awesome and comes with a swarm (28)

    Never knew it also came with a swarm, makes him probably the best valued avatar out of the bunch. Haven't really been giving avatars a great deal of attention other than Avatar Seamus and Criid. Seamus because its pretty cool model to build a crew around. Criid because holy hell that is one of the coolest models I've ever seen.

  9. Its a problem I'm starting to see in a lot of factions is that the majority of starter boxes are severally lacking. Guild is solid across the board, but every other faction only has 1 or 2 good boxes from book 1 (book 2 is fairly good across every faction, but harder masters). I'd still be interested in seeing your list though for my own benefit. I suppose as long as one box makes it onto these lists its easy enough to teach someone with it. Guess the better foundation for these would be build a faction roster that costs the same price as a 40k battleforce/battalion. So 150ish limit with the best choices possible for 2-3 masters/henchman.

  10. Also, since Collodi and Zoraida are the bulk of your purchase, why not pass on Lilith and get the four effigies, Spawn Mother, Weaver Widow, or even Pandora's box instead? Swamp, doll, and scary kids fit better with Zoraida. I say the four effigies instead of Lilith. They are great and can be used with Collodi, too.
    On the basis that if I was just starting out, Lillith is the easiest Neverborn master to learn the game with. Pandora is a fairly complex master to learn, as well gives a very one-sided impression of how Malifaux plays. Starting with Zoraida, Pandora, and Collodi with Stitched gives the impression that everything is heavily based on WP duels.

    The problem with picking three boxes for Neverborn is that two masters are very hard to learn, and the models synergy is very weird in neverborn. The best three blisters for Lilith would be Young Nephilim+Lelu+Lilitu which would also provide good models for Pandora and Dreamer, but not so much for Zoraida and Collodi. Where with Zoraida and Collodi Stitched are good with them, but not so much with Lilith. There is also the problem of the three blister limit since two of the boxes have compulsory purchases. Probably the best option would be to drop Collodi for more models that Zoraira and Lilith can use since both masters have distinctively different play styles. In that situation the best option would likely be something like the following

    Lillith Box

    Zoraida Box

    Voodoo Doll


    Young Nephilim






    Get both of the compulsary blisters for the two boxes as well as a slew of models that can work well in either crew.

  11. Its what I plan to do personally when I trip into Arcansit, but I'm trying to look at this from the basis that I'm just starting out. Its easier to convince someone to pick up a box and a blister than several blisters. Rasputina+Gamin+Silent One with either Snow Storm or a Blessed of December replacing the Ice Golem as your big scary monster would probably be a better route for raspy. Only an $8 difference if you go with the Blessed. While the Ice Golem isn't the most amazing minion he is at least big stupid wall in a fragile crew, and the Master+Body Guard+Minions dynamic of most boxes are good for learning the game.

  12. Som'er is also hard for a starting player.

    I would suggest either Von Schill box plus Ronin and Hamelin Rat-Catcher, or Ophelia box plus Young LaCroix and Slop Hauler and Bayou Gremlins blister.

    Fully aware that Som'er is hard, but if going with the LaCroix's to start its a natural expansion. The benifit of the Gremlin roster is that you have Ophelia to get the basics down with, and Som'er to expand with. Also didn't want to say that Mercs was the only budget flavor for outcasts. They are definitely the most budget friendly since the models can be used in almost any master in the game, but shooty gremlins is a close second. Shooty gremlins are also far simpler to play than pig gremlins.

  13. Like my Guild thread, the term budget is used lightly here. I guess "efficient first purchases" would be a better choice, but doesn't sound as good. Decided to do one of these for each faction after seeing Morella's suggested starting purchases thread. This would be the macro version of it looking at the best way to enter a faction instead of just a single master. Since I'm not an expert on every faction and master contributions are greatly appreciated. The main guideline for this would be the same as my guild goals. What is the best roster that can be built out of three starter boxes and three blisters. Sometimes the three starters and blisters may not be enough so an alternative cap would be for the final cost to be around $150.

    Considering how there is basically 0 overlap in minions used by the outcast masters I may need to approach this a little different. First off Leveticus and Hamelin are ruled out for starter boxes due to both being very model intensive and complex masters. So that basically leaves us Outcasts in the flavors of Mercenaries and Gremlins. Due to there being no overlap in the minions other than McTavish its probably best to approach them as seperate factions.

