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Everything posted by Ausplosions

  1. Ausplosions


    Classic model, wonderful job. Would like to have seen a larger, closer photo of him though. Well done on the paint work.
  2. Ausplosions

    Bayou Gremlin

    This model has the entire package. The combination of the realistic basing and the superb paint job make this model a joy to look at. Would love to face your gremlins across a board. And i don't usually feel that way about gremlins...
  3. The highlighting on this model is so smooth. The base also suits him perfectly. Really really like this model.
  4. Ausplosions

    Snow Storm

    I really like the base you've done here. It adds a sense of realism to the model. Well done!
  5. Ausplosions


    The realism of her musculature is creepy. I love it! Such a simple model is hard to do well, but you have certainly managed it!
  6. Ausplosions


    I love the reddened flesh around his new and old wounds. The extra free hand icons on his shoulders are quite good!
  7. Ausplosions

    Candy Malifaux

    Love the eyes on this model! Would have been good to see a better quality photo though...
  8. Ausplosions

    Mr Graves

    Love the jacket he is wearing. You have made it very realistic.
  9. Ausplosions


    Love the rusted technique on the armour and the extra details on the base.
  10. Thanks! Was heaps of fun to paint too!
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