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Everything posted by Leifer

  1. Great start Evil. I will echo what everyone else here has said regarding simple washes to add some depth to the colors. My steps are: -Base color. -Wash. -Highlight with Base color. -Lighten the Base color with a 1/3 ratio. -Keep adding lighter highlights until you get a gradient of color you are happy with. If you go overboard with the highlights...simply add a thinned wash on top and start over. Things like facial flesh I like to use a "Wet Blend" in order to smooth out the color gradient even more. Good luck.
  2. Thanks guys. Ahh Photoshop? Heh heh just kidding of course. Honestly, I paint using mostly Vallejo and GW paints over a white primer. I don't do anything really ground breaking and prefer to keep things simple (Base coat, shade, and highlight up). That along with a huge amount of lighting when I take pictures, makes the minis fairly loud and bright. When they are on the table (buried in terrain) they still stand out fairly well at the usual 2'-3' viewing distance. Not everyone's cup of tea...but I like them.
  3. Greetings all. Almost done of my 35 stone Hoffman list with only the Watcher left to do. Ryle was an interesting model to paint. He has a very rough skin surface with lots of fissures and weird musculature. He is pretty bright and cartoony...but fits with the rest of my guild minis. Threw in a Death Marshal (my first painted Malifaux fig) Any comments are always welcome.
  4. Very nice work Stinkoman. Razor sharp and very clean (just the way I like it).
  5. Very nice. Love the colors and the whole dusty feel to the buildings.
  6. Arh. I was hoping that my switch to Hoffman would balance things out a little Kip. I find Perdita and her clan way to easy to use and abuse. Our group is just starting out and my Crew seems to be the nastiest out of the gate. Not that I think she is all powerful (far from it). I just don't seem to have near the learning curve some of the other factions are saddled with.
  7. I would second Malandres suggestion. The Tamiya primer works in all conditions and is almost idiot proof (If I can't screw it up...no one can). I had a similar issue with GW Skull White spray a couple of years back. At the wrong temp and moisture it would lay down this very rough coat of paint (furry describes it) that was hell to paint over.
  8. Well done! The basing is particularly interesting. My only comment would be (and this is just my preference of course) the ladies need a shot of a dull coat. I would leave the floors shiny though. Again, just my preference.
  9. Thanks all for the kind words. I totally understand where you are coming from on this. In the wrong forum with the wrong audience my topic title could be considered offensive. However, I don't think it is in this particular forum. After all, my comment concerns a little metal representation of a non existent man living in a fantasy world concocted by some talented writers. Of course there are always lines that can be drawn about what is and is not offensive (I will refrain from giving examples). Anyway, I am sure that if I cross that line, the mods will let me know. Cheers. -Glen. PS: My grammar probably offends plenty of people....they are just too kind to point it out? *wink*
  10. Greetings all. Just finished him tonight. Fairly straight forward compared to the Peachkeeper. His pants did change colors several times before I settled on blue. Any comments are always welcome.
  11. Very nice. In fact...I bet they are allot better looking than the pictures show. My only comment is that the basing is a little bland compared to the great paint jobs on the figs.
  12. Thanks. For my gold. -Prime black. -Base with Tamiya TS-21 Gold (out of a spray can). -Black wash with Quickshade "Dark Tone". -Highlight with GW "Shinning Gold". -Final Highlight with Vallejo "Polished Gold". For the Silver -Prime black. -Base with GW "Chainmail" -Black wash with Quickshade "Dark Tone". -Highlight with GW "Chainmail". -Final Highlight with GW Mithril Silver. Sure thing. Some more of my Hoffman list.
  13. Greetings all. Plodding my way through a Hoffman construct list. This was definitely one of the more challenging Malifaux minis I have put together. 10 pins all told! Little bugger is pretty solid now though. Any comments are always welcome.
  14. I would give "The Army Painter" dip a try. Sounds like you want a large volume of product. The tubs can fit most minis and if used carefully....well I have dipped entire WFB armies from one tub. I treat the dip more like an intermediate step and add highlights and shading after the dip is applied. I don't think straight dipping delivers that nice of results. Some of my dipped stuff if you are interested. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b219/Leiferaxe/Groupcopy-1.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b219/Leiferaxe/Conscopy.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b219/Leiferaxe/skel.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b219/Leiferaxe/Cart2.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b219/Leiferaxe/Vampsdone.jpg
  15. Greetings all. Working through my Hoffman list. My Guardian arrived with on badly miscast hip joint. I used a 15mm Sherman bogie as a replacement. The Guardian isn't really symmetrical anyway. =) Any comments are always welcome.
  16. Thanks all. Hmmm maybe my original post sounded like I was bragging.... I did put in a ton of effort to get these done on time. I just see some things I should have slowed down on (skin tones and hair).
  17. Bombed through my first crew for a demo of Malifaux this Saturday. I probably should have spent more time on them....but hate playing with unpainted figs. Anyway, I started assembly last Friday evening and with a couple of hours a night managed to get them all done in a little less than a week. Going to spend some more time on my Criid crew. Any comments are always welcome.
  18. Beautifully executed skin on the legs. The rest is till pretty good......but those legs are amazing.
  19. Thanks all. I use black, white, and grey primer depending on what colors I am using on the mini. I am hoping for a fairly vibrant finish on the colors for my Guild crew.
  20. Well done for your first mini. I have been painting for many year......but I am sure my first attempts were much worse than this.
  21. Greetings all. Changed things up and started working on the Malifaux I found under the tree. I am new to Malifaux...I found the minis nice and easy to paint with crisp and well defined details. Kinda fun to paint actually. One down and four to go. Any comments (good or bad) are always welcome.
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