    So if going the Mercenary route the obvious purchases are the Vik box, the Freikorp Box, Ronin, and a Convict Gunslinger. While the Viks don't have the most amazing box in the world Taelor and Johan are nice to run when Von Schill is leading a crew. After that adding Misaki, Sue, and the Ten Thunders will give you a very rounded Mercenary pool to work with. Beyond that most other models released that can be taken are more situational. So the final roster for Mercs would be


    -Von Schill




    -2 Freikorpmann

    -Freikorp Specialist

    -Freikorp Trapper

    -Freikorp Librarian

    -3 Ronin

    -Convict Gunslinger

    -3 Ten Thunder Brother



    Total 146.75

    If going the Gremlin route your boxes are Som'er and Ophelia. Since you'll be Ophelia box probably best to build for shooty Gremlins first since Ophelia plays better with them than pig lists. So to round out the Ophelia box a blister of Young Lacroix and Slop Haulers will due, with Som'er rounding out with a blister of Gremlins, piglets, hog whisperer and 2 blisters of Mosquitos. So for a final roster we have.

    -Som'er Teeth Jones




    -Pere Ravage


    -War Pig

    -6x Gremlins

    -3xYoung Lacroix


    -2xSlop Hauler


    -Hog Whisperer

    Total 153.25

    Input would be appreciated.

    Edit-Updated Gremlin roster as per suggestions

  14. Like my Guild thread, the term budget is used lightly here. I guess "efficient first purchases" would be a better choice, but doesn't sound as good. Decided to do one of these for each faction after seeing Morella's suggested starting purchases thread. This would be the macro version of it looking at the best way to enter a faction instead of just a single master. Since I'm not an expert on every faction and master contributions are greatly appreciated. The main guideline for this would be the same as my guild goals. What is the best roster that can be built out of three starter boxes and three blisters. Sometimes the three starters and blisters may not be enough so an alternative cap would be for the final cost to be around $150.

    Finally hit the faction where picking the three boxes may be fairly hard. The two obvious purchases are the Lilith box and a blister of young Nephilim. Everything else is more of a process of elimination. Dreamer and Pandora are both not beginner friendly, which leaves the options as Collodi and Zoraida. With Zoraida, the voodo doll is a mandatory purchase so there is blister two. For the last blister I'm thinking Stitched Together for Collodi. So for a final roster we have




    -3 Terror Tots

    -Mature Nephilim

    -3 Silurids

    -Bad Juju

    -4 Marionets

    -3 Wicked Dolls

    -2 Young Nephilim

    -Voodoo Doll

    -2 Stitched Together

    Total 146

    The only problem is since this was more of a process of elimination, I'm not sure how beginner friendly it is. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

  15. Definitely something I'm considering due to Nicodem's high model count. Doesn't hurt that her box comes with a Rogue Necromancy. If going the Molly Route it'd be Molly Box, Seamus Box, McMourning, Canine Remains, Dead Doxies, and a Zombie Chihuahua for a total of 140.5. Still grabbing the Doxies since it gives Seamus and Molly their full hoster of Belles to summon. Zombie Chihuahua and Canine Remains will let McMourning pull off a turn 1 Rogue Necromancy cards permitting. Taking a second look at it, its definetly a far better rounded roster. Second pack of Remains couldn't hurt, same with adding Night Terrors or Bete.

  16. Like my Guild thread, the term budget is used lightly here. I guess "efficient first purchases" would be a better choice, but doesn't sound as good. Decided to do one of these for each faction after seeing Morella's suggested starting purchases thread. This would be the macro version of it looking at the best way to enter a faction instead of just a single master. Since I'm not an expert on every faction and master contributions are greatly appreciated. The main guideline for this would be the same as my guild goals. What is the best roster that can be built out of three starter boxes and three blisters. Sometimes the three starters and blisters may not be enough so an alternative cap would be for the final cost to be around $150.

    Edit-Updated based on discussion

    Avatar Ramos (28)

    Alt Ramos (10.50)

    SPA blister (9)

    EC (7.50)

    Mobile Toolkit (8.50)

    LSPA (15)

    Rail Crew (35)

    Kaeris Box (40)

    Total: 153.5

  17. Like my Guild thread, the term budget is used lightly here. I guess "efficient first purchases" would be a better choice, but doesn't sound as good. Decided to do one of these for each faction after seeing Morella's suggested starting purchases thread. This would be the macro version of it looking at the best way to enter a faction instead of just a single master. Since I'm not an expert on every faction and master contributions are greatly appreciated. The main guideline for this would be the same as my guild goals. What is the best roster that can be built out of three starter boxes and three blisters. Sometimes the three starters and blisters may not be enough so an alternative cap would be for the final cost to be around $150.

    After some discussion, Seamus+McMourning+Molly Boxes along with Canine Remains, Dead Doxies, and Zombie Chihuahua is probably your best starting purchases for a rounded force.





    -3 Rotten Belles

    -Rogue Necromancy

    -3 Crooligans

    -Flesh Construct

    -2 Nurses


    -2 Canine Remains

    -Zombie Chihuahua

    -2 Dead Doxies

    Total 140.5

    For a fourth blister, thinking either Bete Noir, Canine Remains, or Necrotic Machine depending on preference.

    Edit-Updated list

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