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Everything posted by Sybaris

  1. I must say i am extremely pleased to see that Nekima finally gets her spot as a leader. I've been waiting for this since 1st edition! As a side note, my wife wholeheartedly agrees that there was too many conditions to remember.
  2. I've downloaded everything avaialble and even went on to get the cards printed out. There are a few things missing though...We need Tokens to play with the new characters, and the purity token as well. Could these be put into a printable format somewhere? Thanks.
  3. There's quite a bit of useful information on that website, it'd be a shame to loose it. I think it's a great help for new players who want help to choose what to buy. The open aspect of it helps alot as well, so that people who know particular models are able to impart their knowledge without burdening a single editor with so many updates. There's still time to do something about it, but i think it's time to discuss what can be done before it's too late.
  4. My experience has made me appreciate the Mature a "nuclear flank opener" to allow for tots to score schemes. Its ability to kill scheme runners in one hit reliably, and overpower most minions (especially those who typically love eating tots) has made good work in my games, but it is not a beater to be thrown into the middle of the fray. It's very mobile for such a piece and requires absolutely no support to do its job: It just can't afford to face a master or the more potent henchmen with SS useage. But when the opponent has to deal with both Lilith and Nekima as well, the Mature participate in a form of high threat saturation that is difficult to deal with.
  5. Pandora and Titania will love Nekima, i can't comment on the others as i don't play them. I see Hannah more of a supporting piece , while Nekima is the opposite and is often the one requiring support in order to survive until her job is done.
  6. I like the fact that The Queen's champion can be anyone, it tells a bit of Titania's power when she can make anyone that much deadlier on a whim. It also allow a broader range of models to play with the upgrade. As for Nekima, i think it's a strong combo, but not over the top for all the complication of getting it going and the total cost of this duo. It is also very fluffy considering the events of the last book. Gorar, Angel Eyes, Young Nephilim could use some help. Illuminated could get toned down imho, to me they seem to be far more effective than anything i can field at that cost when it comes to combat...but i don't have enough game experience with them to know for sure.
  7. @-Loki- Personally, I could get behind a rule clean up, but that's about it.
  8. Has there been any official discussion of M3 or is this more or less speculation/brainstorming. Is this edition in such need of a clean up already?
  9. I echo the thanks here. Now there's something of an illusion in size. Keep in mind that the original (metal) Nekima is standing on a stone with the included base insert. That gives her additional height. Another aspect of the model is the very large wings that are spread flat and out. The new alternate Nekima is sort of bent over forward. She is looking down on something right in front of her (logically, an HT2 model). This reduces the model's effective height. Her wings are also folded inward, but the model itself feels thicker. If you look at the pictures i've posted compared to the one above, i've picked a base that would change her stance from looking down, to looking forward, and that allowed me to switch in the old sword. But in any way, the great part of this is that people can choose the one they prefer.
  10. @Da GitHi, sorry to be late here...been too busy these days. In any case, Gmort's blog has what you seek, if you haven't found your way there already. http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.ca/2017/09/unboxing-malifaux-alternate-nekima.html After some time, the new alternate Nekima fits the bill entirely in my opinion. It does scream for a decent base though, and the sword is one area of debate that has been going on, but that's not major in any way like the previous scale issues. Edit, as for the base, it comes from a line called Dark Age Groundwerks. Might be some other name it goes by too but i found them that way.
  11. I guess it's not possible, but i could find alot of use of this on my pc rather than a phone...here's a small request for a port to pc for this app, which i would appreciate immensely.
  12. It's actually the case according to the fluff (Twisted Fates p.220). Tuco was captured and brought into Nekima's fortress and he was slowly turned into a Nephilim by her through torture and blood magic. He is the first hybrid that we could read of as far as i know...quite interesting how things developped.
  13. Along with the rest of the hybrids, Tuco doesn't stand out of the lot. He's not bad, but given the options we have at that SS range, he doesn't have that much to design a tactic for him, nor does the bell ring clearly with the current masters we have. There's almost always another model we kind of "need" at that point for whatever we aim to achieve, and so Tuco takes the bench once again.
  14. I agree that the hybrid line is currently suffering. Angel Eyes, Scion, Wretches...basically the components of the starter set. While they are all mercenaries, i don't think anyone will pay extra to bring those to the table...so they really are NB models, and face a lot of competition for their costs within the faction. We can add Tuco to this, to some extent. Neverborn are glass canons for the most part and we pay a high price for it, so going first is often more critical for them than the resilient crews; the doppleganger makes sense in that context. I suspect i'll suffer alot vs Perdita's +2 initiative upgrade.
  15. I'd love the Young Nephilim to slightly more desireable, so that you actually want the tots to grow, or perhaps even hire one from the start. The reason i hire youngs since a long time is simply for fluff reason. It might also explain why i never really made efforts to grow my forces at all.
  16. The model benefits from a custom base like few others i have seen. My switch-out of the sword made it necessary, too.
  17. Thank you, hope it might encourage others to switch to this alternate model.
  18. Finished converting one of the new alternate Nekima with the old Metal's sword. Kept the guard as the original one was too big for this new iteration. It's borderline too long, but i think it still fits considering the old story which depicted it as such (Sonnia's story from M1E iirc). At the very least it goes well with the pose that shows Nekima as gathering strenght for a strike. It completely dwarfs the Mini-kima models with the base addition. Overall i am satisfied and with proper green stuff and paint work, it'll effectively replace the old metal one. The sword required cutting and filing work, but apart from that it's an easy operation. Pictures are a bit shadowy, there wasn't much light to work with this morning.
  19. Rah they were back order on Gen Con sales. They look good enough to add on.
  20. Not going to spoil anything, but the new book does shed some light on what might to happen with that pair of sisters.
  21. As stated previously, i'd be keen to see the result of a genderswap on the twins. I've never liked the Lelu models myself (both metal and current), and the lilitu didn't change that much in transition from metal to plastic. They have the benefit of being interesting for many masters at once (broaden sales to more NB players, possibly).
  22. Lilith or Titania would be great to see an alt of. Lilith, i kind of agree that she always looked too human for my tastes. Sure she can take on a human form to infiltrate and cause chaos, but in front of her subjects...it feels weird to look like the enemy (reminds me of the "human" Cylons in Battlestar Galactica). While i can see that part of her is along the lines of the forest (she always had a line of abilities and her avatar form related to nature), i feel that it's too close to Titania nowadays...i.e. they sort of overlap in some way when it comes to the wild. Lile the Waldegeist...they really blend in too well with titania's knights by now. A more queenly Titania would be great, too (armored or majestic, just more regal).
  23. lol that grootslang is huge, and so are Cyclops. What HT are they btw? But i am impressed by Nekima, it's spot on. She is lowering herself too, so no problem with the size and all (with a suitable base it'll reach HT3) Since the times i am whining about it, i am soooo happy that this character gets a great model, finally!
  24. As for base ideas, autumn leaves on the ground are a given and maybe a tree with a few dead ones still on it would fit best with her theme. She is the autumn queen after all. The theme would extend to her knights, depending on the season they represent.
  25. Has anyone been able to snatch a new Nekima from Wyrd at Gen Con? Can't wait to see a size comparison with the plastics.
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